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Secession on Tria...
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“Vladimir Lenin made it clear that the true goal of socialism is communism. He would know better than most of us.”
Kathy Barnette, Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain: Being Black and Conservative in America

Thomas Sowell
“In short, honesty is more than a moral principle. It is also a major economic factor. While government can do little to create honesty directly, in various ways it can indirectly either support or undermine the traditions on which honest conduct is based. This it can do by what it teaches in its schools, by the examples set by public officials, or by the laws that it passes. These laws can create incentives toward either moral or immoral conduct. Where laws create a situation in which the only way to avoid ruinous losses is by violating the law, the government is in effect reducing public respect for laws in general, as well as rewarding specific dishonest behavior.”
Thomas Sowell, Basic Economics: A Common Sense Guide to the Economy

Herman Melville
“But truth is like a thrashing-machine; tender sensibilities must keep out of the way.”
Herman Melville, The Confidence-Man

“What do we learn from all of this? COVID-19 is a disease that makes some people sick, proves fatal to a few, and does nothing to the rest. Like any annual flu.”
Karina Reiss, Corona, False Alarm?: Facts and Figures

“That you are the single person in the world who makes me more than what everyone else sees: that you created me, that in your mind lives the person I wish to be.”
Daniel Mason, A Far Country

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