Jozef Simkovic

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Jozef Simkovic

Goodreads Author

in Slovakia



Member Since
November 2018


JOZEF SIMKOVIC came to the United States in 1987 as a refugee from Czechoslovakia which was still governed by the communist regime at that time. After settling in the United States with his family, he spent most of his time in the country working as a radio journalist for the Slovak Service of The Voice of America. Later after the Slovak Service was closed, he continued work as a broadcasting engineer for VOA. In 2003, he was awarded the VOA Gold Medal for bringing the news to his native country of Slovakia in a meaningful way and entertaining fashion.
He considered his work for VOA to be his life mission, but later during his engineer years, he discovered his even more important destiny while taking part in numerous meditation programs at t

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Jozef Simkovic I do not have writer's block. I just wish that I would have more time.…moreI do not have writer's block. I just wish that I would have more time.(less)
Jozef Simkovic An ability to share your discoveries and knowledge through your creativity and inspire your readers to their own way of knowing. They can then discove…moreAn ability to share your discoveries and knowledge through your creativity and inspire your readers to their own way of knowing. They can then discover and understand their origin and essence on this planet for a better and more compassionate life. The can also influence their destiny in the non-physical realms after they have finished a physical life on our planet.(less)
Average rating: 4.0 · 36 ratings · 8 reviews · 2 distinct worksSimilar authors
How to Kiss the Universe: A...

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Toward the Ultimate Source:...

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Quotes by Jozef Simkovic  (?)
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“The basic consciousness structure is perfectly organized according to the principles of sacred geometry, even though the physical structure of the Universe looks to be very random.”
Jozef Simkovic, How to Kiss the Universe: An Inspirational Spiritual and Metaphysical Narrative about Human Origin, Essence and Destiny

“God is not micromanaging the life of anybody on Earth, just like you are not micromanaging the life of one cell in your body. The Ultimate Creator is managing only the important parts of the whole, like you are moving your limbs or affecting other parts of your body with your thoughts and actions, by Gardener.”
Jozef Simkovic, How to Kiss the Universe: An Inspirational Spiritual and Metaphysical Narrative about Human Origin, Essence and Destiny

“Love has no boundaries and hate has no boundaries. Joy has no boundaries and sadness has no boundaries. You can find unlimited Love and joy, or unlimited hate and sadness in the deep corners of the Milky Way galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy. But you can also find unlimited Love and joy or unlimited hate and sadness on the tip of your own finger. A balance between observing, involvement, and acceptance is a very necessary condition for learning how to Love, by Ruala.”
Jozef Simkovic, How to Kiss the Universe: An Inspirational Spiritual and Metaphysical Narrative about Human Origin, Essence and Destiny

“With spiritual communications, you must be free of any expectations, you must be completely open minded and polite and grateful. Then, the possibilities for learning and growth are boundless and the downloads of information will flow smoothly, by Jozef.”
Jozef Simkovic, How to Kiss the Universe: An Inspirational Spiritual and Metaphysical Narrative about Human Origin, Essence and Destiny

“Never mind how sophisticated your computer, smartphone or tablet is, it cannot replace the importance of the intimate process of recording by hand into a good old-fashioned diary, by Jozef.”
Jozef Simkovic, How to Kiss the Universe: An Inspirational Spiritual and Metaphysical Narrative about Human Origin, Essence and Destiny

“I can now simply say that consciousness can be stretched out of the body like a giant piece of chewing gum without the need to have any defined diameter or length of the connection with the body, by Jozef.”
Jozef Simkovic, How to Kiss the Universe: An Inspirational Spiritual and Metaphysical Narrative about Human Origin, Essence and Destiny

“The Loosh is flowing back to God, the Ultimate Source; and it is our payback for the gift of our creation, and the gift of Love we are receiving from God, by Jozef.”
Jozef Simkovic, How to Kiss the Universe: An Inspirational Spiritual and Metaphysical Narrative about Human Origin, Essence and Destiny

“We must relearn how to love because, by incarnating into this denser and material world, we tend to forget more and more just why we were created.”
Jozef Simkovic, How to Kiss the Universe: An Inspirational Spiritual and Metaphysical Narrative about Human Origin, Essence and Destiny

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