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Hurricane Season
Kinga is currently reading
by Fernanda Melchor (Goodreads Author)
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Drobiazg. Miłość ...
Kinga is currently reading
by Markéta Baňková (Goodreads Author)
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Something About You
Kinga is currently reading
by Julie James (Goodreads Author)
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Chris Kraus
“There were some low moments out there on the road tonight—abandonment and what’s the point?—but then I pulled in a radio station from Albuquerque playing historical rap and breakdance circa 1982. Kurtis Blow and disco synthesizers made me feel like I could drive all night.”
Chris Kraus, I Love Dick

John Mortimer
“In the middle of the swinging sixties people in England were apparently under some sort of obligation to have a good time and most of them didn't. A Russian and an American walked about in space to no one's particular advantage. The Beatles received their British Empire medals and, so it was said, smoked cannabis in the lavatories at Buckingham Palace. American aeroplanes were bombing Vietnam, but no one seemed to talk about the nuclear holocaust any more.”
John Mortimer, Paradise Postponed

Irwin Shaw
“There are too many books I haven’t read, too many places I haven’t seen, too many memories I haven’t kept long enough.”
Irwin Shaw

John Mortimer
“Alfie Dawlish. Invented all sorts of imaginary ailments for the family at the Manor so he could rob them and treat the village for nothing. It was his primitive version of the Health Service”
John Mortimer, Paradise Postponed

John Mortimer
“What on earth was Henry talking about?'
'His soul. I wonder where he keeps it.”
John Mortimer, Paradise Postponed
tags: soul

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