Blogger Lift discussion

YA Blogs > YA Blogs

Comments Showing 101-150 of 175 (175 new)    post a comment »

message 101: by Ashley (new)

Ashley Knapp | 22 comments i am a YA bloggery.
Ashley @ Nooks of Books Reviews

message 102: by Liz (new)

Liz (lizg13) I recently started a book blog with a bunch of fangirls.

We are a group of fangirls who blog about bookish things. Check it out! If you like it, a follow would be much appreciated. :) And we'd follow you back, of course.

message 103: by Rachel (new)

Rachel R. (My Book Empire) (Rachel_R) | 5 comments Here's the blog of my friend and I:

Hope you'll all stop by! :)

Please tell me if you followed so I can follow you back. :)

message 104: by Erica (new)

Erica (Reading Kitten) I just started my YA blog! Please leave a message if you followed, so I can follow you back :).

message 105: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie (chasmofbooks) Here's my primarily YA blog. Hope you like it!

message 106: by Jeanette (new)

Jeanette (goodreadscomlifeandliterature) | 35 comments Adventures of Life and Literature


YA reviews, writing tips, poetry, and silly randomness

message 107: by Kelly (new)

Kelly | 32 comments My blog isn't strictly YA, but it primarily is.

For critical reviews, check out PaperFantasies.

message 108: by Mary (new)

Mary (knoxdiver) | 160 comments YA/MG/NA reviews, plus giveaways, weekly lists of different trends in ya, and author event recaps.

Mary Had a Little Book Blog

message 109: by Eveline (new)

Eveline My YA Book Blog:

Eveline's Books

My blog is relatively new and I mostly post reviews of YA dystopian and paranormal books:)

message 110: by Holly (new)

Holly  (skizzles22hju) | 392 comments I love to read, review, and recommend good YA books to people. :)
Check out my blog if you get the chance:

message 111: by Yuzhu (new)

Yuzhu (fuzzywuzzy24) | 16 comments Hi! I recently started a blog called An Endless Stream of Words. I've love for everyone to check it out, and if you like it, to please follow! :) Thanks!


message 112: by Estelle (last edited Jul 16, 2013 11:34PM) (new)

Estelle (letoile19) | 33 comments Name Of Your Blog: Reading in the Dark

Description of your Blog: Book reviews of mostly YA fiction, with emphasis on speculative fiction!

message 113: by Kaina (new)

Kaina (kainal) Hey guys! My names Kaina and I have a YA book review blog :)

message 114: by [deleted user] (new)

Hi I am new to the blogging world and I will follow anyone who follows me! Check me out! :)

message 115: by [deleted user] (new)

I have a blog that focuses on YA novels where I write my opinions and reviews. Check it out :D
If anyone follows just let me know and I'll follow you back :)

message 116: by Sibella (new)

Sibella | 157 comments Hi everybody! I have a YA review blog that will review basically any genre. I do some memes like Top Ten Tuesdays sometimes.

If you decide you want to make my day, my blog is here!

message 117: by AnQi (new)

AnQi (anqiyu) Followed everyone who posted today. :D

I'd love it if y'all could stop by! Thanks!

message 118: by Rachel (new)

Rachel (starjoy899) | 28 comments Hi! I was wondering if you could read my blog.

It's about YA books.

message 119: by [deleted user] (new)

Hi Elle,

I like your blog but might I suggest that you add GFC and/or Bloglovin' for followers. I see you have follow by email but it's kind cut off at the bottom.

I would like to follow your blog as you review books I'm interested in. Check out my blog.

Elle wrote: "Hi! I was wondering if you could read my blog.

It's about YA books."

message 120: by Patrick (new)

Patrick (patrick_castro) Here's my blog: The Bookshelves! It's everything YA and always a little more :)
I also follow back!

message 121: by Jojobean (new)

Jojobean I have followed everyone so far.

Please follow back :D


message 122: by RaineyDayReader (new)

RaineyDayReader (rena4) | 4 comments Hello everyone...I just started blogging again after a little over a year....I'm looking for some new blog followers as I'm not sure the followers I have are even still interested in reading....and as they were follow for follow they don't really post much anymore either. Here is a link to my blog....
I'll follow anyone who follows me... Thank you!

message 123: by Mollie! (new)

Mollie! (martygee) Just posted a new review on my blog, Bookdictive Reviews! I'd love some more followers--I'd really appreciate if you leave me a comment on a review, then I can find you and follow you back. If not, followers are just greatly appreciated, but I really love feedback. I'm trying to get to 100 before launching a giveaway featuring author Anna Banks, of the Of Poseidon series. I'm also doing a cover reveal this week, so please stop by!

message 124: by Rhaine (new)

Rhaine I've started book blogging, recently, and I'm looking forward to meeting other ya bloggers. You can find me at A Bookish Wonderland. I'd really appreciate if if you left me a comment or choose to follow - if you do follow me, let me know and I'll follow you back!

message 125: by Katarina (new)

Katarina | 4 comments

I started blogging in July, which is a few months after my 13th birthday. So, I am a 13 year old girl blogging about books ! It would be much appreciated for you to take the time to look at my blog, leave a comment, and/or follow it ! Thanks everybody !

message 126: by Emily (new)

Emily (elp2012) http://followtheyellowbookrd.blogspot... I read and review mostly YA and NA

message 127: by Ravenous (new)

Ravenous Biblioworm | 26 comments Hello all!

I am working on getting a comprehensive Young Adult genre guide. I post about random things (though always about YA stuff). My biggest focus is my genre guide.

Visit me & follow me @ The Young Adult Book Guide

Elle (Lost in Wonderland) | 67 comments I would love if you could follow me. I run a YA book blog here

I will always follow back, just let me know in a comment, so I can be sure to return the favor :)

message 129: by Caitlyn (new)

Caitlyn Nguyen (caitlynanhthunguyen) | 5 comments Hi guys! I'm new to blogging and I just started a website about book reviews on books for teens. I hope you have time to check it out:)

message 131: by Tris (new)

Tris | 16 comments Here is my relatively new YA blog. Please check it out and follow if you like :) Thanks!

message 132: by Reina Marie (new)

Reina Marie (reina-marie) Check out my YA blog :)

message 134: by Rachel (new)

Rachel (racheyragdoll) | 26 comments Hello I run a blog where I review mostly YA books

I will gladly follow anyone back!

message 135: by Alyxandria (new)

Alyxandria Ang  (alyxandriaang) | 149 comments Following everyone on this thread.

Please follow me back :D
Blog Link here:

Also follow me on facebook:

And possibly on

Thanks for all your support

message 136: by Sheridan (new)

Sheridan (sapphirestone) | 31 comments Hi! I am a new YA/Teen Blogger! Please take a minute to check out my blog, and I wouldn't mind if you followed me! Also, any advice you can give me is GREAT.

Please feel free to friend me on Goodreads as well. I look forward to getting to know all of you!

Blog Link: (you can follow me through Google or Bloglovin!!!)

message 137: by Samantha (new)

Samantha Hakes | 1 comments Hello I have just started my blog. I have already done a book review and a top summer reads list, and will be doing young adult book reviews along with many other things.
I would love it if you could check it out thankyou

message 138: by Lina (new)

Lina (linaslibraryx) Hi! I recently just started my blog, Sassy and Dangerous, a book blog, but I also talk about other things. Please feel free to comment and maybe even follow :)

 photo sassybutton2.jpg

message 139: by Erin Lynn (new)

message 140: by Marcilia (new)

Marcilia | 46 comments You can follow us via Bloglovin, Facebook, twitter etc. go to

†Reviews of a FearStreetZombie† (fearstreetzombie) | 137 comments
Reviews of a FearStreetZombie
I write mainly YA reviews. but from time to time I write reviews for New Adult books.

message 142: by Angelique (new)

Angelique The Gilded Pages (khaleesiang) | 12 comments Hi everyone, I blog over at

If you follow me, reply back here so I can follow you too. :)

message 143: by Rachel (new)

Rachel (racheyragdoll) | 26 comments Http://

Mostly YA but occasionally some children and adult books too. However adult books are extremely rare

message 144: by Claire (new)

Claire (ccovertocover) | 17 comments Cover to Cover
My blog is Cover to Cover. There, you can easily find and access mostly YA book reviews as well as weekly memes and special features.

message 145: by Lauren (new)

Lauren (dutchlauren) My blog: Lauren Reads YA

Almost exclusively YA, lots of visual things like GIFs and book photography. :)

message 146: by Aj (new)

Aj Sterkel Hi,

Here is my blog: I do a lot of YA reviews. I also love to read and comment on blogs, so I will follow back anybody who follows me on Bloglovin’:

message 147: by Alex (last edited Aug 25, 2015 05:22PM) (new)

Alex (koranika) Heya!! I'm Skye (aka Koranika) and I have a YA book blog where I also do movie reviews and discussion questions!

Follow me!:

message 148: by Universo (new)

Universo Romantica (universojuvenilromantica) | 1 comments Hi! My blog is
If you comment I will answer you ❤️

Zara (Foxing Pages) (latishazahrah) | 23 comments Foxing Pages

sooo I just started a YA book blog, i'll review books and movie adaptations :) mind checking it out? tell me what you think!

message 150: by Sinead (new)

Sinead I mainly review YA books but if I've read a book I really enjoyed that's New Adult (such as J Lynn's books, for example), then I'll add them too.

My latests book review This Shattered World by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner :

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