Mohammed Zaki Ansari

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Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Goodreads Author

Kota, India


Member Since
February 2015


Writing is not just my Hobby Or Just my Profession, Pen is the mouthpiece of my feelings and emotions. I have no one but the paper is my best friend and my best friend always listen so patiently whatever whenever I speak

Zaki's Books are available on almost all the E-Book retailers :- Barnes & Noble,Kobo,Amazon,Apple,Page Foundry,Baker & Taylor Blio,txtr,Library Direct,Baker-Taylor,Axis360,OverDrive,Flipkart,Oyster,Scribd,Smashwords,Google Play Read today on your retailer and give your valuable feedback ,

Popular Answered Questions

Mohammed Zaki Ansari Hi juliya.Nice to heard..i will do update here as my next book will be online.also you can visit my site for more information.
Hi juliya.Nice to heard..i will do update here as my next book will be online.also you can visit my site for more information.
Mohammed Zaki Ansari You use your right to free of speech fully ,its amazing you share your thoughts feelings and ideas to whole world.
Average rating: 4.67 · 9 ratings · 4 reviews · 4 distinct works
Zaki's Save Me

4.75 avg rating — 4 ratings — published 2014 — 2 editions
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"Zaki's Gift Of Love"

4.50 avg rating — 4 ratings — published 2014 — 2 editions
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नए राष्ट्र की पटकथा

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 1 rating — published 2022
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"Zaki's Gift Of Love"

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings — published 2014
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* Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. To add more, click here.

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Mohammed Zaki’s Recent Updates

"Zaki's Gift Of Love" by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“With the truth that you have gone out of my life,
This is also true: you never left my heart and mind.

Always walking with me, every step, side by side,
And each moment, I feel you beside.

You’re gone,
you’re gone,
And you left in my soul, dark seams.
You left in my soul, dark seams.
And every night,
I’m chasing you in my dreams.
I’m chasing you in my dreams.

Not to blame you, not to probe you,
Neither do I want
To show anger or insult you.

Just to feel your love again, mmm,
Just to feel your love again,
One more time,
Hold me in your hug for a while,
If it’s the last time.
To feel your touch again,
I’m chasing you in my dreams.

In that moment when time defies,
To kiss you with deep, endless eyes.

To see your face in moonlit beams,
Every night,
I’m chasing you in my dreams.

Let’s come, sit down together, and compose again.
Let’s try to write our story, this time without pain.

There was only one last note misplayed
In our love song.
Otherwise, after all,
To each other we belong.
To make you hear my screams—
Every nigh
Mohammed Zaki Ansari
"Zaki's Gift Of Love" by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“O Lady.
You are the flower of God's garden,
That God sent to Earth
To scent this world.

O Lady.
You are the strength of
God's power.
You are the strength of God's power,
That God sent to Earth
To make humans strong,
With this special quality,
on Earth you came along.

You are the dew of God's kindness,
That God sent to Earth to
Teach humanity.
You are so divine, for eternity.

O Lady.
You are the masterpiece of His creation.
That God sent to Earth
To make this world beautiful,
And worth living.
To have you in this world—
It's a joyful feeling.
Thank you for making this world better.
Peace and love”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari
"Zaki's Gift Of Love" by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“No one is forcing anyone to wear the hijab or cover their body,
but systematically, people are being directly influenced and pressured into almost being nude or exposing their bodies through various means by influencers and the money-making machine.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Mohammed Zaki Ansari rated a book it was amazing
नए राष्ट्र की पटकथा by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
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More of Mohammed Zaki's books…
Quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari  (?)
Quotes are added by the Goodreads community and are not verified by Goodreads. (Learn more)

“when you betray to someone , first you betray to yourself, who speak somewhere inside you that you are a good human”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

“Learn so carefully in life,learning is tough not impossible But if once you learn wrong then its almost impossible to unlearn”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari

“We really never so important for people as much as we think and feel.
Do not afraid to live and die alone. it is not a pity at all , its much better to live in fake relation and with people who do not love you and do not have respect and value of your love.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

“your lack of knowledge may not for you but surely it is dangerous for your child because you cannot teach them which you your self do not know”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

“People can show false love But cant false Hate
People can show false caring But cant false careless
So believe on it they show you hate and treat you careless ,.It is true feelings”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

“Break up of relation ,sometime don't just breaks connection between two bodies , for someone it can be disconnect with the soul
And disconnect with soul,
it's called "Death”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

“She is not with me this grief is not bigger then this relax that she is with her choice”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

“When I die
Don't come to my grave to tell me how much you love me and how much you miss me because at that time these worlds will be senseless
Love people and give love to people in their lifetime
this only makes sense”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

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