Nihar Satpathy

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Nihar Satpathy

Goodreads Author

in Jamshedpur, India


Member Since
November 2019

Nihar Satpathy is an author who writes both in the English and Odia languages. He began his career in 1984 at the editorial department of an English newspaper after completing his post-graduation in English literature from Vani Vihar, Utkal Universiy. Subsequently, he joined a govt. sector bank in India and served in various senior positions, during which period he also acquired additional qualifications in business management and banking. He writes articles and features for newspapers and journals, primarily on social and cultural issues. His first published book, an anthology of short stories, appeared in his mother tongue Odia, in the year 2005. His book 'The Puzzles of Life - And How to solve them with Clues from the Gita' was published ...more

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Nihar Satpathy I am currently working on a mythological novel which centers round the famous Jagannath temple of Puri. The legend has it that Lord Jagannath once ask…moreI am currently working on a mythological novel which centers round the famous Jagannath temple of Puri. The legend has it that Lord Jagannath once asked his consort, Lakshmi to leave his temple for having committed the sin of visiting the home of a woman who belonged to a low caste. Lakshmi leaves him and goes away, but without not teaching him a lesson. There is a great social message in the book. It also has a touch of feminism that assets itself within Hindu mythology. This legend finds mention in a piece of popular poetry written in the Odia language by the ancient poet, Balaram Das in the 15th century.(less)
Nihar Satpathy Well, I have been reading and trying to understand just one couplet of the Gita each day for the last several years. During this course of my reading …moreWell, I have been reading and trying to understand just one couplet of the Gita each day for the last several years. During this course of my reading engagement certain unique points which have beentouched upon in the holy book struck me. I found that it has the answers to most of the dilemmas we face in life. I decided to pick some of those points and discus then in a book for the benefit of people who may need it. And this is how the book came into being.(less)
Average rating: 3.75 · 4 ratings · 2 reviews · 3 distinct works
The Puzzles of Life

3.75 avg rating — 4 ratings — published 2019 — 2 editions
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Monologues of Mahalakshmi

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings
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Monologues of Mahalakshmi: ...

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Quotes by Nihar Satpathy  (?)
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“Truth may sometimes appear to be unpalatable and unreasonable. But ultimately, it finds its own way to establish itself.”
Nihar Satpathy, The Puzzles of Life

“One’s lack of confidence over oneself contributes to one’s downfall, even if such a downfall is avoidable. It diminishes whatever probabilities there are of overcoming the hurdles on the path to our success. It strips us of our ability to win a battle even when the circumstances favor us. Most of our strength, capacity and resilience gets nullified when we harbor the slightest of doubts over our own adequacies. The more the sense of insecurity, the closer we move towards defeat.”
Nihar Satpathy, The Puzzles of Life

“Meditation is a journey from the outer world into the inner one.”
Nihar Satpathy, The Puzzles of Life

“One’s lack of confidence over oneself contributes to one’s downfall, even if such a downfall is avoidable. It diminishes whatever probabilities there are of overcoming the hurdles on the path to our success. It strips us of our ability to win a battle even when the circumstances favor us. Most of our strength, capacity and resilience gets nullified when we harbor the slightest of doubts over our own adequacies. The more the sense of insecurity, the closer we move towards defeat.”
Nihar Satpathy, The Puzzles of Life

“Truth may sometimes appear to be unpalatable and unreasonable. But ultimately, it finds its own way to establish itself.”
Nihar Satpathy, The Puzzles of Life

“We know that Hinduism believes in reincarnation. Such beliefs or theories have one purpose. It is to provide a plausible answer to our questions that would otherwise remain unanswered. We have questions such as, “Why should I perform work if the result is not likely to be seen; especially when death can visit me at any moment? And then: Why should death happen at all? And why do our kith and kin have to be engulfed in grief when we die? Is it not injustice and something not acceptable?" The Gita tries to assuage such feelings by stating that just as we attain childhood, youth, and old age, similarly, we also attain another body after our death. It is a continuous and cyclical process, and the wise ones should not have worries in this regard.”
Nihar Satpathy, The Puzzles of Life

“We can then rightly presume that we live in a world which is guided by absurdity. The word ‘absurdity’ in this context contrasts with the term ‘reasoning.’ So we live in a world in which reasoning fails. It is a place where the causes do not always lead to the effect.”
Nihar Satpathy, The Puzzles of Life

“Even though there is no certainty that the expected results of our work will manifest, we have to remain committed to our work and duties; because, even if the results are slated to arrive, they cannot do so without the performance of work.”
Nihar Satpathy, The Puzzles of Life

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