It's been a long time...


I don't spend a lot of time here but I'm here today because I was finally able to sign back into my account. The last blog post on here was from 2012! Wth! 😆. Therefore...

Hiiiiiii, everyone, haha.

While I'm here I might as well take the moment to let you know what you can expect to come from me in 2024 and 2025.

The publishing order is:

Book 1 of SHE WHO KNOWS: Firespitter- August 2024, novella 🐲: This is Najeeba's story, the mother of Onyesonwu from Who Fears Death. It's a novella trilogy. I've wanted to write this for years and I finally did. There is mysticism, there is technology and it's all in the future. It features a badass woman. Book one is while she's in her teens and book 2 and 3 are when she's well into her 40s.

[Adult novel, book title soon to be released]-Winter 2025, novel 🤖🐬: This is the most ambitious and personal novel I've written so far. I've been rolling it around for nearly 30 years, since I began telling stories. My sisters and I used to talk about me writing it. This one is a Nnedi novel, but it's different. It is not very categorizable, so just let it be what it is, minus expectations and what you've read from me previously. It is those things, but it is much much more, as well.

THE SPACE CAT- Spring 2025, graphic novel 🐱: This is written by me and illustrated by Tana Ford. It features Periwinkle Chukwu who is based on my cat Periwinkle Chukwu. Tana and I have been through so much in our lives while making of this book and that layer to it comes through in the art. It's beautiful, at times meditative, whimsical and it has bite (though some purrs too...and some bark and it's a hoot). Nigeria is part of the story, as is outer space. Oh, and I'm in it, too. Yep.

Also, my milestone birthday is April 8, and I get an eclipse (plus some other very cool things, 🤫😉🤓).

Ok, that's all for now. Off to hit the gym.

Happy April 1st (none of this is an April Fool's joke, so leave that out of it, heh).

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Published on April 01, 2024 18:29
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message 1: by Denise (new)

Denise Billings I am here for it all!!

message 2: by John (new)

John Egan I am happy to read this good news! Your vivid stories awaken all the senses and pull the heart in all directions. In particular, Who Fears Death pulled me back to Sierra Leone during the RUF War; the worst of times and the best of people where Eden must have stood. Onyesonwu reminded me of one girl rebel we fought, who later fought alongside us, and later saved my life. And there was magic in the land as nothing else explained some moments. Your stories capture all of that and more. They are powerful. Thank you for writing them.

Whatshereads727 Great! Looking forward to it. Especially Binti!

message 4: by Pricilla (new)

Pricilla  Hernandez Thank you for this news! I’m so excited!!!

message 5: by Shar (new)

Shar Happy birthday! I'm looking forward to your new books.

message 6: by Anita (new)

Anita Hoffman Happy eclipse birthday, and thank you for the updates!

message 7: by Nichole (new)

Nichole Hightower can't wait for any of it! Happy Birthday!

message 8: by Andromeda (new)

Andromeda I can't wait. I finally got my account active again, new devices... so excited for new works especially She Who Knows!!!!!! Screaming happy! Loved you on Lavar Reads and looking forward to more of your writing and interviews! Loving you all the way in Sweden!

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