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The Mayor of Noob...
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Book cover for Influenced (Influencing Trilogy  #3)
That is what people do. They forget. They move on to the next big thing. They attach themselves to the next hot topic. They align themselves with the next shooting star.
“But the past isn’t the future. It has to pass through the present first, and this present… it’s a magical thing.”
Noret Flood, The Legend of Randidly Ghosthound 10

“What is Minaga? Good question, Minaga is Minaga and a fanatic when it comes to making dungeons.”
Zogarth, The Primal Hunter 11

“As the saying goes: go big or die ten times in the attempt and be forced to go home.”
Zogarth, The Primal Hunter 11

“A leader’s job isn’t to invent the dream for each person, but to dream of a world where the small dreams of the common man have room to grow.”
Noret Flood, The Legend of Randidly Ghosthound 7

“Jake’s money was on Minaga having been the one to approve the dating dungeon.”
Zogarth, The Primal Hunter 11

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