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(page 272 of 369)
"Trust me...i dont want to finish this. It's all too much for me....the emotion rollercoaster" — Mar 29, 2016 08:37AM
"Trust me...i dont want to finish this. It's all too much for me....the emotion rollercoaster" — Mar 29, 2016 08:37AM
Welcome to Some Like It Hot!, a group for those of us who love to read and write romantic fiction. This group is a safe environment, where readers c ...more
“Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put bac ...more
This group is for everyone to share their love of New Adult fiction - the rapidly growing catagory for books that have the same coming of age feel as ...more
Read, Review, and Make ConnectionsA This is a place for Authors, Bloggers, Publishers, Reviewers, Book Tours, Giveaways, and Interviews to make connec ...more
A very friendly group dedicated to YA & NA Romance! Anyone interested in YA Romance & NA Romance is welcome to join! This includes readers and autho ...more
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