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Catch My Breath

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Danny Bright was born to entertain. He just needs his big break. So when he hears that Blue Horizon Records is holding auditions looking for the next big thing, Danny jumps at the chance. It doesn’t turn out exactly as he imagined, though. Instead of getting solo contracts, Danny and four other guys are put into a boy band.

Innocent, idealistic Elliot Price thinks he’s headed for college. An impulsive decision to sing in the local talent search changes all that. A bigwig producer happens to see him, hands him a business card, and turns Elliot’s life upside down.

Elliot and Danny are close from the beginning. They love all the guys, but it’s different with each other. Soon their friendship turns into feelings more intense than either of them can ignore. The other three boys only want Danny and Elliot to be happy, but when their management team and record label discover two of their biggest tween heartthrobs are in a relationship, they’re less than pleased. Danny and Elliot find themselves in the middle of a circle of lies and cover-ups, all with one bottom line—money. They have to stay strong and stick together if they don’t want to lose themselves… and each other.

350 pages, Paperback

First published June 20, 2013

61 people are currently reading
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About the author

M.J. O'Shea

81 books945 followers
MJ O’Shea has never met a music festival, paintbrush, or
flower crown she can stay away from. She loves rainstorms
and a perfect cup of tea, beach days, music, bright colors, and
more than anything a cozy evening with a really great book.

She is from the Pacific Northwest. While she still lives there
and loves it, MJ has the heart of a wanderer. So she puts all
her dreams of far off places and extraordinary people in her

Except for every once in a while when she does what all
travelers have to do on occasion… come home.

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863 reviews230 followers
June 20, 2013

4.5 stars

Ok, I have to admit (though I hate to since it makes me a relic, I know), that I have no idea who/what “Larry Stylinson” is. I had to google the name. I can’t get One Direction straight from any other boy band these days. When I hear “boy band”, I think NKOTB or NSync or Backstreet Boys. I am ancient…

So, I can’t speak to whether this is some “Larry Stylinson” book or if that was the obvious inspiration for MJ O’Shea’s story. All I can say is this:


Every single page, without fail, even in some of the harder times for the boys, I was in my happy place. I loved the characters. I loved the story. I loved the warm-fuzzies I felt. I loved the clever use of tweets and crazy fangirls. I loved the drama. I loved the emotion. I loved it all.

Did I mention: I FREAKING ADORED IT!!!!!

And truly, I can’t explain why I loved this book SO much. It actual breaks some of my no-no rules for M/M books: LONG (350+ pgs…cut out a few pages & some of the repetitive parts could have been avoided), about MUSICIANS (these books don’t typically grab me), and pretty TAME in the onpage smexy (though not quite fade-to-black, and possibly more descriptive than some YA’ers might approve of). BUT, gosh, it was just so satisfying. Maybe the preteen, young girl in me needed some attention…maybe the youthful side of me needed awakening. Who knows?

I just can’t stop smiling.

And I think, if I weren’t such an old bat, I might have squee’d over this book if I allowed myself.

Elliot & Danny are the hug-worthiest characters I’ve read about in a long time. (Danny sings Amy Winehouse’s “Valerie” for his audition…how precious is he???!!!). And though it’s technically GFY, the author didn’t make it into some big deal internal crisis about coming out…but rather just went with the flow of 2 boys, best friends, finding themselves falling in love with each other.

And Elliot, Elli-bean, my El…you have secured a spot in my “House of Huggables” next to Ryan from ICoS and Parker from American Love Songs. I love, love, love, love, looooove, you, you cutie patootie!

Sh*t…I’m smiling while writing this review too…my face hurts…

Who will love this book?

• 12 year old girls who love boys in boy bands
• 12 year old boys who love boys in boy bands
• Susan – and anyone else who shares her happy place of charming characters, sweet young love, and heartwarming moments…

Don’t want to jinx it, but…I’ve read some really great books lately…books that have HIGHLY entertained me…just sayin’! Guess "3-star Susan" is taking a break!
Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
4,031 reviews6,361 followers
February 26, 2014
M.J. O'Shea, you sweet, magical lady. Thank you for giving me a book to FINALLY make me smile this week!

This book had my name all over it. I mean, we have virgins, man, VIRGINS! And lots of angsty, lovey goodness to boot. It was just what I needed after a seemingly never-ending book slump.

I'll admit, I wasn't that impressed with the start of the story. The set up of the band seemed improbable and rushed, and I felt like everything was coming together a bit awkwardly. However, once the story got rockin' and rollin' it was smooth sailing for me!

Everyone has their own book tastes and I tend to enjoy lengthy stories with peppered with liberal amounts of sex and angst. This one was a bit low on the sex side (but I'll forgive it because these boys were practically YA-range) but the length and the delicious emotions that it wrung out of me was spot on. I really got into the romance between Elliot and Danny and I loved experiencing their ups and downs alongside them. It reminded me a lot of a mash-up between Moonlight Becomes You and The Locker Room ---> HEAVEN.

My only complaints are the slightly unrealistic nature of the band (I mean, did they ever not get along??), the low heat level, and the shaky start. However, these minor issues don't take away from the fact that I enjoyed the heck out of this book. ::blissful sigh::
Profile Image for Simone - on indefinite hiatus  -.
734 reviews42 followers
October 3, 2019
Story: ***3 - 3.5 Stars***

Danny and Elliot were highly adorbs and super cute. I only realized that I really grew out of all the teen drama by now... ;-) Oh, and these bloody tweets were annoying as hell. All these ElliotPrice@ThePrizeIsRight@DannyBright@DannyBoy94@CaraD@DelliIsRealLife blah-blah-blah #TeamDelli etc. etc. etc. made it sound as if my MP3 player got stuck and I gritted my teeth until I feared for my molars.

Audiobook: ***4 Stars*** 

Tyler Stevens was a new to me narrator and he did a great job with different voices and accents, just Elliot and Danny of all things were not distinctive enough for me. :( And everytime he started to sing it made me wince, although by the end of each line it gave me goosebumps. The good kind. ;-)
Profile Image for Sara .
1,527 reviews154 followers
October 9, 2013
So…one day I was browsing for books. Something I do often and while in the New Release category of a publisher’s site, I came upon a great cover. I am not normally drawn to covers but something about this caught my eye. I looked up the synopsis and cruised over to Goodreads to see if any of my friends had read it. They hadn’t but in a review I saw two words in quotes that I immediately Googled. From there, I was lost.

Oh yeah, those two words…Larry Stylinson. Why did those two words cause me to buy the book and get lost? It is the combined name of Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson from the boy band One Direction who have rabid “shippers” who strongly believe they are a couple, or in love, in REAL HONEST TO GOD “THERE IS NO WAY YOU CAN EXIST” over the top, head over hills in love. Do I believe this? Well, just a smidge or maybe more? Just google the name and see some of the near missed kisses, the longing looks between them, the secret arm rubs that no one was supposed to see, leg pinches under the table, secret hand gestures… I digress, the book, I was reviewing the book.

Catch My Breath was the perfect read for me when I needed it. I wanted a book to obsess over and I got it. OH BOY did I ever.
“So…Danny. Tell me why I should choose you? What makes you different?”

We meet Danny Bright on the first page waiting for his chance to audition for his big break. He goes out there and gives it his all intending on being a solo artist but is thrown off when he is told he and three other boys will be put together as a boy band…they are just missing that One Thing, the one thing that will really take them to the top. That one thing comes along in the curly haired form of Elliot Price. Once Elliot is on board, they boys name themselves Static and they are a band. From their first meeting Danny and Elliot are attracted to each other, as friends. Of course Elliott sees Danny as more but never lets on.

As the boys get thrown into a house for a reality show, their friendship continues to grow and they boys begin to realize they might be more than just friends. How can they be? How will this affect the band?
Danny had one of those moments, one of those few times when you become aware that everything is changing. His life was changing. And these guys, they would become part of it. Tate, Webb, Reece, Elliot. They were his new family.

Let me just say that reading this book; I had the biggest grin on my face. I was asked numerous times by friends, family and co-workers as I read it at work what I was reading. I could not stop talking about it and even strong armed my girlfriend into reading it with me so we could obsesses, I mean talk about it together. This book was adorable. From seeing all the boys as they are made into a band and how they instantly bond with one another despite their differences. To of course the budding romance between Danny and Elliot and the pain in my heart at their having to hide it. I adored this book.
But when we're in here alone...

When we're in here alone, you're mine.

So a book about a boy band, I guess that means I should pick a favorite one right? Okay, fine. It’s Elliot. Not only is he from my part of town the boy just had my heart in a tight grip. His relationship with his family and his best friend Sara are what give this young man the foundation needed to handle this crazy life he has been thrust into. And can I just say, I LOVED Sara. There is a part in the book where she and Elliot talk and my friend messaged me to say “OMG! THAT IS SO YOU!” She was great, a constant support for her friend no matter what. Danny, oh that man boy. The things he is forced to do for love and the band…made me love him and at the same time angered the holy hell out of me. Why? Why is it that even today in 2013 we are still so afraid to let someone be who they are? To make someone hide their sexuality because it’s not good for business. Sure, this is a book but it happens and it really does make me sick. We should not live in a time where it’s okay to portray a young man as a complete womanizing whore but it is not okay for him to be gay. Ugh. I will not jump completely on my soap box but I have to say it bugs me to no end.
Why is this necessary?

I guess the girlfriend is just... hiding what's in plain sight.

Who wanted people to think they slept their way around town when they were only eighteen years old? And really? Did their publicity team think that was such a good alternative to people thinking Elliot was gay?

I could go on and on about what I found amazing and fantastic with this book. It just hit every button for me and I how could I ask for more? Danny and Elliot are now in my favorites and as a reader I could not be happier about that. I have become one of those screaming fans that is in love with the boys of Static, the more than a bromance of Delly and simply a fangirl for this story in so many ways. Just writing this review, looking at what I highlighted and going over my quotes my cheeks hurt. I wish I could share each quote etc. that I liked but I think I have babbled enough. Did I mention how much I loved this book? Maybe?

Catch My Breath is a wonderful, smart and fun read. Like I said, I smiled throughout this book even when it hurt my heart. From first meetings, to games of speed, sneaking in secret touches, jealousy over bread sticks, forced separations, fake relationships, sneaking phone calls (Oh yeah, that one was pretty hot there at the end), first times and red carpet kisses…I LOVED this book! It has become my go to book when I need to feel better, when life has thrown me a bit more to handle and I need to sit still and yes, catch my breath.
Profile Image for Ami.
6,110 reviews490 followers
July 12, 2013
First thing first, I don't know anything about the "Larry" train; I know of One Direction, know few of their songs but I don't follow their fandom. So I have no issue what-so-ever with personal bias of the actual bromance that inspired this book.

For the positive part: the story was cute. The boys were likeable. It was nice to have a story regarding boy band. And M.J. O'Shea brought the social media frenzy into the story, which definitely a portrayal of current generation. The female characters were also portrayed nicely, even if I was a bit annoyed with Elliott's friend Sara acting all fan-girly over Danny and Elliott. Fans, I can understand. But best friend acting like a fan girl is just weird.

Now for the not-so-positive part ... my GOSH this one was LONG and FELT like it! I started reading this on June 24th. So it took three weeks for me to reach the finish line and I actually SKIMMED a lot. Duly noted that I now had a full-time job again and my reading time reduced significantly. However, when a story hooks me, I can make it a priority to read. This one I actually put down one time before decided to pick it up again (because I just want to clear this out of my current read list).

I think my personal problem with it was that I got bored with the plot. I never NOT believe that Danny and Elliott loved each other from the very beginning. They were definitely in love with one another and got all lovey-dovey. There was no real problem between the two of them except that they must follow contract that stated that they must acted straight, in which created jealousy. They always declared their love (despite the jealousy) though. So, I felt that the conflict was all external and it got repetitive after so many chapters.

So, verdict .. it was cute but it didn't stand out among all those titles I've read this year.
Profile Image for Ingie.
1,439 reviews167 followers
September 9, 2015
Written July 23, 2014

4.3 Glimmering Stars - maybe the cutest ever...
A sweet Boy Band story and a great YA M/M as well.

I started to read this book a couple of months ago (a Monday-BR with two lovely Portuguese girls, Isabel and Barbara) but stopped after 8-9% (to read another book?). Anyway, I liked what I'd read and immediately bought this 12 hours audiobook when I saw it was for just $2.29.

A good decision?

Yap! That's why there are so many stars from a not YA/NA reader.

This was surprisingly captivating for a lady who thought she had finished reading these youth romances. But, oh boy, how delightful fun and "boyband-cute-&-adoring-young-love" appetizing this novel was.

A enjoyable and nicely done audiobook narration by Tyler Stevens was it also. (..for just two single bucks - don't miss that opportunity)


Catch My Breath is romantic and simply fantastic well made "Young Adult" M/M novel about Danny Bright, a born entertainer, and the innocent, idealistic Elliot Price. It is about their love for each other, the band, their struggle whit fame, fear, hard and tough contract terms.

It is a story filled with strong emotions, young love, sex debut (non-explicit), kisses and touching, but also about jealousy, heart wrenching pain, storming happiness and the joy of creating, singing and be admired. A tale about that first beautiful love.
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

These five goodlooking charming guys first meet —and are pushed together— after auditions by Blue Horizon Records. A record company looking for new big (cash cows) stars.

This fantastic journey start with five happy young boys (Danny, Elliot, Tate, Reese and Webb al around 18-21) but it doesn't all turn out exactly as they first imagined. It isn't just to sing, smile and be happy. ~ Soon are Danny's and Elliot's lives upside down.

It was so terribly tough. They, Danny and Elliot, were forced to hide, deny, pretend, lie, etc. etc. ~ For god's sake - never let your teen, any friend etc, sign a contract before you skimmed through it and twisted and turned all ifs and buts.
“All for one”

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

I would love to write a lot more about this little gem. —There is so much to comment on, to ponder and reflect upon. It felt in my heart, I was like a mum and these boys where my dear sons.— But there's no time now. It's bedtime over here.


Catch My Breath is a love story I would recommend to a slightly older teenager. Because this is both so very cute and also so amazing beautiful. A must read for you already grown-up who like to again and again meet that sweet romantic first love. You'll get tender and grand huge love.

A good one (and audiobook listening) as I'm not going to forget in a hurry.

~ The coziest thing I've read (listening to) in a long time. ~

I LIKE - much much more than I thought


And the RL story?
Profile Image for Jennifer☠Pher☠.
2,946 reviews268 followers
July 15, 2015

So, boy bands…I was just a little too old when this happened…


I knew who they were and what was happening I just wasn’t into it.

So, fast-forward and of course I have no idea who this is because now I really am TOO OLD…



How cute are these two? Too cute. I could post a million pictures but well, not a review.

So, prior to this read I was introduced to that above too cute for words and wow, I could totally get behind the major conspiracy which seems to follow them. Totally.

So, my Pea thought that this would be a great book for me based on my love of this…




You see it too don’t you? So much touching. Anyway, this isn’t a review about Sterek, this is a review about Delly.

So, did my girl do good? Did she know that I would like this? Was she right? Yes, yes, and yes. This book was sweet and fun and heartbreaking and everything a really good true love story should be. Love at first sight even. Danny and Elliot just were way too cute for words and I couldn’t get enough of them and wanted everything for them to be rainbows and just perfect. So, too old or way too old I think that anyone who loves a true love story with the cutest of cute boys will love this one.

Thanks for a great pick for me Pea!


My Sweet Pea's pick for our Snowman challenge. I have helpers! Thanks for helping with this one Amy, Cory and
Profile Image for Darien.
866 reviews321 followers
May 25, 2018

Initially I was going to give this book a 4 Pants Off, but I spent the weekend thinking about it and going back to look over my fave scenes (which is like pretty much everything). So Sunday night I realized that I am all kinds of in love with Catch My Breath which is so surprising cus M.J O’Shea books are always a little so, so with me. This one I love so damn much giving me boy band feels causing a pants losing and so it had to be added to my “Oops! Where did my pants go??”

I’d like to tell you where my pants went…

First I was all like “this is so sweet like YA” and then boom a Mr Elliot Price started saying and doing out sexy things. At first he was awkward as fuck and out of nowhere he starts saying shit like

“you’re mine and I’m gonna put your feet on my shoulders and fuck you”

just like Danny’s face my pants were in a state of shock and disappeared. Then I realized that I love Elliot and my boy band feels were EPIC. Like the only group I was crazy about was the Backstreet Boys (keep the backstreet pride alive) and I never once thought about any of those guys getting together (whispering: I lie I totally thought Howie and A.J were banging and no one can tell me otherwise and how hoped to be a part of their little love nest).

Then there’s the somber mood of big money management trying to keep the boys apart but you can’t stop love bitches, you just can’t stop it. There’s been times I wanted to commit character murder but the urge was strong as shit for this, strong as shit. YOU CAN’T STOP TRUE LOVE YA BASTARDS!!

The writing was sweet and I love all the boys in this story, keeping the bromance strong and beautiful. I’ve never been more in love with M.J O’Shea’s writing like I am right now. This book is surely getting on my faves of 2013 and phew where the fuck is my pants?
Profile Image for Barbara.
433 reviews83 followers
February 27, 2014
Thanks to all the friends that join me and Isabel in another Cute BR!

»» BR HERE ««

This book is a very sweet, fun, emotional and lovely read, of how boys band come into public view, the rollacoaster behind, and the challenges of two of them, that fall in love for each other - Elliot and Danny!!

My gifs will honor a boys band, of my time...because while reading it, remind me a lot of them, and their songs.

 photo tumblr_lm97v4t1Th1qay8d3o1_500_zps4c59db5f.gif

 photo tumblr_mf8hxm8gYq1qhfmmwo1_400_zps8d9e6168.gif

I recommend and will read more from this author!!
Profile Image for Trisha Harrington.
Author 3 books141 followers
July 2, 2013
Catch My Breath is an amazing story. It's a YA fan fiction kind of story, with a lovely story that takes you on a crazy journey that will make you scream at the characters and shout with joy. Personally I fell in love with the blurb, then I heard Larry Stylinson and I was skeptical. I am not a 1D fan and for those who aren't you shouldn't worry about not liking this. It was nothing to do with 1D in my mind and that made this story great.

So, where do we begin? Danny is straight, has a girlfriend and the perfect life. He auditions to sing and ends up in a boyband, that changes his life forever. He meets Elliot who is single and the two make a connection. That could cause problems, right? You would think, cheating, lying and overall angst. But not really the case here. Danny broke up with his girlfriend before anything happened. Yes people, he did it before. Shocking, I know. It was soooooooo cute. I am not joking, these two boys had me smiling.

Once they got together we had a steady romance that was sweet, sappy and just plain adorable. Of course in a book we can't have a simple romance anymore, right? Yep. We had some villains who wanted Danny and Elliot to pretend they were just friends. That did frustrate me, but I fell in love with these two. They had so many cute, lovely, mushy moments that I could forgive the *coughs* beard. That didn't cause much of an issue until later in the book.

I really did feel like such a Directioner reading this. Though I was grateful that it wasn't completely them or it would have knocked this down slightly. So, for a lovable, sweet story. Read this book. It may be YA, but that should not put you off. It was amazing and I think people should take some sort of chance on this book.
Profile Image for Nic.
Author 44 books366 followers
June 24, 2013
This book is definitely worth reading, a modern take on love between two musicians who are part of a boy band.

I'm sure this plot has been done before, band members falling for each other but having to keep both their sexuality and their relationship under wraps for fear of jeapardising their career success, but this story is done really well and with a slightly different spin.

This book is definitely up with the times and presents a very modern scenario that I think we all recogonise! It starts with a music executive offering a group of solo artists the chance of a lifetime, to be part of a boy band. This is followed by the 'discovery' of the final member at a local talent show. The group then take part in a reality TV show. They have to live in a house with a couple of other music groups and solo artists. They are filmed constantly, need to participate in challenges, spend time in the diary room and be interviewed regularly. Social media also features strongly with short parts of the story being told in tweets which gives a unique view of the fans view of the band and its members.

It is against this backdrop that Elliot and Danny start spending time together. They are under continual pressure due to the unique situation. They are getting to know their fellow band members, adjusting to their living arrangements, dealing with new feelings for each, trying to manage other personal relationships, dealing with the music execs....

Danny is "funny and adorable" and Elliot "might look like an angel but has a voice like sin." They are immediately attracted but Danny isn't in a position to act on his feelings. But the more time he spends with Elliot, he realises he needs to make some changes. "It was like everything else was boring shades of gray, and Elliot was a solar flare, bright and burning." While Danny is struggling with his new feelings, Elliot is equally struggling "It was hard to remember that they were just good friends......Whenever Danny was in the room, Elliot had to keep reminding himself that anything else existed at all."

Danny and Elliot finally get together but then enter a complex world involving stress, lies, hiding who they are, fake publicity and lack of support from the record company. The story is not superficial, rather delving deeply into the emotional turmoil of each man. Of course there is a happy ending and in true romance fashion, a heart-felt song written to celebrate their love.

4.5 stars
Profile Image for Debra ~~ seriously slacking on her reviews ~~.
2,183 reviews261 followers
March 8, 2017
I have to admit this book was a good read although the whole time I was reading it I kept thinking it is basically, a YA version of Amy Lane's The Locker Room set in the music industry instead of sports with a lot less angst and sex. I had a smile on face throughout the book and enjoyed every page.

The two main characters Elliott (Harry?) and Danny (Louis?) are just too adorable for words. As the two boys find each other and fall in love,surrounded by the nicest guys ever to make up a boy band, life is great until, of course, Static becomes the next biggest thing. With that, their management reminds them that they must seem available to all the screaming tweens that buy their albums and merchandise and begins a campaign to prove their availability including fake girlfriends, manwhore rumors and anything else that will put the gay "rumors" out of the public's view. However, a group of savvy tweens continue their Twitter campaign to allow "Delly" to take the loving public.

The consequences of all the outside pressure slowly take their toll on the relationship between Elliot and Danny. How can they get through it with their relationship intact while keeping their vow to the other three bandmates not to jeopardize the group with their personal relationship? Guess you'll just have to read on to find out.
Profile Image for Jenni Lea.
801 reviews296 followers
July 28, 2013
When I first started reading this book I thought it was going to be a total cheese fest and it was to a certain degree. The boys were terribly young and I couldn’t quite relate to them as the age difference between them and I was vast. But I kept reading and it slowly turned into something more real and endearing. The boys were forced to grow up fast in a world they weren’t entirely prepared for. This book was very sweet and I found myself smiling for a good portion of it. There were even parts that brought a tear to my eye. The book was, in a word, adorable. Once I got over the fact that I’m old enough to be their mother I really started to enjoy reading it.
Profile Image for Isabel.
562 reviews104 followers
February 26, 2014
BR with my BF Barbara, starting on 02.24.2014 Here

This is the story of a boys band... very young and naive boys, that are living a dream! Two of those boys, Elliot and Danny, fall in love from the moment they meet! How they overcome the challenges, how they deal with fanatic fans, with press and paparazzi, and how they built a strong relationship, is the main part of this beautiful and sweet book!

When I reached the end of this book, I had a big smile on my face! I must be honest and say the beginning was a little slow and it was like a fairy tale! Everything was perfect, the boys loved each other like brothers, there were no arguments, they all get along... it was perfect! Even the acceptance of Elliot and Danny relationship was extremely peaceful! After 60% of the book things got better, more action, not so perfect, more real... and I started to really enjoy this reading!

Special thanks to all my dear friends that joined Barbara and I in this sweet buddy read!

Profile Image for Alvin.
388 reviews104 followers
August 10, 2016
"I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
But if I do, It's you, Oh, it's you they add up to
I'm in love with you... And all these little things..."
- 'Little Things' by One Direction

This book hit a lot of my buttons. It has music, singing, pop culture references, talent search like auditions, boy bands, reality shows, concerts, tweeting, young sweet romance, camaraderie, paparazzi, etc! It's so now and so young and it made feel like a youngster again! It is now one of my most favorite reads! :D

The book is based on this thing about an alleged bromance between Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson of the boy band One Direction. Try to google Larry Stylinson! ;)

The story revolves with Danny Bright and Elliot Price and the rest of their boy band group: Static. Danny is an aspiring singer who auditioned for a recording company hoping to get a solo recording contract. Its recording executive, Sasha Pulanski thought him, Tate, Reece and Webb would be better if they're formed into a vocal group. But they need a fifth member. Enter Elliot, a shy and meek recent high school grad. He didn't know how good a performer he is, until his best friend Sara urge him to sing in their high school event where Sasha eventually discovered him and was asked to join the group. Finally, the five of them met and they all hit it off. But when Elliot met Danny, he instantly felt attracted to him. Danny felt something for Elliot too. Now they have to figure out what's going on between them while going through one of the most exciting and stressful phase of their lives: Making it in the music industry.


The book has really good writing. Easy to read and follow. Chapter titles based on boy band songs are just sooo cute!
I loved (and hated) all of the characters. Danny and Elliot are just amazing. Danny Boy is crazy and Elli-bean is just ADORBS! I fell in love with the whole group too. Tate, Reese and Webb had their own personalities It's very nice to read a group that worked well together and loved each other like brothers. I even liked the others: Katie, Sara, Elliot's mom, Chris, and the other artists they're with during their reality show. I feel bad for them for what they have to go through during the process of recording and releasing their album, etc. It can really shake you as a person. I have a higher respect for celebrities now, now that I have an inkling of what they had to go through.
Plot was very good. It was like I'm watching a reality show. It was hard for me to stop reading and I want to know what will happen next. It was like reading Tigers and Devils. (if you have read that you'll know what I mean)
Erotic scenes in this one are only few though. Probably because of how young the MCs are.

This book really got me. I'm a pop culture junkie so I immediately liked it. I wished I had an audio book of this if it has singing and music in it. It would've been awesome.
Thank you to Catherine for recommending this. I really enjoyed it! :D

Overall it's a great read. The young and the young at heart will enjoy this.

To Ms. O'Shea:
Pls. make a sequel to this! Plsplspls pretty please!!! <3 <3 <3 #Delly #TeamDelly #DellyIsReal #DellyTrulyInLove #Deluded @DannyBoy94 @EPriceIsRight

Profile Image for Meags.
2,381 reviews639 followers
October 3, 2019
4 Stars

Sweet, sappy, boy band goodness!!

I am (very clearly) the target demographic for a book like this.

**A lover of m/m romance – that would be a yes.

**An established fan of all things YA – of course (my age is but a number).

**A holder of a (symbolic) life-long membership card to all things boy band related - HELL FUCKING YES!

I spent my teen years hardcore crushing on the likes of Brian Littrell, JC Chasez, JT and Scott Robinson. These guys still get me all aflutter - I mean, they were cute back then when I didn’t know any better, but now they're men and they're god damn hot!

When I was 14 this awesomeness was my first concert experience.

(I legit had that poster on my wall for years!)

Not long after that I started Dirty Popping all over the place when these guys came on the scene.

I was well into my twenties when this became a thing, but age will never hold me back. (Good pop music is a thing of beauty and these boys nail it EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.)

Look at those faces! Gah! I wanna bundle Niall up in a hug, and I’ll be honest, I would do dirty, naughty things to Liam and Louis if given the chance! *drool*

All of the above are well and truly faves of mine – but ultimately my heart belongs to these 5 men.

My BSB obsession spans 2 decades, countless hours absorbed in the best pop music ever written, and attendance to every tour they’ve brought to Melbourne (that’d be 6, at last count). These guys are simply, THE BEST.

Having said all that, you can now see why this story may just be perfect for me. It had all the boy band loving I can personally relate to; it had 2 adorably sweet MC’s who my heart just melted over again and again, with every hidden glance, stolen touch and whispered confessions of love; and it had an epic HEA that’s had me smiling for days.
Profile Image for Amy.
1,030 reviews101 followers
October 18, 2014
#TeamDelly #DellyIsReal #Delly4Ever

Very cute story about boy banders Elliot and Danny. They were so sweet together, almost too sweet though. I found myself having to take breaks from them to go read something else. Something dirty, LOL! That’s why it took me almost a week to finish. But I did enjoy it :) Especially with the right character inspiration.

Thanks for the snowman read Mish, Pher and Cory!
Profile Image for ~✡~Dαni(ela) ♥ ♂♂ love & semi-colons~✡~.
3,356 reviews938 followers
November 12, 2014
~3.5 stars~

Yes, this is essentially Harry + Louis (aka :"Larry" from One Direction) fanfic written by a skilled M/M author.

The best thing about Larry fanfic? Fans are positively GIDDY at the possibility of Harry and Louis being in love. No one wants them to be straight. When they come out as a couple finally (and they will)? It will be the cheer heard round the world. #harryandlouisOTPforever

This was an insanely sweet book. Maybe the beginning was improbable, and there was too much gooeyness between the band members (seriously, did they EVER snip at one another?).

The main source of conflict was Harry and Louis Danny and Elliot needing to hide their relationship per their contracts. The fake girlfriend thing got old. And the big, bad manager was so very big and so very bad.

But the sweetness. GAH! So many kisses and sneaky touches...plus that damn song. *sniffles*

I wanted more steam, damn it, but this definitely gave a wave and nod to the YA side, so that was not to be.

Let's just bask in the cuteness, shall we?

Profile Image for Rissa (an M/M kinda Girl!!).
973 reviews11 followers
July 23, 2016
4.5 Stars!!

Totes Adorb!!

When I picked this book I had no idea of the Fan Fic aspect, so I was pleasantly surprised when someone told me about it!

I love musician stories (which I'm sure you know already) and then to have them become friends and slowly turn it into something more...love! There were a few times I was hoping that they'd cross the line before they actually did but when they finally did...it was perfect!

I wanted to punch in the throat all the management people. I laughed and yup, i even cried. All these guys wanted was to be able to be with each other but it wasn't good for their image. BOOO! on them 9management) thinking that. Didn't they read the twitter stuff...just about everyone wanted to see them kiss! :P

Profile Image for Kaje Harper.
Author 84 books2,666 followers
July 10, 2013
This a sweet wish-fulfillment-fantasy story, about two guys who get picked by a talent scout to be part of a newly forming boy-band. They meet, fall in love, and then find out how much of being a successful icon involves the right kind of publicity - a big part of that is appearing available for fans' fantasies. Dating each other, loving each other, does not meet the terms of their contract.

There is some sweet first-love, some sex that is not too explicit (making this fine for older YA) and a little heart-catching angst, as Elliot and Danny deal with the choices between what feels right and necessary as a couple, and what is dictated by the demands of success and the terms of a signed contract. It's a smooth, fast read, and the general effect is warm.
Profile Image for BWT.
2,234 reviews242 followers
January 2, 2016
Belens Audio Book Review

I'm going to be honest with you - the story is well written, the narration is really well done, and it's got all the parts that make a whole including a bit of angst that to spice things up. However, my review is going to be totally subjective because I have to be honest and say this story bored the ever-loving stuffing out of me. Seriously. It's almost twelve hours long - and it felt. every. single. bit. of. it.

I'm bored

Further, I was blown away by how immature these characters were, and by "immature" I mean that both literally and figuratively. Danny and Elliot are supposed to be eighteen year olds. I swear I have never met two eighteen year olds who act as clueless, giggle-prone, and child-like as these two boys.

I take that back, I know an Amish kid who's like that. But these kids were raised in modern day California.

They act far more like they're fourteen, maybe fifteen? I kept thinking, maybe O'Shea wrote it for them being really young, but she was forced to edit them older later because of the (tame) sexy times? Which, that was another thing - the not quite fade-to-black sex? Grr.


I know so many people who gush over this story. GUSH, I tell you! So I don't know, maybe now that I'm pushing forty I just don't get the YA side anymore?


I normally LOVE YA/NA, including O'Shea's own Unintended (which, BTW the characters are also eighteen, and behave far more maturely than Danny and Elliot do). So I don't know. The characters were just really "young", the whole beard plot really annoyed me, the producer being the ultimate bad guy struck me as cliché, and everyone in their inner circle and friends being okay with them being gay struck me as inauthentic. Maybe I'm just too old for this? It just didn't speak to me at all.

I'm too old for this

Then again, maybe it just got me on bad day? Because the bones are here. The setup is good, the writing is well done, I really enjoyed Tyler Stevens narration and all of his character voices, and I can see why people are mad for this.

For those who love a lower angst, romantic, young adult story with tame sexy times you should check it out - I'm definitely in the minority.

Copy generously provided by Dreamspinner Press in exchange for an honest review.

This review has been cross-posted at Gay Book Reviews.
Profile Image for Kate Aaron.
Author 36 books337 followers
December 28, 2015
Meet Elliot...The kid was on the tall side, lanky, almost dorky to tell the truth, but that didn't stop Danny's gut from reacting. He really was beautiful - with floppy brown hair, huge dark eyes and this milky skin that didn't look like it had seen much of the California sun.

Um...or maybe you already have.


Then there's Danny. Danny in his effortlessly cool plaid shorts and perfectly white polo, easy smile, and that shiny auburn hair he flipped off to the side.

Something like this, perhaps?


Together, they become Larry Delly.


Seriously, it's so blatant it kinda distracted from the story itself. Which is a shame because the story is generally sweet and well-written.

A bugbear. This:

Sara squealed and jumped out of her chair to do a spazzy little dance.
"Oh my God! I can't even!"
"Can't even what?" Elliot asked.
Sara rolled her eyes. "Handle you two? Deal with the cuteness? I just... can't." She started dancing and giggling.

Sara, for the record, is no fan. She's been Elliot's bestie for years. So WTF is with her squealing over him like he's some object? Like his emotional life is reduced to something cute for her benefit. Ugh. It annoys me enough when real-life fangurls do that, but at least they don't know the guys they're doing to about. In a way, they are objects to them. But Sara's meant to give a damn about Elliot, she's meant to know him as a person, not just a member of a boy band. So I found all the squeeing over him to be in poor taste.

But the story itself... sigh... I've heard it before. Over and over from friends who, sadly, have been lost to the Larry fandom. El/Harry getting jealous over one of the other guys playfully feeding Danny/Louis? Where have I seen that before? Oh yeah, TXF. When they were all living in a house together for a TV show. Y'know, just like the boys from One Direction. Or is that Static?

The beard, the fake stories that one of them is a veritable manwhore, even the slightly plaintive note sounded in a interview when the shippers are accused of damaging the actual friendship between the boys with their obsession with them being together. Literally word-for-word I heard the same thing in a write-up of an Alan Carr interview.

The result was I spent more time spotting Larry trivia than actually engaging with the characters O'Shea had created. They became more cardboard than they deserved to be, because this story is genuinely sweet - saccharine so at times. I loved the slow build up, I loved that they didn't hop straight into bed and start humping like bunnies, I loved how effortlessly tactile they were.

Because I knew what the conflict was going to be, I can't say I was particularly moved or invested in the drama/angst of it all. The resolution - to me - fell a little bit flat as well. But it was an entertaining, easy read and I'll probably re-read it again at some point... if only to remind myself what the lawsuit was about ;-)
Profile Image for Demon.
192 reviews49 followers
June 21, 2021
The first half of the book was literally boring. The characters had fixed personalities and that was creepy. Elliot was just shy. The shy one. No real human being is just shy. We have emotions. I didn't like how the author just fixed him into a category. First half of the book was really hard to get into and I even yawned a few times.

The second half had a major improvement though. The story developed and the characters were more understandable. Even though it was like a switch got flipped. Everything seemed a little too far fetched and not really satisfying. But it was better.

Elliott and Danny were cute. They were young when they fell in love and the sweetness of it was nice to read especially when I have read dark romances [a girl needs a hobby!]. Anyway their relationship was nice after it developed and I liked how they treated each other.

If you have it in your TBR then read it when you have time. It's not bad. It's a nice and sweet read. ❤️
Profile Image for Tina.
255 reviews91 followers
July 4, 2013
It is not an original trope. Two men love each other. They are in a professional situation in which their love may not be accepted. Due to circumstances beyond their control, they are forced to hide their feelings from everyone except those closest to them.

It is not an original trope. Two young men, barely men almost boys, experience first love. The powers-that-be do everything they can to keep the young lovers apart for their own reasons. Sometimes it is parents keeping them apart for religious or moral reasons. Sometimes it is a corporation that seemingly controls every aspect of their lives.

What IS original is M.J. O’Shea’s spin on combining these two tropes and taking the reader on a wild, heart pounding, angst and tear-filled thrill ride. Simply put, Catch My Breath is one of those “I can’t put it down, even though I know I have to function in real life tomorrow, I HAVE to finish it or I won’t be able to sleep worth a damn anyway!” books.

Even when I was happy with what was happening with the characters, I was crying. M.J. created these young men, five of them, not just the two main characters, as whole human beings. They leap off the page and into your heart. They are three dimensional, just… real. Young men with lives, hopes, dreams, families and the same need all human beings have to love and be loved.

All Danny Bright wants to do in life is to entertain people. Elliot Price reluctantly takes part in a talent competition because his best friend talks him into it. They and three other young men are chosen to form “Static”, the next hot American Boy Band. As is normal in these situations, there are thick contracts with lots of legalese and tiny print to be signed. All the young men take the contracts to lawyers, doing the responsible thing before signing them. They are being given the opportunity of a lifetime, right? Any one who has ever read a romance novel knows it simply can’t be that easy.

The five boys become closer than brothers, but before they know it, they are no longer people. They aren’t even a music group. They are a commodity. And for the entertainment machine to make money, certain appearances must be kept up. The boys must behave in a wholesome manner that makes the mothers of their teenage fans think it would be ok for their daughters to date them. They mustn’t drink, smoke, sleep around (too much), go to wild parties or do illegal drugs. And above all else, they MUST NOT BE GYA!!! They have to appear attainable to their tween fan girls.

It is painful to read the lengths to which the producer and PR people are willing to force Danny and Elliot to go to hide their love for one another. I felt the agony in Elliot’s heart every time Danny was forced on another fake date. It was maddening. It was frustrating. It had me yelling at my Kindle. I did keep myself from throwing it, though.

A loophole is eventually found in the contract by one of the other band member’s lawyers. By this point, Elliot and Danny have been forced to live this horrible, hidden existence, even breaking up, for over a year. They take a very public stand. They force the record company to back off and explain that they now know what the fine print really says!

It is so empowering to these boys to take control of their own destinies. O’Shea appears to be taking them by the hand and leading them into adulthood. Her masterful hand brings things back to center. Everyone is back where they belong. It is amazing how deep into the emotional upheaval O’Shea was able to take me. I loved every minute of it. Even the ones I hated! This is a great book. A must read.

Profile Image for Ely.
320 reviews
May 23, 2013
I... I hate to give this one star because MJ is one of my favorite authors in this genre but I am utterly enraged by the blatant One Direction fanfic this story is. I couldn't read the whole thing and I skipped various parts because I just couldn't deal with the ridiculousness of BEING SOLD FANFICTION. Authors are people, I understand that. And they slash and fangirl like the rest of us; that's not the problem. The problem is that I was sold a story, that according to the blurb sounds like original fiction, to end up reading about One Direction - only with the change of names. It's disheartening and completely discredits the author in my eyes. If published authors want to write fanfiction, that's great but don't fucking make me pay for it. Get an account on AO3 like many other authors do and get your fangirl on. But this... this is fucking bullshit.
Profile Image for Annika.
1,374 reviews97 followers
April 20, 2018
Audiobook review

Catch My Breath has been one of my go to books whenever I want that übersweet love story. When I want a feelgood story and read about that one true love. It never fails to bring warmth to my heart and a smile to my face,

I really love this story, it hooks from beginning to end. It's tooth-achingly sweet with really lovable characters. We follow Elliot and Danny, how they go from being everyday teenage boys and how they form the boy band Static with Webb, Tate and Reece and all the complications that follow instant fame, and living in a world where being out isn't an option.

I loved Danny and Elliot together. Their love was wonderful, tangible, sweet and so many other adjectives I can't list them all. Their love story is exactly the kind of read I want when I need that feel-good book. Sure there is some angst and difficult times, but they still can’t overshadow that deep connection they have between them.

Tyler Stevens wasn't my favourite narrator. On the plus side, he did have a wide range of voices for the characters and they were great. But I'm sad to say he missed out a bit on the emotions, they felt a bit flat or off and it took away from the amazing love story being told.

I'm of two minds about this as an audiobook. One the one hand I absolutely love and adore the story, it's übersweet, that intense first love that I just can't get enough of. On the other hand the narration didn't work for me. I'm not sure if that's because I've read and loved this book before and have preconceive notions about how I think it should be, but in the end, it felt lacking and a bit off. So before deciding one way or another make sure you listen to the sample and then decide if this one might be for you. If not, you should totally read print version.

While I still loved and adored the story, the narration took away from it. Catch My Breath is still a story I'll read again, but probably not one I'll listen to.

A copy of this book was generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review

Profile Image for Teresa.
3,741 reviews40 followers
September 9, 2015
4.5 Stars - I really enjoyed this story. I felt so bad for these two caught up in the constraints of their management team. I vaguely know of the real boy band situation this seemed based on so I can't comment on that, but as a unique story, I really liked seeing the ins and outs of the music business (whether true or not) and loved all the boys. Super sweet, and I appreciated that the sex part of the relationship took time to develop. Kisses!!!
Profile Image for Fani *loves angst*.
1,770 reviews215 followers
March 22, 2016
4.5 stars

Sweet and tender story with an angsty twist in the end that saved it from sappy-land. Danny and Elliot were so sweet and perfect together, you can't help but read this one with a smile on your face for the most part. Most of my friends here in GR know I don't like sweet, sappy stories, but I always make an exception for M.J. O'Shea's work and she rarely disappoints.
Profile Image for Natalie.
388 reviews
June 23, 2013
Cute, cute, cute. It's been a long time since I was into a boy band, but this story took me right back. There's just enough angst and emotion here to keep all the sweetness from being too cloying. Although the story went on a little too long, I really enjoyed it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 300 reviews

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