Noah Milligan's debut novel, An Elegant Theory, was shortlisted for the Horatio Nelson Fiction Prize and a finalist for Foreword Review's 2016 Book of the Year. He is a graduate of the MFA program at the University of Central Oklahoma, and his short fiction has appeared in Rathalla Review, MAKE Literary Magazine, Storyscape Literary Journal, Santa Clara Review, and elsewhere. A collection of short stories, Five Hundred Poor, will be released by Central Avenue Publishing in June 2018. Connect with him at Milligan's debut novel, An Elegant Theory, was shortlisted for the Horatio Nelson Fiction Prize and a finalist for Foreword Review's 2016 Book of the Year. He is a graduate of the MFA program at the University of Central Oklahoma, and his short fiction has appeared in Rathalla Review, MAKE Literary Magazine, Storyscape Literary Journal, Santa Clara Review, and elsewhere. A collection of short stories, Five Hundred Poor, will be released by Central Avenue Publishing in June 2018. Connect with him at