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Before the Coffee...
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Onyx Storm
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by Rebecca Yarros (Goodreads Author)
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Moms on Call | Ba...
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675 Unconventional Greats — 64 members — last activity Sep 25, 2012 06:48PM
This is a group for those of us who love great writing but aren't enamored of "The Classics". You know - Steinbeck, Hemingway, Poe, Hawthorne, Orwell, ...more
25x33 The Random Person's Book Club — 126 members — last activity Jul 29, 2013 02:38PM
Come meet other random people, talk about books you've read, you would like to read, and books you think other people might like! ...more
185 What's the Name of That Book??? — 114940 members — last activity 22 minutes ago
Can't remember the title of a book you read? Come search our bookshelves and discussion posts. If you don’t find it there, post a description on our U ...more
19227 Bryn Mawr College — 50 members — last activity Jan 02, 2013 09:00PM
Students & alumnae; the bibliophiles among us. ...more
25x33 Ologites — 73 members — last activity Apr 29, 2020 12:16AM
A meeting place for Ologites
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year in books
977 books | 38 friends

448 books | 51 friends

Alex So...
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918 books | 195 friends

152 books | 8 friends

98 books | 25 friends

0 books | 9 friends

55 books | 1 friend

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