Nana Spark’s Reviews > Divergent > Status Update

Nana Spark
Nana Spark is 80% done
Alright I'm out. ✌
Jun 14, 2018 07:29PM
Divergent (Divergent, #1)


Nana’s Previous Updates

Nana Spark
Nana Spark is 11% done
Low key conflicted about this. On one hand I think the symbolic faction stuff is dumb and paints everyone's emotions and feelings as black and white. And on the other hand, I think the writing is alright, the main character isnt as hollow as I thought she was, and plot is moving along so nicely that one may just call it a page turner. Hmm... Do I dare say that I'm having fun reading this or am I hyping up the jinx?
Jul 30, 2022 07:48PM
Divergent (Divergent, #1)

Nana Spark
Nana Spark is 68% done
Any potential this plot had is slowly fading away into oblivion. sigh
Jun 14, 2018 06:38PM
Divergent (Divergent, #1)

Nana Spark
Nana Spark is 52% done
Jun 14, 2018 02:21PM
Divergent (Divergent, #1)

Nana Spark
Nana Spark is 47% done
If this turns into a love triangle or "the jealous but good love interest turns bad" plot cliche, I'm gonna be pissed.
Jun 14, 2018 11:34AM
Divergent (Divergent, #1)

Nana Spark
Nana Spark is 39% done
Shit is getting a lot darker than anticipated.
Jun 12, 2018 11:43AM
Divergent (Divergent, #1)

Nana Spark
Nana Spark is 29% done
Tris is out here with a death wish and for some reason I like it.
Jun 11, 2018 06:16PM
Divergent (Divergent, #1)

Nana Spark
Nana Spark is 22% done
I nominate Al as a potential love interest. Whose with me?! ✊
Jun 09, 2018 04:27PM
Divergent (Divergent, #1)

Nana Spark
Nana Spark is 15% done
If Leader Eric could fuck off that would be great. 😁👍
Jun 09, 2018 04:07AM
Divergent (Divergent, #1)

Nana Spark
Nana Spark is 2% done
Ehhhhhhhh.... I don't know... Maybe I'm judging too much just on the first chapter, but this feels kind of like the first chapter of Furyborn. Not in the tone, writing, or plot, just the feeling of: "Should I care? 🤔" But I waited a week for this library book so I'll push through.
Jun 05, 2018 04:14PM
Divergent (Divergent, #1)

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