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Angela’s Ashes
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Don't Let Go
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by Harlan Coben (Goodreads Author)
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Casey is currently reading
by Harlan Coben (Goodreads Author)
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Stephen        King
“Speech destroys the functions of love, I think—that’s a hell of a thing for a writer to say, I guess, but I believe it to be true. If you speak to tell a deer you mean it no harm, it glides away with a single flip of its tail. The word is the harm. Love isn’t what these asshole poets like McKuen want you to think it is. Love has teeth; they bite; the wounds never close. No word, no combination of words, can close those lovebites. It’s the other way around, that’s the joke. If those wounds dry up, the words die with them. Take it from me. I’ve made my life from the words, and I know that is so.”
Stephen King, Different Seasons

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