Trinity Faegen

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Trinity Faegen

Goodreads Author

The United States



Member Since
July 2013

Trinity Faegen is a multi-published RITA winning author who also writes romance as Stephanie Feagan. A practicing CPA who loves travel, books, and smart guys, she lives in the outback of west Texas with her husband and a mean cat. For bonus content and more about the Mephisto, please visit her website at
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Average rating: 3.99 · 6,067 ratings · 752 reviews · 4 distinct worksSimilar authors
The Redemption of Ajax (The...

3.86 avg rating — 4,194 ratings — published 2011 — 15 editions
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The Mephisto Kiss (The Meph...

4.24 avg rating — 1,272 ratings — published 2012 — 10 editions
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The Mephisto Mark (The Meph...

4.34 avg rating — 582 ratings — published 2013 — 4 editions
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Edge of Eighteen (Mephisto ...

4.16 avg rating — 19 ratings
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* Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. To add more, click here.

The Redemption of Ajax The Mephisto Kiss The Mephisto Mark
(5 books)
4.01 avg rating — 6,314 ratings

Quotes by Trinity Faegen  (?)
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“She wanted to tell him she'd never pick any of those other three billion guys, because he was all she wanted. He was her freak, and she'd love him forever.”
Trinity Faegen, The Redemption of Ajax

“Lucifer will be furious with you for failing, but it's not like he can do anything about it. Women don't always do what you want, even if you're Lord of the Underworld.”
Trinity Faegen, The Redemption of Ajax

“You're a light in the darkness, something to give people hope.”
Trinity Faegen, The Redemption of Ajax

“This sounds about as romantic as cold oatmeal.”
Trinity Faegen, The Mephisto Kiss

“As if he hadn’t just told her she was his only hope of Heaven in the same tone he’d tell her they needed a gallon of milk, he pulled out the chair and waved her toward it. “Have a seat and let’s eat, Jordan. Lots to do today.”
Trinity Faegen, The Mephisto Kiss

“Impulsively, she shoved him, but he didn’t budge, and the knife in her hand sliced into his shirt. And his skin. Horrified, she was about to apologize when he spun her around and held her with one arm pressed against her throat and a switchblade aimed at her stomach. “I win this point, Jordan. If I was a lost soul, you’d now have a blade in your belly. Do you know why?”
“Because you’re a mean son of a bitch?”
Trinity Faegen, The Mephisto Kiss

“Oh, that. You’re not confused. You’re falling in love. And it sucks almost as much as it’s amazing.”
Trinity Faegen, The Mephisto Kiss

“No question. I admit, you’re not what I expected, but you’re exactly what I want.”
“What did you expect?”
“A sweet, reserved girl who wouldn’t provoke my brother into stabbing her a hundred times.”
“A wilting violet? Oh, come on, Key. You’d run all over her and forget about her in a week.”
“I see that now.” He grinned at her. “I keep trying to run all over you, but you’re just so . . . stabby.”
Trinity Faegen, The Mephisto Kiss

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Trinity Faegen Hi Miranda! Yes, seven books. So four more after The Mephisto Mark. :) I'd better get busy.

Miranda wrote: "Thank you for accepting my friend request :)
So you said that you're planning on writing a book for all of the brothers. So does that mean there will be 7 books in the Mephisto Covenant series?"

Miranda Thank you for accepting my friend request :)
So you said that you're planning on writing a book for all of the brothers. So does that mean there will be 7 books in the Mephisto Covenant series?

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