Slender man

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Vampire Vacation
Slender man is currently reading
by C.J. Ellisson (Goodreads Author)
bookshelves: currently-reading
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"Really good book lot of mystery,intercourse,and lots of people in clans." Mar 06, 2015 04:28AM

Slaves Of The Cop...
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"Very good book need to read if your 18 or older. P.S. get the second book :)" Mar 05, 2015 04:58AM

The God Decrees
Slender man is currently reading
by Mark E. Cooper (Goodreads Author)
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See all 9 books that Slender man is reading…
“Then I got my shock. I spotted Bartro’s daughter reclining on a divan. But her feet were resting on the back of a naked slave-girl.”
Morris Kenyon, Slaves Of The Copper Coast

“Brought it down. Hard. There was a loud crack followed a split second later by a howl of pure animal agony.”
Morris Kenyon, Slaves Of The Copper Coast

“A real blue-steeler boner”
Morris Kenyon, Slaves Of The Copper Coast

“Enjoyed watching the quivers running through her flesh.”
Morris Kenyon, Slaves Of The Copper Coast

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