Auntee’s Reviews > Devil in Winter > Status Update

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Ivo Jenner! How do I know that name?!
Jul 22, 2010 07:09PM
Devil in Winter (Wallflowers, #3)

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Auntee is finished
Jul 24, 2010 01:32PM
Devil in Winter (Wallflowers, #3)

Auntee is on page 263 of 368
Sebastian! Oh no...
Jul 24, 2010 06:52AM
Devil in Winter (Wallflowers, #3)

Auntee is on page 181 of 368
Oh boy--3 months of celibacy? Can he/will he do it???
Jul 23, 2010 05:45PM
Devil in Winter (Wallflowers, #3)

Auntee is starting
Show me what you got, St. Vincent!
Jul 22, 2010 05:59PM
Devil in Winter (Wallflowers, #3)

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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Eastofoz He's in Kleypas' earlier book ..... dammit I can't remember the title!!!!

Shawna From Dreaming of You. He ran a gaming hell and was Derek Craven's rival.

Auntee I knew it! Derek Craven! Thanks Shawna--and you too East!

Desperado I LOVED Dreaming of You! Derek was such a badboy hero. Yum.

Catherine Butting in...

I love how LK uses characters from the same world. It's always a nice surprise to turn the page and say, I know him!!!

message 6: by Ally72 (new)

Ally72 How is this book going, Auntee? I can't wait to find out what you think!!!

Auntee I'm warming up to St. Vincent in a big way...:)

message 8: by Laura (new)

Laura Ivo Jenner! I remember him. One of the ladies at the Historical Romance board at Amazon told me he had a daughter who shows up in a later book. Is this the one?

Laura Stamps
Paranormal Erotica Novelist
(witches, vampires, shapeshifters)
(All Kindle & pdf ebooks are $1.99)

Dina Laura, Evie Jenner is one of the Wallflowers, so she shows up in all the books in the series, but this is her book. :)

message 10: by Laura (new)

Laura Thanks, Dina. I am soooo anxious to read this series! I ADORED "The Bow Street Runners" (Sir Ross Cannon OWNS my heart) so I am really looking forward to reading "The Wallflowers" next. I think it's too cool the way LK runs so many of the same characters through her books as well as their children. And the way Auntee is raving about these books as she reads them is making me even more anxious to start this series! lol

Laura Stamps
Paranormal Erotica Novelist
(witches, vampires, shapeshifters)
(All Kindle & pdf ebooks are $1.99)

message 11: by Dina (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dina You won't regret reading these books, Laura. I love them!

message 12: by Ally72 (new)

Ally72 Laura...I think the consensus here is you have to read the Wallflower series! These books are so fabulous and it is one of my very favorite series! I have a feeling you would really like them.

Auntee Laura, I should be all done with the series soon--you think you love Sir Ross--wait until you meet Simon, Marcus, and Sebastian! As you would say--yowza!:)

message 14: by Laura (last edited Jul 23, 2010 11:10PM) (new)

Laura Really, Auntee? I could use a YOWZA. Hard to believe these guys could top Sir Ross. But, hey, I'm totally up for the challenge. ;)

Thanks, Diana and Lady Ally! Okay, here's what I have been told. After "The Bow Street Runners" I need to read the anthology "Where's My Hero" cause the novella "Against All Odds" is in that one, and it's Dr. Linley's story. I loved him in the BSR series so I want to read his HEA. And for some reason I'm thinking it's with Derek Craven's daughter? Is that right?

Then I need to read "Again the Magic" cause that's the stand-alone novel that is the bridge between the two series and the prequel to "The Wallflowers." Is that right?

Laura Stamps
Paranormal Erotica Novelist
(witches, vampires, shapeshifters)
(All Kindle & pdf ebooks are $1.99)

Auntee That's it, Laura!

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