Mike (the Paladin)

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Empire of Silence
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Mike (the Paladin) Mike (the Paladin) said: " I'm sorry about not getting back to this as soon s I said I would. Sadly I pretty much slowly lost most interest in the book I has an interesting (if not new) premise. The problem was that while the experiences of our disowned prince are fairly absor ...more "

The Path of Thorns
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Cut and Run
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“I think that you can't start to pick apart anything out of the Bill of Rights without thinking that it's all going to become undone, if you take one out or change one law, then why wouldn't they take all your rights away from you?”
Bruce Willis

John Wayne
“A man oughta do what he thinks is best.”
John Wayne
tags: hondo

“You get hurt, hurt ’em back. You get killed, walk it off.”
Joss Whedon

Graeme Rodaughan
“The oppression we all face is guarded by what we are unwilling to question.”
Graeme Rodaughan, The Dragon's Den

Jana Petken
“I know some in the family disagree with my views, but my views are who I am, what I am. You have never told me to change them; you are not guilty of that crime. I, on the other hand, am at fault for shutting you out of my life because I did not accept that you too have your views, which make you different from me, but nonetheless still family, still loved.”
Jana Petken, The Guardian of Secrets

35160 Fantasy Aficionados — 2478 members — last activity Jan 05, 2025 12:57AM
This is a place for lovers of all types of fantasy literature and culture. Here, you can discuss your favorite books, authors, and series. There is pl ...more
53121 Action/Adventure Aficionados — 1836 members — last activity 5 hours, 24 min ago
If you enjoy reading pulse-pounding, high octane action and adventure novels, this is the group for you. We discuss books from authors such as Lee Chi ...more
66854 Dare to Dream — 272 members — last activity Feb 28, 2025 11:49PM
Winter Reading Challenge: December 3- February 28 A group of fun and sharing. This is a place where you can relax and make yourself at home. Believe, ...more
120232 Flights of Fantasy — 1225 members — last activity Oct 09, 2024 01:34PM
Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Horror, and YA/MG. We reads it. As a group, we seek to read BotM that are a little off the beaten paths. We love the Gaimans, Sande ...more
1865 SciFi and Fantasy Book Club — 39697 members — last activity 3 hours, 49 min ago
Hi there! SFFBC is a welcoming place for readers to share their love of speculative fiction through group reads, buddy reads, challenges, ...more
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