Samantha Wayland

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Samantha Wayland

Goodreads Author

in The United States
September 13




Member Since
June 2010

Samantha Wayland has three great loves in life; her family, writing books, and hockey. She is often found apologizing to the first for how much time and attention is taken up by the latter two, but they forgive her because they are awesome and she clearly doesn’t deserve them.

Sam lives with her family -- of both the two and four-legged variety -- outside of Boston. She is a wicked passionate New Englander (born and raised) who has been known to wax rhapsodic about the Maine Coast, the mountains of New Hampshire and Vermont, and the sensible way in which her local brethren don’t see a need for directional signals (blinkahs!).

Her favorite things include mango martinis, tiny Chihuahuas with big attitude problems, and the Oxford comma.

Average rating: 3.96 · 18,127 ratings · 2,126 reviews · 21 distinct worksSimilar authors
Crashing the Net (Crashing,...

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Home & Away

4.20 avg rating — 2,615 ratings — published 2015 — 3 editions
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Destiny Calls

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Checking It Twice (Crashing...

3.82 avg rating — 1,454 ratings — published 2015
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Poetry in Motion

4.05 avg rating — 1,131 ratings — published 2019 — 3 editions
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Fair Play (Hat Trick, #1)

3.87 avg rating — 982 ratings — published 2013 — 4 editions
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Traded Out

3.83 avg rating — 956 ratings — published 2018 — 4 editions
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Take a Shot

3.77 avg rating — 919 ratings — published 2016 — 2 editions
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End Game (Hat Trick #3)

4.25 avg rating — 787 ratings — published 2014 — 2 editions
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Two Man Advantage (Hat Tric...

4.10 avg rating — 785 ratings — published 2013 — 2 editions
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Crashing the Net Checking It Twice Changing the Rules
(3 books)
3.78 avg rating — 5,529 ratings

Fair Play Two Man Advantage End Game
(3 books)
4.07 avg rating — 2,930 ratings

Quotes by Samantha Wayland  (?)
Quotes are added by the Goodreads community and are not verified by Goodreads. (Learn more)

“And if I catch him staring at your ass one more time, I’m going to punch him in the face.”
Samantha Wayland, Crashing the Net

“He still had all his teeth and he wasn’t on fire. That was something, right?”
Samantha Wayland, Crashing the Net

“Alexei’s hand slid from Mike’s thigh and Mike’s chest went painfully tight. It was hard to breathe. He told himself he’d survive this, too, no matter what happened.”
Samantha Wayland, Crashing the Net

Topics Mentioning This Author

“And if I catch him staring at your ass one more time, I’m going to punch him in the face.”
Samantha Wayland, Crashing the Net

“He still had all his teeth and he wasn’t on fire. That was something, right?”
Samantha Wayland, Crashing the Net

“Alexei’s hand slid from Mike’s thigh and Mike’s chest went painfully tight. It was hard to breathe. He told himself he’d survive this, too, no matter what happened.”
Samantha Wayland, Crashing the Net

“Oh, fuck it. Alexei was weak. Fallible. Only human in the face of being offered what he wanted. So. Damn. Much.”
Samantha Wayland, Crashing the Net

“It may come as a bit of a shock
If given a choice of a helmet or jock
I’d choose that fantastic
Small piece of plastic
That stops pucks from hitting my cock”
Samantha Wayland, Poetry in Motion

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