Dan Frey

Goodreads Author

Member Since
October 2020

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Dan Frey Preemptively. Always spend time reading, living life with curiosity, and journaling about things you're excited about. When I’m doing so, I find that …morePreemptively. Always spend time reading, living life with curiosity, and journaling about things you're excited about. When I’m doing so, I find that I always have a wealth of ideas that I want to write at any given time. So if there's one I'm stuck on, I jump and work on something else, which usually un-stucks me… and if it doesn’t, eventually I figure that it just wasn’t meant to be. (less)
Dan Frey Find what works for you, but here's what works for me:
Keep a journal and write in it every day. Read as much as you write.
Before you start a draft, …more
Find what works for you, but here's what works for me:
Keep a journal and write in it every day. Read as much as you write.
Before you start a draft, take your time doing research (whatever that means for your project), pre-writing, making lots of notes... just saving up a ton of material that informs your book. Fill up the well, so to speak. But that doesn't mean you need to figure out every beat of the story; you just need to have a lot to draw on. Don't be precious with your idea; talk to people about it, and see what lights up for them.
Once you start your draft, go fast. Don't get bogged down in revising what you've already done. Give yourself a word-count per day (I'd aim for 1K) and hit it 5 days a week.
Once you're done... now you can slow down again. Get some friends to read it. Get feedback from multiple people (3 is good) at a time so you can always balance out and compare what you're hearing. Once you get some feedback, don't immediately start revising. Take a beat to mourn the fact that you're not a once-in-a-lifetime genius who nailed it one. Take your time to make a robust plan for what you're actually going to do in your revision, and set about executing it. Do 2-3 revisions in this fashion, depending on how the feedback goes, and then it's probably time to release the book into the world, in whatever form that takes. (less)
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You Dreamed of Em...
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Open Throat
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by Henry Hoke (Goodreads Author)
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You Dreamed of Empires by Álvaro Enrigue
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Open Throat by Henry Hoke
Open Throat
by Henry Hoke (Goodreads Author)
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The Bright Sword by Lev Grossman
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Fingersmith by Sarah Waters
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The Sequel by Jean Hanff Korelitz
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Tender Is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica
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Dear Dickhead by Virginie Despentes
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Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry
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Rejection by Tony Tulathimutte
Rejection: Fiction
by Tony Tulathimutte (Goodreads Author)
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The Interpretation of Fairy Tales by Marie-Louise von Franz
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Quotes by Dan Frey  (?)
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“If given the chance, I will always open Pandora’s box.”
Dan Frey, The Future Is Yours

“So an antisocial introvert doing everything in his power to avoid the world … may have created a technology that will end up destroying it? Interesting. I have no further questions.”
Dan Frey, The Future Is Yours

“I mean, how you gonna fulfill your dream of being a supervillain if you don’t get that doctorate?”
Dan Frey, The Future Is Yours

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