Candace Townsend

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The Housemaid's S...
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Book cover for Hunting Adeline (Cat and Mouse, #2)
But the pain barely registers when it’s so fucking loud inside my head. It’s clouded with fury, and every goddamn organ in my body feels as if they’re in a blender.
H.D. Carlton
“You need space from me while wanting to be close. Sounds like a marriage,” I deadpan.”
H.D. Carlton, Haunting Adeline

Clarissa Wild
“For all the book sluts who crave to be chased by masked villains with a 10″ D… Open wide.”
Clarissa Wild, Vile Boys

1211439 Romance Addicts 😫📚🔥 — 5791 members — last activity 4 hours, 32 min ago
This group is for people who are obsessed with romance, smut, any romance. Have fun, my loves! Also, please invite your friends!! 🫶🫶🫶🫶
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