Elissa Bassist
Goodreads Author
Member Since
May 2007
Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture
26 editions
Best American Non-Required Reading 2008
10 editions
Hysterical: A Memoir
12 editions
The End of the Golden Gate: Writers on Loving and (Sometimes) Leaving San Francisco
by |
Rumpus Women Volume I: Personal Essays By Women
Best of the Web 2010: Travels in the Footsteps of the Commodore Who Saved America
5 editions
Get Out of My Crotch: Twenty-One Writers Respond to America's War on Women's Rights and Reproductive Health
2 editions
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I'm More Dateable than a Plate of Refried Beans: And Other Romantic Observations
by Ginny Hogan (Goodreads Author) |
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"Such a great book. She mixes memoir and humor and research with biting feminist social commentary. In fact, I’m gonna shut up so no one needs to hear what men have to say about this triumph. "
Elissa Bassist
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Elissa Bassist
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Elissa Bassist
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Elissa Bassist
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“Because of course I feared that i might be overreacting, overemotional, oversensitive, weak, playing victim, crying wolf, blowing things out of proportion, making things up. Because generations of women have heard that they're irrational, melodramatic, neurotic, hysterical, hormonal, psycho, fragile and bossy.
Because girls are coached out of the womb to be nonconfrontational, agreeable, solicitous, deferential, demure, nurturing, to be tuned in to others, and to shrink and shut up.
Because speaking up for myself was not how I learned English. Because I'm fluent in Apology, in Question Mark, in Giggle, in Bowing Down, in Self-Sacrifice.”
― Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture
Because girls are coached out of the womb to be nonconfrontational, agreeable, solicitous, deferential, demure, nurturing, to be tuned in to others, and to shrink and shut up.
Because speaking up for myself was not how I learned English. Because I'm fluent in Apology, in Question Mark, in Giggle, in Bowing Down, in Self-Sacrifice.”
― Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture
“The cost of something is often mistaken for its value.”
― Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture
― Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture
“Because I questioned myself and my sanity and what I was doing wrong in this situation. Because of course I feared that I might be overreacting, overemotional, oversensitive, weak, playing victim, crying wolf, blowing things out of proportion, making things up. Because generations of women have heard that they’re irrational, melodramatic, neurotic, hysterical, hormonal, psycho, fragile, and bossy. Because girls are coached out of the womb to be nonconfrontational, solicitous, deferential, demure, nurturing, to be tuned in to others, and to shrink and shut up. Because speaking up for myself was not how I learned English. Because I’m fluent in Apology, in Question Mark, in Giggle, in Bowing Down, in Self-Sacrifice. Because slightly more than half of the population is regularly told that what happens doesn’t or that it isn’t the big deal we’re making it into. Because your mothers, sisters, and daughters are routinely second-guessed, blown off, discredited, denigrated, besmirched, belittled, patronized, mocked, shamed, gaslit, insulted, bullied, harassed, threatened, punished, propositioned, and groped, and challenged on what they say. Because when a woman challenges a man, then the facts are automatically in dispute, as is the speaker, and the speaker’s license to speak. Because as women we are told to view and value ourselves in terms of how men view and value us, which is to say, for our sexuality and agreeability. Because it was drilled in until it turned subconscious and became unbearable need: don’t make it about you; put yourself second or last; disregard your feelings but not another’s; disbelieve your perceptions whenever the opportunity presents itself; run and rerun everything by yourself before verbalizing it—put it in perspective, interrogate it: Do you sound nuts? Does this make you look bad? Are you holding his interest? Are you being considerate? Fair? Sweet? Because stifling trauma is just good manners. Because when others serially talk down to you, assume authority over you, try to talk you out of your own feelings and tell you who you are; when you’re not taken seriously or listened to in countless daily interactions—then you may learn to accept it, to expect it, to agree with the critics and the haters and the beloveds, and to sign off on it with total silence. Because they’re coming from a good place. Because everywhere from late-night TV talk shows to thought-leading periodicals to Hollywood to Silicon Valley to Wall Street to Congress and the current administration, women are drastically underrepresented or absent, missing from the popular imagination and public heart. Because although I questioned myself, I didn’t question who controls the narrative, the show, the engineering, or the fantasy, nor to whom it’s catered. Because to mention certain things, like “patriarchy,” is to be dubbed a “feminazi,” which discourages its mention, and whatever goes unmentioned gets a pass, a pass that condones what it isn’t nice to mention, lest we come off as reactionary or shrill.”
― Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture
― Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture
“Because of course I feared that i might be overreacting, overemotional, oversensitive, weak, playing victim, crying wolf, blowing things out of proportion, making things up. Because generations of women have heard that they're irrational, melodramatic, neurotic, hysterical, hormonal, psycho, fragile and bossy.
Because girls are coached out of the womb to be nonconfrontational, agreeable, solicitous, deferential, demure, nurturing, to be tuned in to others, and to shrink and shut up.
Because speaking up for myself was not how I learned English. Because I'm fluent in Apology, in Question Mark, in Giggle, in Bowing Down, in Self-Sacrifice.”
― Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture
Because girls are coached out of the womb to be nonconfrontational, agreeable, solicitous, deferential, demure, nurturing, to be tuned in to others, and to shrink and shut up.
Because speaking up for myself was not how I learned English. Because I'm fluent in Apology, in Question Mark, in Giggle, in Bowing Down, in Self-Sacrifice.”
― Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture
“Risk "no." Risk the double-text. Risk being unlikeable and being perceived as unreasonable and risk being called a fucking bitch. Risk "being a bitch." Risk "bad" words. Risk mistakes and risk being corrected and risk losing those who won't forgive. Risk refusal. Risk acknowledgement. Risk trouble. Risk the question. Risk demanding care. Risk a voice that doesn't demure, a voice that is difficult, unaesthetic, charged, forthright, sappy. Risk it, or risk living a half-a-person life.”
― Hysterical: A Memoir
― Hysterical: A Memoir
The Librarian's Husband's Book Club
— 1109 members
— last activity 12 hours, 21 min ago
So my wife is a school librarian, my father a history teacher, my mom an elementary school teacher and I am a former bookseller. That translates to LO ...more
So my wife is a school librarian, my father a history teacher, my mom an elementary school teacher and I am a former bookseller. That translates to LO ...more