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Fourth Comings
Daniella is currently reading
by Megan McCafferty (Goodreads Author)
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  (page 34 of 310)
""I'm so tired of being scrutinized through your goddamn third eye!" I'm obsessed with how this lady writes I stg" Jun 23, 2017 06:07AM

Harry Potter and ...
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  (page 9 of 435)
"Books become pretentious when authors try to jam a bunch of outrageous, "clever" sentences into one paragraph.
Meanwhile JK Rowling can use "very nice" as an adjective and have it sound perfect in her simple little whimsical sentence."
Jun 06, 2017 11:34AM

133822 Contemporary Lovers — 912 members — last activity Feb 05, 2018 07:26AM
MARCH AND APRIL PICK: Outlander by Diana Gabaldon The Contemporary Lovers Group is where Book Tubers and Readers of the contemporary genre come toget ...more
178320 read with Marines — 185 members — last activity Aug 31, 2017 06:55AM
Hello friends! My name is Marines and I have a little YouTube channel where I talk about books. I love critical reading and bookish discussions and th ...more
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