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The Boyfriend Goal
Emily is currently reading
by Lauren Blakely (Goodreads Author)
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The Neighbor War
Emily is currently reading
by Katie Bailey (Goodreads Author)
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The Wrong Mr. Right
Emily is currently reading
by Stephanie Archer (Goodreads Author)
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25x33 The Somewhat Smutty Book Club — 7 members — last activity Dec 01, 2008 12:38AM
We are fabulous ladies who enjoy reading, drinking wine, snacking on finger foods and discussing the current book of the month with each other.
45115 Q&A With Megan McCafferty — 71 members — last activity May 07, 2011 04:50AM
Megan McCafferty is the bestselling author of the Jessica Darling series and BUMPED, a satirical dystopian novel set in a world in which only teens ca ...more
80064 Ask Marisa de los Santos - October 16, 2012 — 129 members — last activity Oct 16, 2012 11:32PM
Join us on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 for a special discussion with New York Times Bestselling author, Marisa de los Santos. Marisa will be discussing ...more
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