Tynna's Reviews > A Baby for the Alien Prince

A Baby for the Alien Prince by Miranda Martin
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bookshelves: pnis-makes-it-all-better, virgin-hero

Nice story, but I wish it was longer. I'd like to get a better picture of what happened to both Earth and Alva; hopefully the rest of the series will give more details. I'd also like to know more about how the devos became monsters, what caused the inability for Alvans to procreate, and how the major houses provide the core-well to the minor houses.

The story concept is interesting...It's believed that Alvans live underground because their enemies destroyed their sun during a war many years prior. There is an unexplained core-well that provides light and heat to most of the planet's occupants. Those who live in the dark are monsters, some of which used to be Alvans but somehow mutated. Aboveground isn't habitable.

I love that Alvans mate for life, but I hate that I didn't get to read that conversation between H and h. He didn't tell her; he might have never told her, for all I know as the reader. I was looking forward to him explaining why he didn't sleep with her but he did other things with her. (Now I'm wondering if he did other things with other females before her.) Honestly, I was hoping to see her get upset because she uprooted her entire freaking life, she moved to a different PLANET for Bob's sake, only to find out that he was wanting to find a way to get out of mating with her. What would she have done if he found his pari and mated with that woman instead? She had already ditched her job, home, and planet. I'd have flipped my shit, but we get no discussion about any of it. Hell, she only found out about the pari thing because she suddenly felt his feelings and he was like...oh yeah, it's amazing and normal. That's it. Completely glossed over.

I'm curious about something. (view spoiler)

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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
February 11, 2021 – Shelved
February 11, 2021 – Shelved as: pnis-makes-it-all-better
February 11, 2021 – Shelved as: virgin-hero

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