Jamie Townsend

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Jamie Townsend

Goodreads Author

Member Since
August 2008

Average rating: 4.43 · 58 ratings · 12 reviews · 17 distinct works

4.64 avg rating — 11 ratings — published 2011 — 2 editions
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The Darklings

4.22 avg rating — 9 ratings2 editions
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Sex Machines

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 5 ratings2 editions
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it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 2 ratings — published 2015 — 2 editions
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Libertines in the Ante-Room...

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 1 rating
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Sex Machines

really liked it 4.00 avg rating — 1 rating
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One Day Traveling

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings
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Ghoulies, Ghosties and Othe...

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings
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Elderly Issue 23

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings — published 2017
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The Dome

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings
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Hecate Lochia
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A Tonalist
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Also Known As
Jamie Townsend is currently reading
by Elizabeth Robinson (Goodreads Author)
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Alan             Moore
“I think that storytelling and creation are very close to what the center of what magic is about. I think not just for me, but for most of the cultures that have had a concept of magic, then the manipulation of language, and words, and thus of stories and fictions, has been very close to the center of it all.”
Alan Moore

Italo Calvino
“The inferno of the living is not something that will be; if there is one, it is what is already here, the inferno where we live every day, that we form by being together. There are two ways to escape suffering it. The first is easy for many: accept the inferno and become such a part of it that you can no longer see it. The second is risky and demands constant vigilance and apprehension: seek and learn to recognize who and what, in the midst of inferno, are not inferno, then make them endure, give them space.”
Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities

Halldór Laxness
“He continued on, on to the glacier, towards the dawn, from ridge to ridge, in deep, new-fallen snow, paying no heed to the storms that might pursue him. As a child he had stood by the seashore at Ljósavík and watched the waves soughing in and out, but now he was heading away from the sea. "Think of me when you are in glorious sunshine." Soon the sun of the day of resurrection will shine on the bright paths where she awaits her poet.
And beauty shall reign alone.”
Halldór Laxness, World Light

George Oppen
“Ultimately the air
Is bare sunlight where must be found
The lyric valuable.”
George Oppen

George Oppen
“Among days// Having only the force/ Of days//Most simple/ Most difficult”
George Oppen

7618 The PR — 28 members — last activity Aug 19, 2008 05:34PM
The Pulchritudinous Review is an arts magazine with an emphasis on avant garde poetry and graphic art. Renee Zepeda is editing and compiling the secon ...more

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Marissa Perel I

message 1: by Stacy

Stacy J - I have the JTS that chap that you speak of! It's really great.

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