Musafir Asmani

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Musafir Asmani

Goodreads Author

in Uttar Pradesh, India


Member Since
August 2018

Musafir Asmani is an Indian poet and author.
He had adopted the pen name as "Musafir" in his teenage itself, which means a 'Traveler' in
Arabic and persian; while the desire for writing stories and poems always remained hidden inside
him as well as the notebooks that his father provided for studying.
He completed his Civil Engineering in the year 2014 and worked as a Site Supervisor until when
he decided to quite the job after working there halfheartedly for almost a year.
However,due to the family's worsened financial condition, he started working as an A.R
Executive in Medical Billing for more than two years; working night-shifts for earning money and
dedicating the days towards writing stories.
Meanwhile, he was again recoiled on when the co

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Popular Answered Questions

Musafir Asmani Okay! you're a asking the solution to the problem, a writer always deals but himself doesn't knows how to master that perfectly, including me.

Okay! you're a asking the solution to the problem, a writer always deals but himself doesn't knows how to master that perfectly, including me.

Right now, I am about to complete my yet to be published novel and myself have been struggling recently through the writer's block, that pushed me towards the darkness where I believed that the story I am writing is not enough interesting and getting lengthy unreasonably, hence I should drop the idea and start with a new one.
The only thing I found satisfactory or beneficial then, is to force yourself to grab that pen and paper or your laptop and start writing!
It's better to not think that moment or wait for the ideal illustration to start writing for. As when you start writing, you will definitely find meaning into it at the end and then decide how to edit it for making that para or line more interesting. That's the only advice I have. Thank you!(less)
Musafir Asmani haha, apologies but this one made me laugh!!

The best part of being a writer is, people start taking you and your passion for writing seriously once yo…more
haha, apologies but this one made me laugh!!

The best part of being a writer is, people start taking you and your passion for writing seriously once you happen to publish a book eventually.(less)
Average rating: 4.6 · 5 ratings · 2 reviews · 1 distinct work
Outbloom: A collection of p...

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Quotes by Musafir Asmani  (?)
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“I am not sure,
if this is my last moment of life,
but the combat till my last breath,
seems compulsory to me.”
Musafir Asmani, Outbloom: A collection of poetry

“He would run recklessly and fall,
sometimes in brooks,
sometimes in drains,
he had forgotten himself,
since so many rains.”
Musafir Asmani

“Who is this bygone lover?
whose love got so truthfulness?
Confidently, whose oath you're taking,
on behalf of which you're proving yourself guiltless?...”
Musafir Asmani

“Identify the worthiness within you,
Of achieving the destination,
before claiming it as yours.”
Musafir Asmani

“The one who conquered his every battle,
has never-ever born yet”
Musafir Asmani

“Rumour is,
that most of the species,
are born to be slayed,
for serving the human race!”
Musafir Asmani

“Have you peeked?
No, not into your neighbor's apartment!
Into any women's mind?
Rather than interrupting into her life?...”
Musafir Asmani

“Rumour is,
everybody could be perfect,
but in the end of the day,
the fact is,
that character is the only certificate.”
Musafir Asmani

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