Michael Gurnow
Goodreads Author
Member Since
May 2014
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The Edward Snowden Affair: Exposing the Politics and Media Behind the NSA Scandal
3 editions
Nature's Housekeeper
2 editions
* Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. To add more, click here.
“Few things in this world evoke scrotum-shriveling fear in a man like a group of frowning women, enraged to the point of atypical silence, ambling toward him with an obvious agenda.”
― Nature's Housekeeper
― Nature's Housekeeper
“The NSA is correct, 1984 is now.”
― The Edward Snowden Affair: Exposing the Politics and Media Behind the NSA Scandal
― The Edward Snowden Affair: Exposing the Politics and Media Behind the NSA Scandal
“I had married an environmentalist and didn’t know it.
I knew without having to look that there was no tree hugging indemnity clause even in the fine print of our marriage certificate. But we’d been manacled together in the Catholic Church. I wondered if I could get some leverage with the religious institution if I pinned my wife with the label of nature-worshipping Wiccan or possibly even Druid.”
― Nature's Housekeeper
I knew without having to look that there was no tree hugging indemnity clause even in the fine print of our marriage certificate. But we’d been manacled together in the Catholic Church. I wondered if I could get some leverage with the religious institution if I pinned my wife with the label of nature-worshipping Wiccan or possibly even Druid.”
― Nature's Housekeeper
“Church leaders have little to offer their congregants in the way of practical sex advice. This is why 'preacher' and 'sex god' are never synonyms.”
“The NSA is correct, 1984 is now.”
― The Edward Snowden Affair: Exposing the Politics and Media Behind the NSA Scandal
― The Edward Snowden Affair: Exposing the Politics and Media Behind the NSA Scandal
“Few things in this world evoke scrotum-shriveling fear in a man like a group of frowning women, enraged to the point of atypical silence, ambling toward him with an obvious agenda.”
― Nature's Housekeeper
― Nature's Housekeeper
“If owning frivolous articles of excess were indeed the trappings of malevolence, my home was ready to play host to the Axis powers.”
― Nature's Housekeeper
― Nature's Housekeeper
“It follows if sexual naiveté and inexperience is virtuous, being apt at—or even having more than the most rudimentary knowledge of—sex is indicative of being a bad Christian. In this respect, ignorance and inability are honorable traits as opposed to easily remedied shortcomings but, then again, Christianity’s foundation rests on the precept that knowledge is the first, i.e., Original, and foremost wrong, i.e., Sin.”
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message 1:
Aug 09, 2014 06:22AM