Doug Saunders

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Doug Saunders

Hamilton, ON, Canada



Doug Saunders (b. 1967) is a Canadian-British author and journalist.

He is the author of the books Arrival City: The Final Migration and Our Next World (2011) and The Myth of the Muslim Tide (2012) and is the international-affairs columnist for The Globe and Mail.

He served as the paper’s London-based European bureau chief for a decade, after having run the paper’s Los Angeles bureau, and has written extensively from East Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, the Middle East and North Africa. He writes a weekly column devoted to the larger themes and intellectual concepts behind international news, and has won the National Newspaper Award, Canada’s counterpart to the Pulitzer Prize, on five occasions.

Doug Saunders isn't a Goodreads Author (yet), but they do have a blog, so here are some recent posts imported from their feed.

The Lost Economies of Irregular Migration

The Lost Economies of Irregular Migration

A version of this essay appears in the 2021 edition of Mixed Migration Review.   By Doug Saunders[1] Border closures and mobility controls imposed by governments during the COVID-19 pandemic have brought to light a subject often absent from national policy discussions — the important, and in some cases indispensable, economic role played by irregular [.

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Published on January 26, 2022 08:08
Average rating: 4.03 · 1,311 ratings · 197 reviews · 3 distinct worksSimilar authors
Arrival City: The Final Mig...

4.09 avg rating — 766 ratings — published 2010 — 32 editions
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The Myth of the Muslim Tide...

3.85 avg rating — 280 ratings — published 2012 — 14 editions
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Maximum Canada: Why 35 Mill...

4.06 avg rating — 265 ratings4 editions
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* Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. To add more, click here.

Quotes by Doug Saunders  (?)
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“Cultural purity is an oxymoron (Saunders just quoted this).”
Doug Saunders, Arrival City: The Final Migration and Our Next World

“The movement to join Washington had a substantial following in the 1850s, centred in Montreal...It faced considerable resistance, though - in part because the United States was having one of its periodic convulsions of nativist politics and a furious debate over the slave trade. In fact, the U.S.-annexation movement would receive its final rebuff not from colonial-minded Canadians but from the Confederate states, who feared that the addition of the British North American colonies to the 31 states would tip the political balance of power away from slavery.”
Doug Saunders, Maximum Canada: Why 35 Million Canadians Are Not Enough

“The solution, Britain and its colonial leaders decided, was to import people who were loyal - but not necessarily inventive or talented or ambitious. The colonial administration was soon paying cashiered soldiers from the Napoleonic Wars and bankrupt but loyal British farmers to make the crossing. Reform politicians in Upper Canada complained that the colonial elite had issued a large number of land patents, often for sizable estates, to loyal Tories in Britain without regard for any other qualities….The strategy worked….But it also had the effect of choking the economic and civic life out of nascent Canada, at a moment when the Industrial Revolution was beginning to transform the rest of the Western world.”
Doug Saunders, Maximum Canada: Why 35 Million Canadians Are Not Enough

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