Ellen Palestrant
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Member Since
May 2015
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Ellen Palestrant
“When I paint, I sail through luminescent swirls and enter domains of rhythmic energy and brilliant color.”
Ellen Palestrant |
Ellen Palestrant
“I find this creative journey wondrously mysterious and exciting. It's a journey into the unknown and into an abundance of possibilities.”
...more Ellen Palestrant |
“Language is art, language is imagery, music, rhythm, thought, responsibility and communication. With the extensive English vocabulary available to us, an abundance of words allow for precision of depiction - well almost”
― A Fantasist & A Scientist In Conversation: Creativity, Imagination, and Scientific Verification
― A Fantasist & A Scientist In Conversation: Creativity, Imagination, and Scientific Verification
“Aesthetic sensibilities among creative individuals can transcend borders, language differences and varying cultural teachings.”
― A Fantasist & A Scientist In Conversation: Creativity, Imagination, and Scientific Verification
― A Fantasist & A Scientist In Conversation: Creativity, Imagination, and Scientific Verification
“For me, and for so many of us, creativity is a direct springboard to much that is positive in life. It is the catalyst to becoming energetic, vibrant, joyful, generous individuals and contributors to society.”
― Have You Ever Had a Hunch? The Importance of Creative Thinking
― Have You Ever Had a Hunch? The Importance of Creative Thinking
“Because our world is changing so rapidly, most of us will need to adjust periodically to new and often confusing circumstances. Our best way to plan for tomorrow is to prepare for tomorrow, and to be ready, we need to be adaptable.”
― Have You Ever Had a Hunch? The Importance of Creative Thinking
― Have You Ever Had a Hunch? The Importance of Creative Thinking
“If I nurture my imagination,
gardens will bloom
wreathed with double rainbows,
suffused in All-flower-perfume.”
― If You Shut Your Eyes, You'll hear Some Cosmic Verse
gardens will bloom
wreathed with double rainbows,
suffused in All-flower-perfume.”
― If You Shut Your Eyes, You'll hear Some Cosmic Verse
“Always aim high, but remember: height is not the measure of height. Aim is. So aim more. Soar more. Never be aimless. Nor more-or-less. Be more-than-before. Much more.”
― The World of Glimpse
― The World of Glimpse