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A Deadly Education
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by Naomi Novik (Goodreads Author)
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The Rebel Witch
M is currently reading
by Kristen Ciccarelli (Goodreads Author)
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Susan Ee
“If I were I human, I'd plow the nicest farm for you.”
Susan Ee, End of Days

Jennifer Donnelly
“The truth costs.
Lies cost more.”
Jennifer Donnelly, These Shallow Graves

Elizabeth Norris
“Lives are made of strings of moments, and every once in a while, one of those moments is pivotal and defining. It changes everything, alters you so completely that when you look back, there’s a clear before and after”
Elizabeth Norris, Unraveling

Gretchen McNeil
“How much time had she wasted living in fear? Living for others? How much of her life would she continue to let slip away without enjoying a single moment?
That ended. Here and now.”
Gretchen McNeil, Ten

Jennifer Donnelly
“Her fear was strong, but her need for the truth was stronger.”
Jennifer Donnelly, These Shallow Graves

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