Jonathan Dunsky

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Jonathan Dunsky

Goodreads Author

in Tel Aviv, Israel


lawrence block, jo nesbo, Lois Bujold, Ross Thomas, Reed Farrel Colema ...more

Member Since
September 2012


Jonathan Dunsky is the author of eight crime novels, seven of which -- Ten Years Gone, The Dead Sister, The Auschwitz Violinist, A Debt of Death, A Deadly Act, The Auschwitz Detective, and A Death in Jerusalem -- are mysteries taking place in the early days of the State of Israel and featuring private investigator Adam Lapid, a holocaust survivor and former soldier and Nazi hunter. He has also published a standalone thriller called The Payback Girl and a number of short stories in various genres.

Born in Israel, he served for four years in the Israeli Army. After his military service he worked as a team leader in various high-tech firms, ran his own Search Engine Optimization business, and lectured in the faculty of Business Management in Te

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Jonathan Dunsky I'm writing the ninth Adam Lapid novel.…moreI'm writing the ninth Adam Lapid novel.(less)
Jonathan Dunsky Hi Leo,

Thank you for listening to my book.

I write in English. The books are not available in Hebrew at all.

Hi Leo,

Thank you for listening to my book.

I write in English. The books are not available in Hebrew at all.

Average rating: 4.41 · 9,832 ratings · 905 reviews · 19 distinct worksSimilar authors
Ten Years Gone (Adam Lapid ...

4.31 avg rating — 2,798 ratings — published 2017 — 7 editions
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The Auschwitz Detective (Ad...

4.51 avg rating — 1,951 ratings — published 2020 — 6 editions
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The Dead Sister (Adam Lapid...

4.35 avg rating — 1,214 ratings — published 2016 — 2 editions
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The Auschwitz Violinist (Ad...

4.39 avg rating — 1,132 ratings — published 2016 — 7 editions
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A Debt of Death (Adam Lapid...

4.51 avg rating — 839 ratings — published 2017
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A Deadly Act (Adam Lapid My...

4.52 avg rating — 500 ratings — published 2020 — 7 editions
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A Death in Jerusalem (Adam ...

4.56 avg rating — 431 ratings — published 2022 — 4 editions
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The Unlucky Woman (Adam Lap...

4.36 avg rating — 330 ratings — published 2018 — 2 editions
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In That Sleep of Death (Ada...

4.75 avg rating — 237 ratings — published 2024 — 5 editions
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The Payback Girl

4.33 avg rating — 175 ratings — published 2018 — 6 editions
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More books by Jonathan Dunsky…

The Burglar Who Met Fredric Brown Review

The Burglar Who Met Fredric Brown CoverBernie Rhodenbarr is having a bad time. His two vocations, bookselling and burglarizing, are both hampered by vexing technological developments.

His bookstore often is reminiscent of a ghost town, with stretches of time in which no one ventures over its threshold, and when they do, they usually limit their activities to browsing the shelves, and then ordering their chosen book from Amazon or Ebay.


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Published on August 08, 2022 21:56
Ten Years Gone The Dead Sister The Auschwitz Violinist A Debt of Death A Deadly Act The Auschwitz Detective A Death in Jerusalem
(8 books)
4.42 avg rating — 9,431 ratings

Jonathan’s Recent Updates

Jonathan Dunsky rated a book it was amazing
Claire DeWitt and the Bohemian Highway by Sara Gran
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Book 1 of the series was outstanding, but it is a dead star in comparison to the blazing sun that is book 2. Everything I loved about book 1 is amplified in this sequel, and it packs a helluva emotional wallop. Claire DeWitt is not just the "World's ...more
Jonathan Dunsky rated a book it was amazing
Claire DeWitt and the City of the Dead by Sara Gran
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I get why many people aren't crazy about this book, but I loved every demented word of it. It's original, funny, well-written, and memorable. And book 2 of the series is even better. Well done, Ms. Gran. ...more
Jonathan Dunsky rated a book it was amazing
True Detective by Max Allan Collins
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A terrific historical mystery set largely in Chicago and Florida in the 1930s. Couched in real history, as are the other five books in this series I've read so far (got six more books ready). If you like mysteries and the history of organized crime i ...more
Jonathan Dunsky rated a book it was amazing
Lowdown Road by Scott Von Doviak
Lowdown Road
by Scott Von Doviak (Goodreads Author)
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The craziest, funniest, most enjoyable novel I've read in a long time. This book made me laugh out loud several times. Thrilling, violent, energetic, and full of wonderful characters that pop from the page. I loved every demented word of it. ...more
Jonathan Dunsky rated a book it was amazing
Five Decembers by James Kestrel
Five Decembers
by James Kestrel (Goodreads Author)
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One of the best crime novels I've ever read. Beautifully written, brutal, and epic in a way no other crime novel ever was. This is a masterpiece. ...more
Jonathan Dunsky rated a book it was amazing
Death of a Dissident by Stuart M. Kaminsky
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The first in a series of excellent police procedurals set in the USSR.

Rostnikov is a police officer in Moscow. He's a wounded veteran, a fan of American crime novels, a weight-lifter of extraordinary strength, and a man of honor.

In this book, Rostnik
Jonathan Dunsky made a comment in the group Jewish Book ClubGeneral Book News topic
" Jan wrote: "I hardly know whether to write this under "Israel at War," "Antisemitism," etc, but since it is about books will put it here this time.

...more "
Jonathan Dunsky answered Leo's question: Jonathan Dunsky
Hi Leo,

Thank you for listening to my book.

I write in English. The books are not available in Hebrew at all.

" I'm happy to announce the publication of my new novel, In That Sleep of Death.

This is book 8 of the Adam Lapid series. It's a historical mystery set i
...more "
" Jan wrote: "Jonathan wrote: "I've been reading a bunch of mysteries by Stuart M. Kaminsky. All good and enjoyable."

Wow, he had a long and prolific car
...more "
More of Jonathan's books…
Quotes by Jonathan Dunsky  (?)
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“had met his kind of policeman before. They were the sort who saw no problem with planting evidence, writing false reports, employing deceitful witnesses, using force in their interrogations of suspects. They existed on every police force in every country. And the problem was that they knew how to work the system. They knew how to talk in court, how to present their evidence in a way that was hard to refute. They hid behind their immaculate uniform and badge and misused their power. And judges tended to believe every word that came out of their dirty, corrupted mouths.”
Jonathan Dunsky, The Dead Sister

“I didn't tell him what I had already figured out for myself, that it was only a people as cultured and advanced as the Germans who could have done such a thing. A less advanced people would not have had the planning and organizational skills required to create the death industry the Germans had erected, with the gas chambers, the slave camps, the efficient transportation of prisoners to the camps, their swift elimination within, and the”
Jonathan Dunsky, The Auschwitz Violinist

“Many of our fellow citizens do not believe that people can have mental issues and still be good, functioning members of society. One day this will change.”
Jonathan Dunsky, The Auschwitz Violinist

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“The easy confidence with which I know another man's religion is folly teaches me to suspect that my own is also.”
Mark Twain

“Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.”
Mark Twain

“I must have a prodigious amount of mind; it takes me as much as a week, sometimes, to make it up!”
Mark Twain

“I was a young black man, light-skinned enough so that four out of five people who met me, of whatever race, assumed I was white.... I was a homosexual who now knew he could function heterosexually.

And I was a young writer whose early attempts had already gotten him a handful of prizes....

So, I thought, you are neither black nor white.

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There was something at once very satisfying and very sad, placing myself at this pivotal suspension. It seemed, in the park at dawn, a kind of revelation--a kind of center, formed of a play of ambiguities, from which I might move in any direction. ”
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“For these beings, fall is ever the normal season, the only weather, there be no choice beyond. Where do they come from? The dust. Where do they go? The grave. Does blood stir their veins? No: the night wind. What ticks in their head? The worm. What speaks from their mouth? The toad. What sees from their eye? The snake. What hears with their ear? The abyss between the stars. They sift the human storm for souls, eat flesh of reason, fill tombs with sinners. They frenzy forth....Such are the autumn people.”
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Maziar Sadree Thanks for the add Jonathan!

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