Molly McAdams

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Molly McAdams

Goodreads Author

in The United States



Member Since
July 2012


Molly grew up in California but now lives with her husband and daughter in the oh-so-amazing state of Texas. When she's not diving into the world of her characters, some of her hobbies include hiking, snowboarding, traveling, and long walks on the beach . . . which roughly translates to being a homebody and dishing out movie quotes with her hubby. She has a weakness for crude-humored movies and loves curling up in a fluffy blanket during a thunderstorm . . . or under one in a bathtub if there are tornados. That way she can pretend they aren't really happening. ...more

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Molly McAdams Something totally new is all I can say! All-new characters whom I hope you will LOVE! And maybe, just maybe, a love triangle takes place.

I promise no…more
Something totally new is all I can say! All-new characters whom I hope you will LOVE! And maybe, just maybe, a love triangle takes place.

I promise no "Chase" moments!(less)
Molly McAdams TO THE STARS is actually a combination of two of my ex boyfriends! Obviously there are changes, as there have to be in each story, and some things are…moreTO THE STARS is actually a combination of two of my ex boyfriends! Obviously there are changes, as there have to be in each story, and some things are dramatized quite a bit, but oh my word I am so excited for y'all to have this story!(less)
Average rating: 4.06 · 189,993 ratings · 18,424 reviews · 58 distinct worksSimilar authors
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From Ashes (From Ashes, #1)

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Stealing Harper (Taking Cha...

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Forgiving Lies (Forgiving L...

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Needing Her (From Ashes, #2)

4.21 avg rating — 5,823 ratings — published 2013 — 12 editions
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Sharing You (Sharing You, #1)

3.95 avg rating — 6,020 ratings — published 2014 — 8 editions
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Fix (Brewed, #1)

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Trusting Liam (Taking Chanc...

4.16 avg rating — 4,376 ratings — published 2015 — 12 editions
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More books by Molly McAdams…

Molly McAdams hasn't written any blog posts yet.

Taking Chances Trusting Liam
(2 books)
3.94 avg rating — 67,859 ratings

From Ashes Needing Her
(2 books)
4.13 avg rating — 33,876 ratings

Forgiving Lies Deceiving Lies Changing Everything
(3 books)
4.25 avg rating — 24,342 ratings

Fix Whiskey Glow Fire
(4 books)
4.14 avg rating — 13,344 ratings

Sharing You
(1 book)
4.00 avg rating — 12,242 ratings

More series by Molly McAdams…
Quotes by Molly McAdams  (?)
Quotes are added by the Goodreads community and are not verified by Goodreads. (Learn more)

“That first night, I did realize I would never meet another girl like you. But you deserve someone who has waited for you as long as you have waited for them. And no matter how much I wish I could be that guy, I can't Harper.”
Molly McAdams, Taking Chances

“And he loved you and your mom, so much. I’ll always remind you of that, but I wish you could have met him.” -Brandon”
Molly McAdams, Taking Chances

“One of these days Princess, I promise you.”

I turned to scowl at him once more, “I would never be desperate enough to want you.” Okay that was a lie; my breaths were already quickening just feeling his sculpted body pressed against mine.

His smile was slow and sexy, “We'll see.”
Molly McAdams, Taking Chances



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“One of these days Princess, I promise you.”

I turned to scowl at him once more, “I would never be desperate enough to want you.” Okay that was a lie; my breaths were already quickening just feeling his sculpted body pressed against mine.

His smile was slow and sexy, “We'll see.”
Molly McAdams, Taking Chances

“That first night, I did realize I would never meet another girl like you. But you deserve someone who has waited for you as long as you have waited for them. And no matter how much I wish I could be that guy, I can't Harper.”
Molly McAdams, Taking Chances

“We haven't met yet, I'm Brandon Taylor." Dear Lord that voice could warm me on the coldest day of the year.”
Molly McAdams, Taking Chances

“And he loved you and your mom, so much. I’ll always remind you of that, but I wish you could have met him.” -Brandon”
Molly McAdams, Taking Chances

“I can't believe anyone would make fun of your height. Because you're average height, right?" -Brandon”
Molly McAdams, Taking Chances

93682 04.08.14: Molly McAdams Capturing Peace On Sale Chat! — 713 members — last activity Apr 09, 2014 03:04AM
Join us for a special discussion with bestselling author Molly McAdams, this time with a whole new series to debut! She will be discussing her new ebo ...more
220 Goodreads Librarians Group — 273407 members — last activity 1 minute ago
Goodreads Librarians are volunteers who help ensure the accuracy of information about books and authors in the Goodreads' catalog. The Goodreads Libra ...more

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message 15: by Trisha

Trisha Madley Molly,
Thank you for accepting my friend request. I loved Taking Chances. It was the first book that made my heart break but I loved every second of it!

message 14: by GEORGE




message 13: by GEORGE


message 12: by C.M.

C.M. Zimmer Hi Molly, thanks for adding me :) Love your books!

message 11: by Rebecca

Rebecca Hey molly thank you so much for adding me :)

message 10: by Roni

Roni Guzman I would like to say that I love your writing and I can't wait for Stealing Harper. Even though my heart is going to break again. But I would like to mention to you that I am reading this book called Metamorphosis by Erin Noelle, and it is similar to your book and get this.......they talk about Taking Chances in the book. So I know this one is going to be an emotional one as well. There are quite a few similarities but instead she has to choose between three guys...Three???? Wow must be nice lol.

Christina Lyn Thanks for the add Molly! I'll be having a great weekend reading your Taking Chances!

message 8: by Davee

Davee Jones Hi Molly! hope you had a great Christmas. Thank you for the connection. Happy New Year!

message 7: by Eric

Eric Birk Thanks for becoming my Goodreads friend.

Alicia Boudreaux I just finished Taking Chances and I absolutely loved it!!! A+++++. Such a great and emotional read...can not get these characters off my mind!

Kelly 'Perusing Princesses blog' Thank you for adding me Molly.Taking Chances is blowing my socks off. Absolutely amazing!

Bojana Hey Molly,
Thanks for the friend add! Can't wait to read Taking Chances. Great reviews.


message 3: by Ashly

Ashly Thanks for the friendship! i loved your book taking chances so much, it was always Chase for me. I am so very stoked for his POV :)

message 2: by Liz

Liz <3 Thanks for the Friendship Molly!!!

Ariana Zamora Thank you for adding me :)

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