Marian Deegan
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Member Since
May 2009
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Relevance: Matter More
2 editions
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“Our lives are marked by the people who choose to matter more: the teacher who encouraged our curiosity, the neighbor who lent a helping hand in time of need, the great leaders and perceptive thinkers whose vision and innovation improve the quality of our lives. And that's what it means to matter more. It's not about pursuit of riches or fame. It's about making a difference in people's lives. Remembered or not, lived out in a small town or on the world stage, the journey of relevance matters.”
― Relevance: Matter More
― Relevance: Matter More
“When we play it safe, we sabotage our chance to make our mark in a memorable, authentic way. Health care organizations confront pressures to provide more responsive, personal care with cost efficiency, striving to provide the industry’s “patient-centered care” goal. However, when every hospital system and specialty clinic cautiously claims to provide “patient-centered care”— because all of their competitors claim to provide “patient-centered care”—their claim becomes so safe that they disappear into the din of their competitors’ identical claims.”
― Relevance: Matter More
― Relevance: Matter More
“When we make a habit of acting on the interests arising out of our authentic passions, our enthusiasm can open doors before we even realize the potential that lies beyond them.”
― Relevance: Matter More
― Relevance: Matter More
“I believe in evidence. I believe in observation, measurement, and reasoning, confirmed by independent observers. I'll believe anything, no matter how wild and ridiculous, if there is evidence for it. The wilder and more ridiculous something is, however, the firmer and more solid the evidence will have to be.”
― The Roving Mind
― The Roving Mind
“Unless we are willing to escape into sentimentality or fantasy, often the best we can do with catastrophes, even our own, is to find out exactly what happened and restore some of the missing parts.”
― Young Men and Fire
― Young Men and Fire
“If an optimist had his left arm chewed off by an alligator, he might say in a pleasant and hopeful voice, "Well this isn't too bad, I don't have a left arm anymore but at least nobody will ever ask me if I'm left-handed or right-handed," but most of us would say something more along the lines of, "Aaaaaa! My arm! My arm!”
― Horseradish: Bitter Truths You Can't Avoid
― Horseradish: Bitter Truths You Can't Avoid
“Morning is an important time of day, because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have.”
― The Blank Book
― The Blank Book