Zian B.
Zian B.
is currently reading
(page 450 of 494)
"I love that despite everything they’ve gone through, Nina trusts Matthias enough to stop her if things go horribly wrong with her." — Oct 04, 2021 06:50PM
"I love that despite everything they’ve gone through, Nina trusts Matthias enough to stop her if things go horribly wrong with her." — Oct 04, 2021 06:50PM
“Nice socks.”
― Unwind
― Unwind
“Better terrible truths than kind lies.”
― Six of Crows
― Six of Crows
Zian’s 2024 Year in Books
Take a look at Zian’s Year in Books, including some fun facts about their reading.
Favorite Genres
Art, Comics, Fantasy, Fiction, Gay and Lesbian, Graphic novels, Manga, Romance, Self help, Spirituality, and Young-adult
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