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made-me-grin-like-a-lovesick-fool (171)
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books-read-in-2014 (161)
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(page 225 of 853)
"Thank goodness for https://www.reddit.com/r/ayearofmiddl...
It is really helping me better understand all the plots and characters in this book! Sometime the internet is a wonderful place" — Jul 02, 2024 03:40AM
"Thank goodness for https://www.reddit.com/r/ayearofmiddl...
It is really helping me better understand all the plots and characters in this book! Sometime the internet is a wonderful place" — Jul 02, 2024 03:40AM
“believe that God protects me from nothing but sustains me in everything.”
― Barking to the Choir: The Power of Radical Kinship
― Barking to the Choir: The Power of Radical Kinship
“And I say a final last prayer, this one in gratitude that there are people in the world who will protect kids with a fire that makes them sprint after cars, fight systems, curse with rage. It's enough to make you believe. Maybe not in symbols; maybe not in gods. But certainly in people.”
― The Names They Gave Us
― The Names They Gave Us
“My heart isn't breaking because I can't have you."
"Don't say that. I saw the way you were looking at me just now. We can quibble over the precise words to use. But don't tell me I haven't hurt you."
"My heart's not breaking because I can't have you," he insisted. "It's breaking because you think you're a hard thing, because you imagine that what I see in you is an illusion. It isn't.”
― The Countess Conspiracy
"Don't say that. I saw the way you were looking at me just now. We can quibble over the precise words to use. But don't tell me I haven't hurt you."
"My heart's not breaking because I can't have you," he insisted. "It's breaking because you think you're a hard thing, because you imagine that what I see in you is an illusion. It isn't.”
― The Countess Conspiracy
“I remember these things clearly because that was how my mother loved you, not through white lies and constant verbal affirmation, but in subtle observations of what brought you joy, pocketed away to make you feel comforted and cared for without even realizing it. She remembered if you liked your stews with extra broth, if you were sensitive to spice, if you hated tomatoes, if you didn't eat seafood, if you had a large appetite. She remembered which banchan side dish you emptied first so the next time you were over it'd be set with a heaping double portion, served alongside the various other preferences that made you, you.”
― Crying in H Mart
― Crying in H Mart
“The library is a whispering post. You don't need to take a book off a shelf to know there is a voice inside that is waiting to speak to you, and behind that was someone who truly believed that if he or she spoke, someone would listen. It was that affirmation that always amazed me. Even the oddest, most peculiar book was written with that kind of courage -- the writer's belief that someone would find his or her book important to read. I was struck by how precious and foolish and brave that belief is, and how necessary, and how full of hope it is to collect these books and manuscripts and preserve them. It declares that stories matter, and so does every effort to create something that connects us to one another, and to our past, and to what is still to come.”
― The Library Book
― The Library Book
A group devoted to completing (to whatever extent you desire) Seattle Public Library's Romance Genres Check List Google Doc link to the checklist (Th ...more
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