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The Alva #1

A Baby for the Alien Prince

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Take a Human female as a mate on the off chance of saving his race? Absurd.

At least that's what Prince Elorshin Do'ana thinks. It's true, the Alvan race is dying. There have been no new births in years and if they don't do something, their entire race is doomed. However, Elorshin doesn't want to bind himself to a mate that can't fully share in the fated bond that all Alvan crave. Forced into a marriage by a House more powerful than his own, Prince Elorshin doesn't think he will ever know happiness, that is until he meets his bright, luscious bride.

Margot Whelan wants two things, one of which she will never have. Love and a baby. The second can't happen, not as long as she's on Earth. Population control is too strict. When she sees an advertisement for the Celestial Mates Dating Agency she decides to take the chance. After all, what future does she have on an overpopulated Earth? She agrees to marry the hot, seven foot tall, indigo alien with sparkling emerald eyes and oddly sexy fangs.

He struggles with the war between what his body craves and what his heart needs. Somehow, Margot must get past the language barrier and forge the connection Elorshin so desperately desires. A love that Houses will go to war for.

A Baby for the Alien Prince is a stand alone novel in the Celestial Mates Shared Universe. It is a science fiction romance story with a stubborn alien and an equally stubborn human female, plenty of action-packed adventure, and hot, steamy alien romance!

182 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 24, 2017

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About the author

Miranda Martin

118 books555 followers

USA Today bestselling author Miranda Martin writes fantasy and scifi romance featuring heroes with out-of-this-world anatomy that readers call 'larger than life' and smart heroines destined to save the world. As a little girl, she would sneak off with her nose in a book, dreaming of magical realms. Today she brings those fantasies to life and adores every fan who chooses to live in them for a while.

Though born and raised in southern Virginia, Miranda Martin is a veteran who's traveled to places like Korea, Hawaii, and good 'ole Texas. She's since settled in Kansas, the heart of America, with her husband and daughters, a cat, and wishes for a pet dragon or unicorn. When she's not writing, you can still find her tucked away somewhere with a warm blanket and her nose in a book.

Visit her website http://mirandamartinromance.com and subscribe to her newsletter for new releases, special sales, and a FREE ebook!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 165 reviews
Profile Image for Peggy Fonseca.
52 reviews6 followers
May 16, 2017
I was disappointed that there wasn't more to the book. The title led me to believe there would be more to the story line dealing with a baby other than the last chapter. It had good potential but didn't live up to it.
Profile Image for Sally906.
1,415 reviews3 followers
October 22, 2017
When I saw the title how could I not read it? It was either going to be quite dreadful, or really good! Well, it was really good. Politics, intrigue, danger, romance and a bit of rumpy pumpy - going to look up the second in the series because you can never have too many blue alien hero’s 😃
Profile Image for Севдалина.
736 reviews49 followers
May 22, 2017
Елоршин е принц на малко общество. На неговата планета, хората са разделени на нещо подобно на касти, като всяка по-малка каста отговаря пред по-голяма. Така един ден той е повикан от принца на една от най-големите касти, който има мисия за него. Цивилизацията им загива, жените им не могат да раждат деца и с това, малко по малко расата им започва да се заличава, затова той нарежда на героя ни, да си вземе жена от друга планета.
Елоршин не е особено доволен, тъй като когато се обвързват мъжете от неговата раса го правят веднъж, само за една жена, и когато жената е от тяхната раса, те се обвързват и умствено, способни да комуникират на ум и да усещат мислите на другият. Той не вярва, че с една извънземна съпруга може да осъществи такава връзка, но заповедта си е заповед и той се съгласява.

Марго има мечта. Да намери любовта и да има свое дете. Но сега, когато популацията на земята е много голяма, има забрана за създаване на поколение. Голяма част от хората, най-вече бедните живеят под земята и умират там, без през живота си да са виждали слънцето. Марго е една от малкото щастливки, която е изпратена да работи над земята, в домовете на богатите, и за разлика от много други е виждала слънцето. Единствения начин да сбъдне мечтите си е като спечели от лотарията. Печелившите получават билет за колониалния кораб, за който е предвидено, че ще стигне до дестинацията си след няколко генерации, но ако се качи на него, и дори да не намери любовта, ще й бъде позволено да има дете.
Когато обаче това не се случва, отчаяните мерки изискват отчаяни действия и тя се записва в агенция, която осигурява половинки от земята на извънземни мъже, и така скоро е изпратена като булка за Елоршин.

Както винаги в подобни ситуации, езиковата бариера носи куп трудности. Марго се е озовала отново на потънало в мрак място, защото хората му живеят под земята, а на планетата е вечен мрак. Освен това, новият й съпруг се държи странно, все едно не иска тя да е там. Но Марго е решена да създаде дом на тази нова планета и да сбъдне мечтите си.

Като цяло книжката не беше лоша, имаше доста интересни моменти. Единствено се дразня адски много на корицата, на която е изобразена бяла като пуканка жена с руса коса и в напреднала бременност, докато главната героиня е с мургава кожа, кестенява къдрава коса, и в нито едно изречение в книгата не беше бременна, само А си мислех, че само БГ издателствата имат корици, които не отговарят на книгата тъй като не използват оригиналните корици. Очевидно съм грешала.
Profile Image for Tera Comer.
2,136 reviews48 followers
November 3, 2017
I really enjoyed this book and hope that there will be future books of the Alvan race! I received a free copy of this book and volunteered to review it.
Profile Image for Laurin.
9 reviews
December 1, 2018
I remember reading this for the first time in 2017 and coming away thinking the world-building was significantly more unique than a lot of similar books. I gave it 4 stars, though that would've been 3 1/2 if possible. Now on my second read I realized I had been so taken with the environment because just about everything else was at best par for the course. From the awkward language used in some of the copious sex scenes to the bizarre relationship between the mains, the whole thing is just so forced.

And let me tell you this, I don't shy from a good bit of naughty business, but I can't help feeling a little grodey when all of the action in the story seems to be between the sheets (so to speak). If I wanted to read smut, I wouldn't mess around looking for plot. In A Baby for the Alien Prince, the story jumps out from nowhere between various (nearly identical) scenes of mostly oral. Just lots and lots of talk about juicy ladybits. At some point you have to wonder just who was the author's target audience? It certainly wasn't me.
Profile Image for Leigh UK.
223 reviews2 followers
June 4, 2017
Easy read with lots of action!

Well this was certainly an adventure for our daring h, Margot. Lots for her to take in, learn, process... and even more to just survive!

Here's the bullet list:
- Good writing, few typos
- Very likeable characters
- Introduction of a fascinating new world
- Enough action to keep you on your toes
- Enough sexy times to make you fan yourself (when you're not wondering if Margot will make it to the end of this story in one piece)

So why not 5 stars?

Well I feel mislead. This was no pregnant h. The baby was conceived, born and sleeping in the nursery within the first 2 pages of the epilogue.

My point? The cover of this book is all kinds of misleading. I was expecting a pregnant leading lady throughout most of the book. No such luck.
Profile Image for Annette.
3,095 reviews8 followers
July 23, 2017
Well, I feel like the title is a bit misleading or maybe my expectations were a tad off. To me, this story basically introduces the aliens and their hierarchy. I felt that the language barrier was a hindrance. It was also odd that her purpose, to have a baby, was so repeatedly rejected. The violence and weird deadly animals were...oddly timed. The flow just seemed off.
Profile Image for Donna.
1,607 reviews28 followers
December 12, 2017
The title for this book almost doesn't fit. There is only one little section that has to do with a baby. I think a better title would have been 'A Mate for the Alien Prince' or something along that line. It was an interesting book. I got a few laughs out of her learning the language. Overall, it is a nice pleasant love story.
Profile Image for Emily Pennington.
19.2k reviews330 followers
May 7, 2017
Prince Elorshin, of the Minor House Do'ana, is summoned by Prince Naefaren Viir of the Major House to which they are allied. He is surprised to see someone else at their meeting. Prince Naefaren begins by reminding him of the declining birth rate of the Alvan people. He is directing Prince Elorshin to mate with an off-worlder. Another House had tried this unsuccessfully, but Naefaren believes it is possible. Elorshin his against this, especially as it impacts his future. His people mate for life and there would be no second chance for him to find his fated mate. But if he does not comply, Naefaren will cut off his people from access to the core-well which will mean their destruction. Elorshin has no other option but to comply.

Margot was a maid for the privileged surface dwellers. The world was so full of people now that the masses lived underground with barely enough space to move around. That is why she is waiting for the lottery results so she could go into space heading for other habitable planets which could take many lifetimes to reach. She would finally at least be permitted to have a baby. And, even though she may end up living her entire life on the ship, she would live in a comfortable environment. The darkness of space could be no more difficult to endure than her underground existence now. Her children would have room to live and a family of their own. And future generations would live above ground in homes they build. She did not win the lottery that night – but maybe something even better awaits her?

Fortunately, Margot found a vid in the elevator that advertised Celestial Mates. She was matched to a Prince on Alva and was transported to her mate. But Elorshin was hesitant to bond with her. If she was not his fated mate, there would be no other chance to find that happiness. Because they did not speak the same language, he couldn’t even talk to her about it, and not understanding his rejection caused her pain. Would they be able to overcome the misunderstanding and find love? Could Elorshin take a chance or would he lose this special woman?

I really enjoyed this book! It was not what I had expected, but it captured my attention and I was glad to read it. The story line was good and the characters were described well. I liked both main characters very much. I definitely recommend this book.
Profile Image for Tynna.
96 reviews9 followers
February 12, 2021
Nice story, but I wish it was longer. I'd like to get a better picture of what happened to both Earth and Alva; hopefully the rest of the series will give more details. I'd also like to know more about how the devos became monsters, what caused the inability for Alvans to procreate, and how the major houses provide the core-well to the minor houses.

The story concept is interesting...It's believed that Alvans live underground because their enemies destroyed their sun during a war many years prior. There is an unexplained core-well that provides light and heat to most of the planet's occupants. Those who live in the dark are monsters, some of which used to be Alvans but somehow mutated. Aboveground isn't habitable.

I love that Alvans mate for life, but I hate that I didn't get to read that conversation between H and h. He didn't tell her; he might have never told her, for all I know as the reader. I was looking forward to him explaining why he didn't sleep with her but he did other things with her. (Now I'm wondering if he did other things with other females before her.) Honestly, I was hoping to see her get upset because she uprooted her entire freaking life, she moved to a different PLANET for Bob's sake, only to find out that he was wanting to find a way to get out of mating with her. What would she have done if he found his pari and mated with that woman instead? She had already ditched her job, home, and planet. I'd have flipped my shit, but we get no discussion about any of it. Hell, she only found out about the pari thing because she suddenly felt his feelings and he was like...oh yeah, it's amazing and normal. That's it. Completely glossed over.

I'm curious about something.
Profile Image for DelAnne Frazee.
2,027 reviews21 followers
September 1, 2017
Title: A Baby For the Alien Prince Celestial Mates - The Alva
Author: Miranda Martin
Publisher: Miranda Martin
Published: 4-24-2017
Pages: 163
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Sub-Genre: Paranormal Romance, Aliens, Vampires
ASIN: B071V62VT2
Reviewed For NetGalley and Miranda Martin
Reviewer: DelAnne
Rating: 4.5 Stars

Elorshin is forced into marrying an alien bride by the Naefaren Viir, Prince of a Major house of his people. He, as only a prince of a poorer house has no choice but to acquiesce to the demand, Forever relinquishing any hope of a true mate match. Margot went to Celestial Mates hoping for the chance at having on Earth, something that due to overcrowding and scare resources is unlikely to happen. When she meets the cold stranger to become her mate and he rejects her at every turn she flees. Straight into danger. Elorshin risks his life to rescue her and just as it seems they may have a chance a Prince from a Major house much larger than Elorshin's claims her as his. Torn apart from one another they face an uncertain future.

Fast paced and a quick read. You will be surprised at how quickly you are pulled into the story and do not want to stop reading. Just about the time you think you have it all figured out everything is turned on its axis. A great read to be enjoyed by and who look for an alpha male and female; both full of desires and hopes.

My rating of "A Baby For the Alien Prince Celestial Mates - The Alva" is 4.75 out of 5 stars.

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Profile Image for Spinneretta.
2,617 reviews14 followers
July 17, 2023

Elorshin and Margot Whelan

This is a book, set in the loosely confederated Celestial Mates Universe, but this is the first in “The Alva” series by Miranda Martin.
In it, we meet Margot Whelan, a maid from an overpopulated Earth, and Elorshin, an Alva and Prince of a Minor House on his planet.
Elorshin is ordered to acquiesce to the celestial mates match, even though the Alva have soul-mates, or pari, and there is only one chance at that- something Elorshin fears he will be giving up by mating with a human.
Margot just wants a family of her own, and this is her only opportunity. She’s not exactly happy that her mate doesn’t seem to be on board with their pairing.

This is a fairly quick read, as you may have come to expect from the Celestial Mates reads. There’s plenty of action, adventure, and of course a little romance which doesn’t always go smoothly, partly due to linguistic issues, cultural issues, and just sheer stubbornness.
Margot is a pretty tough cookie, she comes from the rougher parts of Earth, and it’s made her very resilient. That doesn’t make her perfect of course, she does make a few stupid choices, but ultimately it’s a personality trait that proves to be a good thing.
Elorshin is honourable, and definitely bound by his duties… though it’s the duties as he sees them rather than as defined by anyone else. He too makes some silly choices, but does admit to his own error once he recognizes it.

It’s a fast paced tale, with an interesting setting- the world and culture of the Alva are definitely something I found myself wanting to know more about. There’s a lot of places this series can go, and it made for an entertaining read.
The characters were interesting, and the story fun, though the book didn’t really get to delve too deeply into any of it, due to the shorter length. Hopefully, future books in the series will answers some of those burning questions I have about the Alva world!
An enjoyable read for Celestial Mates fans, and for sci-fi romance lovers.
Profile Image for Lisa Jo.
387 reviews36 followers
August 6, 2019
This was... interesting. The world building was awesome. I loved everything Martin created in this sci-fi world. The creatures, the minor and major houses...the struggle between good and evil was really well done.

The romance was a bit confusing at times. I really liked the main character and thought they made a great couple. Elorshin was a kind and gentle hero. I appreciated the fact that he didn't immediately accept Margot. Only because he doubted the probability that she would be his perfect mate. He was disappointed that he was risking his chance at one true love by accepting Margot. But he quickly learned how special she really was. Margot was a very resourceful and intelligent heroine. She made her own way in the world and accepted the circumstances of her life would not change unless she changed them herself. Her desire for a family lead her to Celestial Mates and the start of her new life.

But the language barrier really made for some unclear signals. This book was by no means "sweet" or "clean" but I felt like the physical side of their relationship was just thrown into this book to make it hotter. The timing was bad...it just felt all wrong. It made absolutely no sense the first few times they were together.

The ending was really well done. A lot of suspense with a cute happily ever after. It was a quick read that I did enjoy, even though there were some aspects I didn't like. I enjoyed it enough though that I'm encouraged to continue reading the rest of this series.
Profile Image for Poetic Puppy.
305 reviews1 follower
October 10, 2017
I'm not a huge fan of this genre, but I really enjoyed this book.

Margot is fed up with her life; she wants a family and that’s the one things she’s denied as a subterranean dweller. Elorshin wants a Paritella (something akin to a soulmate), but he’s denied that when the Prince of a Major House to whom he’s affiliated forces him to take a human bride. When Celestial Mates matches the pair together, Margot finds herself moving to a new world; one where she’s unwanted but very much needed.

I enjoyed this book, even though the speed at which Margot picks up the Alien language is beyond ridiculous. While this is your typical sci-fi romance, Alva is a really well constructed world. I loved the descriptions of the place, the people and the politics; I’m hoping we’ll learn more about it too in subsequent novels. Not only does Alva have a unique landscape but so too does Earth, as overpopulation has become a real problem. After moving to Alva, Margot is in for a real culture shock, something she didn’t anticipate. I would have liked to have seen her interacting with the Do’ana people a little more, but you get the idea of how she’s able to win people over based off of her interactions with those of the Prince’s household. As for the Prince, Elorshin, you’ll find he wins you over despite his not showing himself in his best light in his first meeting with Margot. The development of their relationship is actually quite sweet so if you’re looking for a quick and easy romance novel, ‘A Baby for the Alien Prince’ might just be the book for you.

Profanity: Fairly frequent
Sexual content: Fairly frequent/detailed
Violence: Fairly frequent and descriptive
Cautionary element(s): Kidnapping
Profile Image for Yvonne Daniels.
2,544 reviews18 followers
May 23, 2017
A Baby for the Alien Prince: Celestial Mates The Alva
by Miranda Martin
OMG! A FANTASTIC ALIEN STORY! Miranda Martin has outdone herself with this one. I really enjoyed reading this story! I couldn't stop reading this story once I started. The characters are likable, steamy, exhilarating, sensational, fantastic, unique and well developed. Miranda did a quite awesome job putting this story together. The story is full of drama, the scenes description is well written and you'll fall in love with love! The dialogue is exciting, sweet, charming, sensual and captivating! There will be sparks. Prince Elorshin of the Minor House Do'ana, is summoned by Prince Naefaren Viir of Major House to which they are allied. Prince Naefaren begin reminding him of the declining birth rate of the Alvan people. Because he feels that he is being forced into a marriage by a House more powerful than his own. Margot Whelan was a maid for the privileged surface dwellers. Margot lives underground because the earth is over populated and now the masses barely have enough space to move around. But Margot found a advertisement for Celestial Mates, Fortunately,she is match to a Prince on Alva. She is transported to her mate. She is going the other habitable planet. She can now finally have a baby and her children may have a family themselves. It pulled me in from the beginning and held my attention until the very end. This is a Sci-fi romance with tempers flaring, total devotion, sexy princes with a happy ending. I was glued to my reader and I couldn't read fast enough. It's so amazing it will make you turn the pages faster and faster until you read the end.
Profile Image for Sandra.
460 reviews5 followers
March 17, 2022
Margot quiera algo que no puede tener en la tierra, en esta realidad la tierra está súper poblada y tener hijos es un privilegio que no todos ganan solo los ricos.

Sueña con algo mejor y vivir en el subsuelo de la tierra no es eso lo que quiere para sus hijos si es que la tiene. Por eso parece una buena idea cuando ve una tarjeta de Celestial Mates la agencia que asegura encontrar las parejas perfectas para todos.

Ver la imagen del príncipe Elorshin siente que puede que esté haciendo lo correcto.

Elorshin está molesto como príncipe de una casa menor siempre tiene que doblegarse por los príncipes de las casa mayores, dependen de ellos para vivir y sabe que nunca hará nada que no sea por el bien de la gente de su casa.
Ser obligado a casarse con una humana ya que están viendo menos parejas en su especie lo pone aún de peor humor, el príncipe mayor es tan cobarde como para no hacer el mismo el emparejamiento.
Lo peor es que sabe que al unirse a una persona que no era su pareja destinada lo condena a no sentir más íntimamente a su pareja y entenderla.

El mundo de Elorshin es más de lo Margot esperaba aunque sigue viviendo bajo tierra. Ella está dispuesta a poder aprender todo lo que pueda de ellos. ¿De verdad hay almas gemelas en este mundo? ¿Puede una humana tener está conección?
Profile Image for Miriam.
923 reviews
May 7, 2017
I liked seeing the heroine trying to adapt to an alien culture and find her place in her new home (especially with the language barrier). I liked the hero, he's put in a place where he has to decide between his duty to his people and his desire for a bond with his potential mate. I liked seeing both Elorshin and Margot find common ground and work together to find what they really want in their relationship.

I wish I got the Celestial Mates part better. I was a little confused as to exactly what was going on with the what appear to be alien match-makers. I haven't read any other books in the "series" so I'm not sure if I'm missing something there. I did find it really odd that you have a alien race using these match-makers that obviously have very advanced technology to find women, but yet the Alvan's don't have indoor pluming. To me it seemed very odd that Alvan's weren't looking for a way off their world if the conditions were so hard, since they have contact with a race that can go somewhere else.

I received an ARC edition of this book from the author.
Profile Image for Melanie S.
1,812 reviews31 followers
June 14, 2017
Celestial Mates matches humans and aliens "across time and space," so when Margot from an overpopulated, ecologically devastated future Earth dreams of a husband and children, her only option is to sign up. When she is instantly matched to Elorshin of planet Alva, it looks like a 'win some, lose some' situation. She still has to live underground, without sunlight, green grass or trees. There are incredibly vicious monsters called devos who prey on anyone foolish enough to be out in the dark. But Elorshin is big, blue, beautiful, and a prince - albeit of only a Minor House. Margot's and Elorshin's adjustment is complicated by differences in language and custom, but it's the malicious interference of the ruling prince of a Major House which endangers their bond, their lives, and Elorshin's kingdom. The story is full of danger, intrigue, suspense, love, sex, honor, and loyalty - everything needed to make this the perfect alien SF romance, HEA included. I loved it, read it through twice, I recommend it, and I will absolutely read more of Miranda Martin's books.
Profile Image for Jennifer Holzapfel.
1,037 reviews4 followers
February 23, 2018
I don't normally read sci-fi romance, but I enjoyed this novel. Margot is from Earth and lives underground, as only the super wealthy live in the sunlight in skyscrapers. All women are sterilized below ground to control the population. She is so desperate to no longer live in the darkness, that she goes to a mating agency to find an alien man on any planet. She wants to have children desperately, and she agrees to an immediate pairing on a distant planet. The book does not go into details on how they restore fertility or how far the planet is. She is mated to a prince on a planet where everyone is blue.
Elorshin is the prince of a minor kingdom and is forced to take a mate from another planet. He does not want Margot, for he wants his paritella, or fated mate. He keeps avoiding mating with her, so she runs off, and he realizes his mistake. Will he be able to save her from the deadly beasts that surround the darkness of his planet, and is she his true love?
Profile Image for Ari Reavis.
Author 20 books160 followers
May 6, 2017
This was a surprisingly good read. Had more going on than I initially thought. The romance was good.
Elorshin was basically saddled with an earth bride to repopulate. This was basically Margot's only chance to have a baby. But after the initial push and pull (on Elorshin's end), things settle and they have a really deep bond. I could've done with more sexy times, but hey, that's just me. But the sex scenes they had were pretty good. My favorite part was the unexpected fighting. Elorshin's world was a lot more dangerous than it first appeared in many ways.
One star off because the whole premise of this book was Margot getting pregnant by the alien and this was totally and utterly skipped over. I mean like one chapter they're all lovey dovey and the next Elorshin is putting their baby to sleep. Like wait, what? Not even an "oh I'm pregnant, we're so happy' phase? Nope.
2,798 reviews9 followers
May 18, 2023
A fantastic, extraterrestrial romance. While Elorshin Do'ana is a prince of Alva, his fealty resides in the hands of a greater noble who forces him to take an off-world bride. Margot Whelan, a human tired of cramped and uncaring societies, wants love and a child. So, she willingly subscribes to Celestial Mates. With different languages and cultures, she finds her reception cold and unappealing. Elorshin finds his attraction daunting. There are a few harrowing experiences as their relationship blossoms. But, in the end, love prevails.

Easy-to-read. Entertaining. Great world building. Happily Ever After. Page-turner. Romantic. Scary. Steamy. Tragic. Twisted. Unpredictable. Whimsical. Wonderful characters.

I received a review copy of this book from a third party. This is my honest review.
Profile Image for Emily Lindsey.
Author 4 books19 followers
May 17, 2017
Deep, emotional and hard to put down

This book was hard to put down. Margot is living a rough existence. It starts off in a dark dystopian Earth that is barely able to sustain life, with a harsh class system. Sloshing also is living in a dark and class derived planet. In it, like underground. How bad does Margot's life on Earth have to suck to think that this is an improvement? She doesn't know the language or the customs, she makes an egregious mistake, I mean, the drama just continues to build, but you will start to love this Prince and Margot too. I loved that this love story was so dark, that it had weird creatures, and some wicked twists too. Definitely worth reading.
Profile Image for Susan Otto.
832 reviews7 followers
September 9, 2017
Terrific alien/human science fiction Romance

Elorshin is a prince of a minor house on a planet that keeps monsters away with light and sword. One of the major houses , which controls the light source, has forced Elorshin to take a mate.

Margot wants to leave Earth switches overpopulated and crowded, most of population below ground are sterilized. She wants to leave so she can have children and room move in . Celeste mates get through this opportunity.

Elorshin wants Margot, but wants parti, a true mate more.
The characters are colorful , relatable and interesting. Author's writing evokes vivid images of the characters and plot of the story. I would recommend this book to readers of Science Fiction Romance.
27 reviews1 follower
May 9, 2017
Big, blue, and hot

In a future world, the earth is much changed, overcrowded and underground. Margot works cleaning the topside, above, and dreams of having children and going off-world. She has no chance til she signs up as a celestial mate and get paired up with an alien prince. Elorshin is a prince from a minor house. He is strong armed into taking a human bride, and wants a pair bond so fights his attraction to the feisty earth female. A rip roaring adventure that will leave you turning the next page as both Elorshin and Margot fight to be together. A great wee read, highly recommended
Profile Image for Skylar.
590 reviews
May 14, 2017
3.5-4 Pretty good! Nice and fluffy. When I need an alien fix, I'll check out more in this series. I admit to a bit of skimming but it was only a few pages. The title didn't really match the book for me. I'm all for that trope but
Profile Image for SJ Dugmore.
14 reviews
July 5, 2017
A solid four stars.
I liked it. The characters weren't wet fish, and the story was at least engaging.
And finally, a realistic approach to the language barrier.
Nothing gets me more annoyed than a poor approach to an obvious language issue. Use some universal implant if you must.
But I digress. I liked the people, I liked the story, and I enjoyed the HEA. It warmed the fuzzy spots on my cold, dead heart :)

The world could have been fleshed out a bit more, but it's to be expected from a first person perspective. It didn't detract from the story, so I can live with it.

Would I read it again? I'd give it a bash
Profile Image for Barbara Stewart.
680 reviews
May 9, 2017
didn't care for this book. everyone lived underground even on earth. when Margot finds a way to have a baby and leave earth she thinks she is heading up and out into space where she can see the stars again. but she's going to be the mate of Prince Elorshin who lives underground on another planet. and there is nothing there almost like the middle ages. he's blue with long hair and really not even one of the higher princes, but he's not happy cause now he's forced to marry a human and will never know his true mate.
Profile Image for Mary Fritz.
34 reviews5 followers
June 8, 2017
Baby alien

First time reading a book from this author and Miranda Martin did not disappoint me.
I totally loved this story and look forward to her next book and I do recommend it to anyone.
I cannot telll you more about the book than what the blurb say,cause to me you need to read and experience it youself.
To tell you more then the blurb will just ruin the story for you and I will not do that.as you know some reviews give too much info. Hate that.
Just read it for your self💖
I hope you enjoy it and leave a honest review.💖
Profile Image for Dina Bushrod.
595 reviews10 followers
November 7, 2017
First time reading this author Great world building in this sci-fi romance. Humanity on Earth has changed drastically and the only way a girl from earth can leave it for a better life is to become a wife and mother on another planet for an alien. What happens when the male only wants to wed one of his own, one he's fated to be with. It's not a perfect planet with problems of it's own; so what happens when the human girl realizes not even an alien wants her and runs away into horrors worse than those on Earth.
Profile Image for Katie.
806 reviews16 followers
June 9, 2019
A bit of false advertising..

I'm not quite sure why this book was called "A Baby for the Alien Prince"... It should be called "A Mate for the Alien Prince". There was no pregnancy and the baby was a few paragraphs in the final chapter. Although the story was well written and the characters were great, I'm disappointed because I really wanted to read a book about an alien making a baby....
This really was an excellent book, once you ignore the lack of pregnancy and babies, and I'd love to read more of the series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 165 reviews

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