Zian B.

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Zian B. is currently reading
by Neal Shusterman (Goodreads Author)
Reading for the 2nd time
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  (page 239 of 372)
"Connor was so close! ;~;" Sep 07, 2019 04:55AM

Six of Crows
Zian B. is currently reading
by Leigh Bardugo (Goodreads Author)
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  (page 450 of 494)
"I love that despite everything they’ve gone through, Nina trusts Matthias enough to stop her if things go horribly wrong with her." Oct 04, 2021 06:50PM

Neal Shusterman
“Nice socks.”
Neal Shusterman, Unwind

Leigh Bardugo
“Better terrible truths than kind lies.”
Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows

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