Arianna Huffington

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Arianna Huffington

Goodreads Author

in Athens, Greece


Member Since
May 2014

Arianna Huffington is the chair, president, and editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post Media Group, a nationally syndicated columnist, and author of fourteen books.

In May 2005, she launched The Huffington Post, a news and blog site that quickly became one of the most widely-read, linked to, and frequently-cited media brands on the Internet. In 2012, the site won a Pulitzer Prize for national reporting.

She has been named to Time Magazine's list of the world’s 100 most influential people and the Forbes Most Powerful Women list. Originally from Greece, she moved to England when she was 16 and graduated from Cambridge University with an M.A. in economics. At 21, she became president of the famed debating society, the Cambridge Union.

She serves

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Arianna Huffington Hi Meghan! Lean In unleashed multiple conversations. For me, the most interesting is the one about the nature of the world women are leaning into. Thi…moreHi Meghan! Lean In unleashed multiple conversations. For me, the most interesting is the one about the nature of the world women are leaning into. This is a great moment for all of us—women and men—to acknowledge that the current male-dominated model of success isn’t working for women, and it’s not working for men, either.

So I see Lean In and Thrive as companion volumes, both committed to asking a larger question, which is, “What is a good life?” That question has been asked by philosophers going back to the ancient Greeks. But somewhere along the line we abandoned the question and shifted our attention to how much money we can make, how big a house we can buy, and how high we can climb up the career ladder. Those are legitimate questions, particularly at a time when women are still attempting to gain an equal seat at the table. But they are far from the only questions that matter in creating a successful life.

There’s a French expression, “reculer pour mieux sauter,” which, loosely translated, means leaning back in order to jump higher. That’s what cats do. And by leaning back, we become much better at leaning in. That means acknowledging the value of caring for our human capital — getting enough sleep and rejecting the culture of “time macho,” which Anne-Marie Slaughter describes as “a relentless competition to work harder, stay later, pull more all-nighters, travel around the world and bill the extra hours that the International Date Line affords you.” And it means acknowledging that family can actually be a great thing for our career, by putting everything at work in perspective.
Arianna Huffington We have often negative fantasies about everything going wrong. Your child is late coming back and immediately you imagine them in the emergency room a…moreWe have often negative fantasies about everything going wrong. Your child is late coming back and immediately you imagine them in the emergency room and someone looks askance at you in the office and you imagine you’re being fired. But most of the time, our worries are for naught.

This is tied to the voice of doubt, which I call the obnoxious roommate living in our heads. Even our worst enemies don’t talk about us the way we talk to ourselves.

Some of you might have to contend with actual obnoxious roommates, so this makes it even more important for you to silence the metaphorical one. Because that's the one that can do you the most damage. Your actual obnoxious roommate will just borrow your favorite cocktail dress without asking and then spill red wine on it and then not even tell you, and then you're like, did you really think I wasn't going to notice? But the one in your head -- she'll keep you from living out your dreams for the rest of your life.(less)
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More books by Arianna Huffington…

Go From Surviving to Thriving With My New Online Course on

In the year since Thrive was published, I've been thrilled to meet people all over the world who are longing for change. People are rejecting the myth that burnout has to be the price we must pay for success. But again and again, I was asked, "It's hard to change old habits -- how do I go from understanding what I need to do in order to thrive to actually doing it?"

That's why I'm so excited that I Read more of this blog post »
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Published on March 23, 2015 16:58
Quotes by Arianna Huffington  (?)
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“Why worry about minor little details like clean air, clean water, safe ports and the safety net when Jesus is going to give the world an "Extreme Makeover: Planet Edition" right after he finishes putting Satan in his place once and for all?”
Arianna Huffington

“Fearlessness is not the absence of fear. It's the mastery of fear. It's about getting up one more time than we fall down.”
Arianna Huffington

“We think, mistakenly, that success is the result of the amount of time we put in at work, instead of the quality of time we put in.”
Arianna Huffington, Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder

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