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More Than #1

More Than This

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When Mikayla imagined her prom night, she envisioned a fairy-tale evening full of romance. So when betrayal and tragedy come in quick succession, Mikayla is completely destroyed. Suddenly, everything she loved and everyone she relied on are tragically, irrevocably gone.

Jake, a handsome boy she just met, happens to witness her loss. With no one to turn to, Mikayla is forced to depend on this near stranger and his family, and he in turn is determined to take care of her. But Mikayla—thrust into adulthood with no one to guide her—is desperate to contain her grief and hide what she considers to be her weakness. Mikayla and Jake both want more, but despite their growing closeness and intense chemistry, she tries to keep her distance and protect her heart. As he does everything in his power to win her trust, Mikayla must choose between remaining alone and safe or letting love in.

287 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 10, 2013

1,648 people are currently reading
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About the author

Jay McLean

43 books8,095 followers
Jay McLean is an international best-selling author and full-time reader, writer of New Adult and Young Adult romance, and skilled procrastinator. When she’s not doing any of those things, she can be found running after her three little boys, investing way too much time on True Crime Documentaries and binge-watching reality TV.
She writes what she loves to read, which are books that can make her laugh, make her hurt and make her feel.

Jay lives in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, in her dream home where music is loud and laughter is louder.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,319 reviews
Profile Image for Christy.
4,345 reviews35.4k followers
January 14, 2023
5- I more than a lot liked this book- stars!!!

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This book hooked me from the start and I couldn’t put it down. Loved every single page! I’m going to throw this out at the very beginning of my review- this one is going straight to the favorites shelf!

In one night my fairytale ended... or it may have begun.
It’s just one day. 24 hours. But for Mikayla, that one day alters her entire life. Kayla’s life was pretty great. She had fun and awesome parents, a sweet little sister, a best friend- Megan, and her boyfriend of 4 years, James. In one night, she loses them all in some way. In that night, she also finds the other half of her heart.

Kayla meets Jake, the circumstances are less than ideal, but in some way or another, they just connect. She would never know this random guy she meets on the night of her prom will change her life, save her life. Jake doesn’t know what it is about Mikayla, but from the moment he lays eyes on her, he knows. Something is different about this girl. He can’t let her walk away.

After a traumatic event, Kayla finds herself leaning on Jake, relying on Jake, this boy she has known less than 24 hours makes her feel safe, cared for, he lessens the pain.

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Their bond, their friendship, it’s just amazing. JAKE is just amazing. I’m talking Josh Bennett, Andrew Parrish type amazing. The best kind. I’m a little obsessed with this guy. As time goes on, Jake and his family and friends are exactly what Kayla needs to heal and try to get on with her life. She and Jake have some serious feelings for each other, even if they don’t admit them out loud. Jake gives Kayla the strength she needs to go on.
I think I’m in love with this beautifully broken girl.

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I so much more than a lot like you.

I loved the friendship these two developed. The intimate moments they shared. The build up and sexual tension was off the charts.

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Waiting for these two to reveal how they truly felt for one another was brutal at times... even though they weren’t official, I loved that they still belonged to each other.

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All Jake ever wanted was to be there for Kayla, to take care of her, love her. But he wants all of her, not just parts, so he waits until she is ready to give him all of it.
It’s the fucking hardest thing to do, to be around the person you love, with everything you have, and not be able to love them.

Kayla knows how she feels about Jake. She has never doubted those feelings. Others can see it too...
The way she looks at you- like you’re the only one. You’re it, Jake. You’re all of it. Her forever.

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‘It’s just you. It’s only ever been just you. It will always only ever be just you.’

It’s just getting to the point in her life when Kayla feels complete enough to be with Jake wholly that is difficult. But sometimes, you have to move on. Let go. Embrace your life.
I will not let bad people dictate what should be a good life.

Some of my FAVORITE things/quotes:

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‘Why does he get to call you Kayla, and everyone else calls you Mickey?’ I shrug. ‘Because my family called me Kayla.’

Do not settle for anything less that the Jake Andrews of the world. Because they exist, and not just in fairytales.

Once he’s inside me, I work it out, why I never felt like this before. Because if I compare my feelings for Jake to anyone else, then I know. I know I’ve never loved anyone before. Not even a little bit. Not even at all.

I love him, so much more than a lot.

This book was just all kinds of awesome. It will put you through the ringer emotionally. The best part was, even through all the tears and devastating, emotional moments, there were a lot of smiles, a lot of swooning, and a lot of laughter. Isn’t that the best kind of book? That can make you feel, make you cry, but also makes you happy. It is for me. I loved the dual pov- inside of Jakes head... YES! I know I touched on this a little bit before, but Jake Andrews... Jake was everything you could ever want in a man. Seriously the best. Without him, I don’t even know how Kayla’s story would have turned out. He is just incredible! There were also some pretty wonderful secondary characters: Lucy and Logan were my favorite. I swear Lucy could be my twin- lol ;) And Logan... I am so happy he is getting his own book. But the ending sentence or two... what was that? I need more of this guy!

Heartbreaking, heartwarming, beautiful and emotional story about love, friendship, moving on and letting go. Don’t pass this one up. I can’t even tell you why I loved it so much- it just gave me that ‘feeling’, you know, the one you get after you read a book you can’t get out of your head- I just was so happy after reading, you couldn’t get that smile off of my face! Highly recommend this one!!! ♥
Profile Image for Alexis *Reality Bites*.
757 reviews3,663 followers
October 10, 2013
SPOILER FREE REVIEW -mature content reader discretion is advised.
5 STARS out of 5
Genre:New Adult Romance

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That moment when you find a book you love..and can barely contain your excitement because you want to share it with EVERY ONE

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It can’t be just me… You have to read this book I cannot be alone in this love fest. I need my fellow book lovers to read this book! ASAP!

My Casting
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Because I need to know.
I need to know how she feels and what she wants from me, from this.
If she wants to be MORE THAN THIS.

Prom night should be one of the best nights of your teen life right? Well, that is not the case for Mikayla. For her prom night becomes the night her life forever changed; in more ways than one.

‘I look over at the cute brunette and wait for a reaction. I feel like I should leave, like what I’m witnessing is too intimate, too personal. But my feet are locked to the floor. I have no idea why, but I can’t look away.
I can’t walk away.’

Jake and Mikayla meet under horribly embarrassing circumstances, nevertheless they bond and by the end of the night whether they realize it or not they are tied to each other for life.

I spent the beginning of this book an emotional wreck.
At 3% I was steaming mad.
At 14% I was happy and laughing my ass off.
At 17% I get hit right in the back of my head with a sledge hammer. It hurt…It hurt so damn bad.

As Mikayla tries to reassemble the pieces of her life that are left she becomes close to Jake and his family. A guy who barely knows her but now holds her fragile heart in his hands. Moving on is not easy yet she slowly does and Jake is right by her side. Mikayla quickly learns that Jake is, The Jake Andrews, an all star baseball pitcher and predicted to go pro.

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A very close friendship blooms between them; at times it is so intimate that I felt like I was intruding on all the moments they would share. Jake is careful not to push her in to something she is not ready for. But he wants her. B A D. Not just sex either. He wants her. All of her.

And she wants him too. All of him.

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The intensely burning chemistry with these two makes for some very steamy angst filled moments!

‘Nothing like a mind blowing orgasm to keep a goofy smile on my face.

‘We’re looking so intently into each others eyes, trying to see into each others souls.
Talking without speaking.
Feeling without touching.’

‘I’m two seconds away from exploding and I warn her but she won’t. fucking. stop.’ ~Jake

‘He kisses away the tears that have fallen all over my wet face. Then he looks at me, really looks at me. And then his lips are on mine, and my eyes close because the sensation is so overpowering.’ ~ Mikayla

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Fave scenes (without any major details)

-After prom the bon fire...

-Every scene with Logan...

-The letters...

-The Prince in a Flashback of a young Mikayla being told a story by her mom...

My Thoughts
The story is told in dual pov so we get inside both Jake and Mikayla’s head which I must say is a true pleasure. READ THIS BOOK! You know you’ve struck gold when a book can make you
Happy, sad, laugh out loud, swoon, then cry all in the first 20% of reading.
The characters Jake is a total alpha. You best not look and you sure as hell better not touch his girl because he won’t hesitate to whoop that ass. He is also loving, tender, sweet, understanding and patient with Mikayla. It is as if he was exactly what she needed and vice versa. And yeah, he’s kind of a big deal!
Mikayla this girl goes through so much yet she is still standing talk about recovering from a lost. After losing so much you can barely breathe. She is just..WOW. Smart, funny and no idea how beautiful she is, inside and out!
I gave these two a pass for not being able to communicate all of their feelings. Which can be frustrating for readers. They are both 18, so I feel as though characters under age 22 get passes because they most likely have not had the chance to be in more than 1 long term relationship yet. Even with my pass they fared well. Insecurity was the biggest issue with these two.

The secondary characters will not only catch your attention, they will leave you wanting more. Mainly Logan, the guy is freaking hilarious. I think for me the best part of the secondary character roles are played by the parents. The parents carry a strong presence in this book. Major thumbs up for that Jay McLean!

Dear Megan,

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The ending, no cliffhanger… BUT even though we get a sweet epilogue, readers will still get a nice little twist at the end. This twist will leave your jaw on the ground. Trust me. Because even though you could have predicted it… So much goes down in the book that you forget about it until its right in front of your face on the page. It is literally the last sentence of the book...

My Ratings
Characters- lovable, witty and charming
Writing Style- Fair, there was excessive usage of slang and a few editing issues
Plot/Storyline- Strong it will grab you from the first page
Steam Factor- High/VERY HOT
Overall- I LOVED IT! READ IT!!!

Now go forth and read. Then come tell us about it on Goodreads!

For more reviews got to http://realitybites-letsgetlost.blogs...
*Copy kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Pearl Angeli.
654 reviews1,018 followers
July 2, 2017
(SPOILERS ahead...)

It took every ounce of control I had not to DNF this book. It's one of the most unrealistic stories I've ever come across with!

Here are the reasons why I didn't like it:

UNREALISTIC PLOT - This is a work of fiction, I know. But why make the whole thing unbelievable to the extreme? Mikayla found out one day that her boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend. That same day, she also met the gorgeous guy with a sexy Aussie accent named Jake and well, instantly felt attracted to him. THAT VERY SAME DAY, she experienced great loss when her family members were murdered. The next day, she became part of Jake's family and Jake's family offered her shelter even if she's a complete stranger. Okay, I don't mean to sound so selfish and insensitive here because the girl lost everything she had, but honestly, all shit happened in one day?

MIKAYLA - Mikayla is also one of those unbelievable heroines ever existed. She just lost everything but I couldn't believe her way of coping. It didn't take her a week to move on. She can even laugh with Jake's friends and she even had time to entertain such unnecessary thoughts.. like how Jake is so damn sexy and how his accent always gets her and so forth and so on.

INSTA-LOVE - YES. Insta-love big time!!!

SIDE CHARACTERS - Why everyone that is close to Jake treats Mikayla like the way they treat an old-time friend confuses me. How did these people instantly warm up to her? They've just met her and then, just like that? So unbelievable!


I cannot bring myself to recommend this book to others because it's completely over-the-top . Much as I tried, I just couldn't like this book. I was groaning inwardly and rolling my eyes at every scene. Ugh. Overall, this book wasn't for me. I didn't feel connected to everything.


1 Star

Pearl's Book Journey (1)

Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,812 reviews25.2k followers
February 27, 2015

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More Than This is book one in the More Than series by Jay McLean. This book was recommended to me by two different friends but I hadn’t really read many reviews so it took me by completely by surprise. I WAS NOT prepared for all the feels, and let me tell you, there are plenty. And the hotness factor, oh my gosh, was off the charts.

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Mikayla is eighteen years old, just two weeks away from graduation, and it’s prom night. She is going with her boyfriend of four years, James, and her best friend, Megan. Mikayla has a wonderful family, her parents and little sister. She and James have their college all picked out and everything is perfect. This night is going to be perfect…or so she thought.

The night that started out with so much promise ended up being the night that forever changed her life, her future. It was a night of betrayal and horror. That is also the night she met Jake.

“How can everything, EVERYTHING, be taken from me instantly?”

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Jake is also eighteen years old. He is a star pitcher and as his parents would say, kind of a big deal. His college scholarship is in place, his future set. He just happened to be at the same restaurant as Mikayla that night, Jake with his own friends, when he witnessed the beginning of the downfall of Mikayla’s night. So like her very own prince charming, he rescued her. He introduced her to his friends who accepted her immediately as one of the group. Little did they know what the rest of the evening had in store for them.

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After the horrors of that night, Jake’s family takes her in and Jake is by her side every step of the way. He is her strength, her rock. She can’t stand to be away from him for even a minute. As the days and weeks progress, their bond strengthens.

“She’s just, more, than anyone else. We haven’t slept together, we haven’t even kissed, and she’s just…more.”

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This book is full of the healing power of love. Jake’s family and friends take Kayla in as one of their own, never hesitating. Jake is patient, never asking more of her than she is willing to share.

“Hey, Jake”
“Yeah, Kayla?” He’s almost asleep.
“I more than a lot like you.” It’s quiet for so long I don’t know if he heard me.
Then, “I more than a lot like you too, so much more than a lot.”

Jake knows he is in love with Kayla but he can’t tell her, not yet. He’s afraid she’s not ready to hear it, or what if she doesn’t feel the same way. Kayla knows she is in love with Jake as well. But she’s broken. How can she give herself to him when she’s broken?

“I’m scared. So scared. That I won’t be enough. And that I’ll never really have him. My Jake.”

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These two were only eighteen years old but forced to deal with things that no adult should ever be faced with. But this book was really a story of the healing power of love. Jake, his family and his friends all giving Mikayla the love and strength she needs to get through the most difficult of times. This book is full of so many fantastic quotes. The chemistry between these two freaking electric. And wow, the ending. That was a shocker. Well, two shockers actually. The author knows just how to make us want to come back and read the next book. It worked because now I’m hooked and will have to continue on with book two, More Than Her, and get Logan’s story.

“It’s just you. It’s only ever been just you. It will always only ever be just you.”
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
2,003 reviews34.8k followers
November 19, 2014
2.5 Stars

Maybe I've just read too many things similar to this and thus the blush is off the rose...but this pretty much sums it up for me:


Don't get me wrong, Jake was cute and I liked him and all...but Kayla and her cock teasing ways were really starting to make me want to slap a bitch.

Two words:

Blue. Balls.


Not nice, Kayla. Even I was getting sexually frustrated, and I don't even have balls.


Something else random that annoyed me? This quote:

"If I compare my feelings for Jake to my feelings for James, then I know I've never loved anyone before. NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT. NOT EVEN AT ALL."

Gee that sounds familiar...oh yes, it's from my favorite Heath Ledger movie of all time, which I have watched probably a million times when I was a broke college student with only a VCR and some VHS favorites (*gasp*)...notice the last two lines...


I'm sure it's coincidence, but still. Hmmmmmmm...
Profile Image for Kristin (KC).
269 reviews25.3k followers
December 12, 2014
*3 Stars*

Great story, but left me slightly conflicted...

This book had such a powerful, gripping start that broke my heart and made me anxious for the complex story I presumed would follow. Instead, I found that the middle strayed considerably from the intensity and intrigue of its promising beginning. That's not to say that I didn't enjoy what this story offered, because I did. But I felt some major issues were never fully explored while certain trivial issues were intensified. Luckily, the ending delivered some more of that awesomeness I was longing for!

More Than This kicks off to a highly intense start: We are introduced to Mikayla, who is having a pretty crappy prom night, only to learn than things will shortly go from bad to worse. Or, more accurately, from bad to utterly devastating...

And. I. Was. Floored.

But, even in the midst of a world shattering tragedy, Makayla was granted a silver lining, and his name was Jake Andrews.

Jake quickly became Kayla's rock, and an undefined but intense relationship was formed. This is where the plot started to lose me a bit...

The ever popular jealousy and mistrust issues were a nice source of tension, at first, but then the book began to flood with it; until it was page after page of 'why are you talking to that guy; why is that girl staring at you?' little conundrums. In moderation, this would have worked wonders. But it became far too consuming and began to downplay the original depth of the plot.

That said, there were really terrific elements that persuaded me to hang on to this story. The strong family/friendship dynamic was heartwarming and I loved that each character displayed their own personal redemption. There were many laugh-out-loud moments, and the characters were well-developed and extremely hard NOT to love! Jake and Kayla had an amazing, solid connection, even if they were hesitant to define it.

Jake was like an undercover alpha. He was sweet, caring, warm...and then BAM! Jake unleashes his possessive, dominant side that was both highly sexy and slightly bewildering. I thought maybe he'd have a sort of back story explaining his insecurities and extreme mood shifts, but I guess he just had a fun little caveman side. However, he was a true sweetheart and an amazingly sexy hero!

Although this story did sometimes yoyo my emotions, overall, it was a great read with beautiful messages of pain, healing, friendship, and love. Its concept was refreshing and unique, and I'm looking forward to Logan's story!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Book Stats:
▪ Genre/Category: Romance/New Adult
▪ Steam Caliber: High. Very steamy!
▪ Romance: Intense and healing. Reluctant.
▪ Characters: Sexy, possessive, and sweet hero. Damaged, funny, lovable heroine.
▪ Plot: Shifted focus at times, but an overall solid, emotional execution.
▪ Writing: Engaging, humorous, and intense.
▪ POV: 1st Person: Alternating dual perspectives.
▪ Cliffhanger: None
▪ Next Installment: Character spinoff (Logan)

Profile Image for Kellie Maddox-Ward.
749 reviews513 followers
October 12, 2013
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Seriously your words, this story, the characters, the emotions.. THE GODDAMN EMOTIONS!!… It just blew me away!
You blew me away. I can’t believe that this is a debut novel!
God I love Indie authors!

So seriously dude
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I know some people out there have been haters, due to a few grammatical errors etc, but seriously..
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If you’re that into the story you don’t worry about those things. But I saw that you said you’re fixing the errors.

Ok now onto this story…
Shit peeps.. I can’t write a proper review about it it’s awesomeness so I’m cheating and doing a GIF review so I’ll try not to spoil anything!

It all starts the night of Prom…
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Is getting ready with her parents and waiting for Best Friend Megan and Boyfriend of 4 years James.
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“And I was like penis, penis penis, ohhhh Like penis penis penis, noooooo like penis, penis penis, ooohhhh I thought you’d always be mine, mine…”

They all head to a diner to eat before Prom….

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I feel the Vomit creeping up my throat and make a noise trying to keep it down.

Enter Jake Andrews…
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“You heading to Senior Prom?” He asks?
“Yeah,” I sigh. I mean, yeah I was. I don’t think so anymore.”
“To yours or any?”….
“Okay…well” he clears his throat again. I mean you can come to mine? I have a spare ticket and it would be a shame to waste a ticket and it would be a shame to waste that amazing dress. You look beautiful by the way. I’m swear I’m not a pyscho,” he continues… Look, I just don’t think you should let bad people dictate what should be a good time. Come hang out with me and my friends.”

Then for a fair amount of scenes hanging out with Jake’s friends, Logan, Cam, Heidi, Lucy and Dylan.
I was a bit like…

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”Hi Mikayla. It’s nice to meet you,” she says quietly, then resumes reading. I look over at Cameron who just shrugs. “She’s on the last few chapters of some book she’s reading. She can’t stay away from it. We’re used to it now, we always find her reading at the oddest times.
I smile at Lucy. “What are you reading?”
She looks up at me and blushes a little, um, it’s called the Sea of Tranquilty,” it’s by – “
“Josh Bennett, right?”

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But then….

Well then….

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“I know it’s too strange, and I know it might be circumstantial. Like we shared and experience and that somehow made us closer, but Lisa,” Kayla looks up at us now… “Jake, he makes things hurt a little less. He.. he’s home for me right now.”

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And although you’re fucking heart is ripped out of your body!
Jake Andrews is A-FUCKIN-MAZING!

You swoon… Totally swoon…

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He’s not the hearts and flowers kind of guy, but he’s the heart and soul kind, and fuck if every girl would rather that then flowers.

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“Hey Jake?”
“Yeah Kayla?” He’s almost asleep.
“I more than a lot like you.”
It’s quiet for so long I don’t know if he heard me.
Then, “I more than a lot like you too, so much more than a lot.”

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Then James shows up again

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But then we are back to Jake!

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It feels so intimate, like we’re more than what we are. I know I want to be. I want to be more than this.

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Nothing says awkward like coming in your pants while dry humping.

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We’re testing each other. Seeing how far we can take this before something snaps. Most likely my dick.

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“Jake, I can’t, I can’t be more than this, not now, not yet.”

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The last page?! The last fucking page?!
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So yep all in all.. A LOT OF SHIT HAPPENS IN THIS BOOK!!!

And you will be annoyed with sexual tension….but it just makes it better… makes it more….
Profile Image for Kelly (and the Book Boar).
2,736 reviews9,264 followers
March 17, 2015
Find all of my reviews at: http://52bookminimum.blogspot.com/

I was going to call this one “Hey, I just met you . . . and this is crazy, but my family just croaked so I’m going to move in to your house and have a completely unhealthy relationship with you maybe,” but I decided to go with something a little classier instead . . .

“Nothing says awkward like coming in your pants while dry humping.”

If you’re only interested in the Cliff’s Notes version, here it is . . .

Commercial Photography

The long version is Mikayla has been dating her high school boyfriend for four years. During her prom she discovers that her best friend has been banging him on the side for two of those years. Along comes Jake, a boy from another school with a smexy accent and a hero complex who decides to whisk her away to his own prom for the evening. Pretty crap night, huh? Ha! You ain't seen nuttin' yet. When Jake returns Mikayla home from their magical evening she discovers her entire family has been murdered . . . annnnnnnnd her house was set on fire by the perp, rendering her homeless. Jake once again saves the day and takes her home to his family in order to begin their extremely unhealthy instalovey love affair. It is there Kayla can become the most terrifying predator of all . . . .

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and Jake can become a psycho who doesn't like "his girl" talking to - well, pretty much anyone at all . . .

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We spend the next gazillion 250 or so pages dealing with the budding romance of the girl who has never experienced an "O Face" and the boy who brings it to her - via an epic bout of dry humping . . .

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Yeah. Even though these books are supposedly for adults, these two couldn't possibly do more than dry hump and fingerbang until nearly the last page and some "fade to black" sex. Seriously? Holy blue balls! How old are the people who write these books? Have they ever even seen a boy naked???? Talk about the unsexiest of sexytimes . . .

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Not to mention the fact that any girl/woman who calls her ladygarden the “down there” is not mature enough to be "doing it" in the first place.

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EDIT: This turd has a 4.23 rating?!?!?!?!

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ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you, NetGalley!
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,973 reviews1,522 followers
October 10, 2013
JUST ADDED Author Interview - > HERE

SUPER ADORABLE character interview here - > Jacqueline's Reads


I more than a lot like you ... so much more than a lot

WHERE DO I BEGIN?! I'm just going to be upfront with you. I.LOVED.LOVED.LOVED.LOVED --- > MORE THAN THIS!

My Emotions:

At 1% - I had no idea what to expect, my girlfriend recommend it to me, so I said, oh what the heck.

At 1.1% - I KNEW this was going to be something special

At 8% I am grinning because of all the cuteness!

At 14% I am in a fit of laughter

At 17% I am like NOOOOO!!!!!!

At 38% I am shaking because I love it so much

At 82% I am crying big fat ugly tears

At 100% I had a book orgasm


It all begins with one night....

Mikayla catches her boyfriend cheating on her with Mikayla's best friend on prom night. What an asshole right? Well, Jake was at the right place at the right time and suggests Mikayla spend prom night with him and his friends. Mikayla agrees.

The whole read was perfection and I really loved the beginning. I thought Mikayla (Kayla) and Jake had an adorable meet-cute. I am ALL about the damsel in distress story line, so this worked for me. The first 20% is really funny and will bring a smile to your face. I loved Jake's friends and the McLean wrote some fantastic side characters. I LOVED every single one of them from Cam, Lucy, Heidi, Dylan and Logan. Lucy is my favorite.

We should totally be book best friends

Then the read shifts and you are just gutted. I wasn't expecting it and I was thinking to myself, oh lord, this is something, but it's also fantastic at the same time. Because of the shift Kayla and Jake become closer. I LOVED this. I thought Kayla and Jake were perfectly written characters. I loved Kayla. I thought she was just this sad broken, but beautiful and you couldn't help, but just-want-to-hug-her kind of girl. And Jake, LORD, how I love Jake. He is the alpha male we girls dream up, he's caring, yet possessive, aggressive and loyal.

Jake = Book Boyfriend.

Oh and the sexual tension was INTENSE and I LOVED IT! Am I using "LOVE" a lot? Maybe, but it's just me being honest. I think McLean is an epic writer. I was highlighting almost every page, I could quote the whole read. I loved More Than This.

I was absorbed, I laughed, I cried, I was gutted and I SWOONED VERY HARD.



Oh and I can't wait for book 2, More Than Her. More Than This does not end on a cliffy (Thank You), but you get an intro to More Than Her and oh gosh, I just want this read .... so BAD.

Okay, enough of me gushing, go read More Than This and then message me so we can talk about it.

An ARC was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for • Lisa •.
562 reviews1,576 followers
May 15, 2015

I think I'm in love with this beautifully broken girl.


Why, oh why, oh why, did I wait so long to start this series? It's been under my nose for so long, so many of my friends have read, devoured and adored this series and here I am only just starting this epic 'more than' marathon. I can only say that I'm an idiot, but at least right now I'm a happy idiot and blissfully enjoying the start of my Jay McLean type book binge. From prologue to epilogue this book had me wrapped round it's little finger and I'm happy for all you Jay McLean enthusiasts to sit back and give me a big smug 'told you so'. There wasn't much not to love about this author and her writing style, I for one feel hooked and I'm hoping to love the rest of the series just as much, (if not more).

What did I love?
Jay McLean books are definitely shaping up to be paperback worthy treasures. Just look at those covers, they totally appeal to my cover lust addiction and what's truly making me break out in the book addict happy dance is the fact that what's inside the front cover is gorgeously lovely too (day made). 'More than this' is a book that has that unforgettable quality about it, the author has certainly written a story with some 'wow' moments and it definitely had some plot twists that I honestly did not see coming. The book spoke to me of friendships, love, healing, heart ache, pain and belonging. It was a journey that I loved and even though I'm super late to the party I'm glad I finally decided to take the plunge and start this series. And what a beginning it was, I don't know whether to love the slow burn nature of this story telling more or Jake Andrews the sweetest new adult hero to ever be created. Almost read in one sitting I was helpless to this authors writing charms, if I was to say I had one regret it was not starting this series sooner, I feel like I have missed out on all the love and excitement surrounding this series but I'm more than willing to make up for time now and I'm gagging to get started on Logan's story in book two of the series 'More than her'.


Why not five?
For those of you who are interested (and even if you're not, just humour me) when I rate a book I don't rate in halves, so if a book falls somewhere in between a star rating I always round down. So what I'm trying to explain (rather badly) is that this book fell somewhere between a four and a five but something held me back from giving out the full out five. And why? Well I don't want to start being nick picky about a book that quite frankly will be unforgettable but I did have a few niggles that made me want to hold off from a five star. Simply put I needed some more insight into the journey of the characters, I wanted to get into their heads a little more and understand some of the decision making and feelings. I also found myself wondering about certain plot lines and questioning just odd bits and bobs. One of the things I loved about this book was confusingly one of the things that slightly annoyed me and that my fellow readers was the whip lash, and the non communication about how we really feel about each other drama and The see-saw playground love adventure that had me going round and round in circles with this couple. However, with those gripes aside this book has owned me and I don't want to dwell on the pitfalls so much as what I did love and I'm sure that overall this is going to be a five star series for my book tastes.


Final thoughts ...
If like me, you find yourself being a book idiot too, and you haven't yet started this series then quite frankly I have nothing else to say to you than this; you must, must, must start this series right about now (I demand it). And if you are a fellow addict that has already loved this series, then I'm proud to say I'm giddy exited to have finally joined team McLean. (See what I did there)? I read a lot of books in the romance genre and I love everything about this book community and the special ability that these authors have to give me an escape from reality, but what made this book stand out to me was it's heart grabbing originality and honest sentiment. I really could not be any happier than I am right now, as well as this book taking me out of a reading rut, I've also managed to discover a new author to love and a series that I can't wait to read the rest of (this is officially a happy book day). That's it from me and with nothing more to say, fingers crossed to loving book two in the series ...
Profile Image for Anna.
484 reviews369 followers
July 22, 2013
5 stars of a more than a lot of epic greatness !!!

JAKE.Fucking.ANDREWS he's kind of a big deal.....Hmmmmmm Australian Accent.....hell yes mate!


MIKAYLA ~ this beautifully broken girl....her world collapsed


I pretty much was in tears for the better part of this book ! The tragedy that happened with Mikayla really ripped my heart out. Her PROM night....uggggg...her family.....I just wanted to reach into this book and hug her...how much more can one girl take ???

Mikayla has an instant connection with Jake. He is her ROCK. I cannot express it enough....I loved Jake's character. He had the patience of a saint and he was just so amazing. I was perfectly content with him just holding her....and trust me....that's a LOT of what happened. He showed that he wanted all of her. I fell in love with how he wiped her tears away. How he climbed into her bedroom window just to hold her. He wanted her completely....Heart and soul. Owning her body ....was an added bonus. And boy did we have to wait it out. ANGST...tension...miscommunication and waiting for the big reveal....love it! TOTALLY WORTH THE WAIT :)


And if you were still here today, I would tell you, that in your future, do not settle for anything less than the Jake Andrews of the world. Because they exist, and not just in fairytales.

I will be honest here...this book pretty much wrecked me...hitting me very close to home! It's my signature read. Weepy, steamy, heartbreaking, leaving me with so many emotions.....and throw in there the half-asian heritage....and little 9 year olds loving Bieber and One Direction, I full out wailed at points that were beyond my control!!!!!! This book stayed with me for days and I would recommend this book to everyone. It was BEAUTIFUL!

Alexis, my sweet book pimp......you know me tooo well.... I MORE THAN A LOT LUV YA GIRL !!! THIS BOOK WAS AMAZING !!! THANK YOU FOR THE RECOMMENDATION ! I knew just from your 411 that this was going to be INCREDIBLE !!!!
Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews790 followers
December 10, 2014
This is a read now on NetGalley - if you haven't fallen in love with this series, now is your chance!!

5 More than love this series Stars

This series was recommended to me a while back by two of my favorite friends, and every week I kept moving it on my calendar. Well this last week I decided to read some of the books that I have been meaning to read, but they kept getting pushed back. I knew I had to start with this one, and let me tell you I am so glad! I have joked I am the last person on GR to read this series and that is probably true, but if you like me have not read this series yet JUST DO IT!!

When the story starts we meet Mikayla. She is the smart girl, dating the popular jock and best friends with the head cheerleader. She doesn’t really feel like that make sense, but it has been her life for the last four years. On prom night her senior year her entire world comes crashing down around her.

The one positive outcome from that night is she meet Jake Andrews. Jake Andrews is kind of a big deal, he is a star baseball player, already being scouted my major league scouts. Kayla and Jake meet and from the that moment they have this connection. Events bring them even more closer together and gradually things progress.

As always I don’t want to give anything away, because I think the less you know going into a book the better off you are. This book has a lot of shocking moments and I wasn’t aware any of it was going to take place, and loved it even more.

What you need to know is this book is absolutely beautiful and it will quickly hook you, and have you wanting to read the rest as soon as possible. The connection Mikayla and Jake share is beautifully heartbreaking.

“I think I am in love with this beautifully broken girl.”

I loved seeing the character development and growth. I loved how things weren’t cookie cutter, but more realistic. I love how Kayla wanted to be more before things could progress, and I loved how Jake was patient and consistent. I have read so many books this year and this series is definitely a favorite.

"He’s my Jake and I’m his Kayla."
Profile Image for TJ ☾.
738 reviews1,805 followers
May 23, 2021
dnf @50 %
warning// spoilers

It's been a while since I've read something this stupid.... and I read stupid shit all the time 😭 Maybe I feel extra disappointed bc I usually love Jay McLean, but this one did not work for me. You know which two tropes I never knew how much I didn't need in one book until now? Insta-love and slow burn. Like


With a Jay McLean book you have to be prepared for characters with tragic backstories, but this was just so over the top I found it ridiculous. Basically this book starts on prom night when Kayla (h) catches her boyfriend of four years cheating on her with her best friend. They tell her it has been going on for two years and Kayla is justifiably distraught. Jake (H) witnesses all of this, and invites her to ditch them and hang out with him and his friends instead.

So far, things seem normal enough, right? Then when Jake goes to drop Kayla off for the night they find the cops at her house and it turns out that a burglar broke in and killed her parents and little sister. So in one night, she lost her best friend, her boyfriend, and her entire immediate family is fucking dead. And the only person she has, is the random dude she just met, who apparently somewhere along the line they decided was her soulmate. This all happens in the first fifty pages by the way.

It was too much too soon, with no time to connect to the characters before all this happens. I have a book on my all time favs shelf where something similar happens, the heroine goes to a party and catches her boyfriend cheating on her so her dad (her only living family member) picks her up and then they get in a car accident and he dies so she lost everyone important to her life in one night. I was balling my eyes out during that book bc when that happened enough groundwork had gone into her character and situation that it felt believable and heartbreaking. In this book, I just wanted to laugh at how hard everything was trying like


It didn't help that the two MC's personalities are this:

her: everyone wants to bang her. legit EVERYONE wants to bang her, that's her main personality trait aside from being hotter than everyone else and being emotionally vulnerable due to trauma
his personality: he has an australian accent


These characters were like two cardboard cutouts trying to convince me they were in a relationship. After that night, she moves into Jake's families house and they start living together (let me remind you that THEY MET THE NIGHT BEFORE and now apparently he's 'her home now'👀). And with that commences the most frustratingly boring insta love slow burn I've ever read in my life.

- They sleep in the same bed
- They say they're soulmates, family, etc.
- She sits in his lap all the time, gives him "massages"👀
- Jake get jealous and angry whenever another guy breathes in Mikayla's direction (which happened an insane amount of times btw)

They act like a couple but there's all this angst and no given reason why they can't actually be a couple so WHAT'S IT FOR. WHO'S IT FOR. Plus the writing was stiff and the characters felt one-dimensional so I'm tapping out and prob will just skip to Lucy and Cam's book bye
Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.1k followers
August 10, 2013


"In one night my fairytale ended. Or it may have begun..."

More Than This  was a very sweet and sometimes heartbreaking book about love, loss, healing and friendship. It was laced with some sadness following a horrific tragedy but the feeling of the book was more focused on healing, rebuilding and finding happiness again.

I loved the hero and the core group of characters and will be looking forward to the next in the series. This one however reads a complete standalone with a happy ending :)

So, about the book...

Mikayla's life fell apart the night her boyfriend of four years cheated on her. On the same night, she met Jake. Having witnessed the whole debacle and seen how deeply she was hurting, Jake felt innately protective of her and invited her to come join him and his friends. Something about him just felt 'right' and she trusted him enough to accept. His friends welcomed and acceptd her and for a few hours, she was able to feel happy again.

Everything was beginning to pick up until they returned home and her entire world was shattered by a senseless tragedy that wiped away everything she loved in life in one horrific moment.

But she wasn't alone. Jake took her in and this boy who she'd known for less than a day became her pillar of support and source of comfort.

"I fell asleep in Jake's arms, sheltered from all the bad and evil in the world."

It was so heartwarming to see how supportive and kind Jake's family was to her. Not to mention the fact that there was definitely more between Mikayla and Jake. You could feel it, and they knew it but given the tragedy, their feelings were put on on hold while she healed. There were no labels, nothing official, but their hearts bonded. Jake was there for her every step of the way and their romance developed very slowly and naturally.

"She's just, more than anyone else. We haven't slept together, we haven't even kissed, and she's just ... more."

Here they were, at 18 years old, facing a horrible tragedy and yet also falling in love. They really held back on acting on on their feelings for a while and I understood that. Jake was giving her time to grieve and Mikayla needed to to just heal and also felt like she had to stand on her own before she could fully allow herself to fall in love. I understood where she was coming from but this aspect did lead to some frustration later on in the story.

I really have to say that Jake was just amazing. I loved him! Between his slight accent and deep voice (which I so wish I could hear) mixed in with both his naturally protective vibe and his sweet gentlemanly side too, he was just some kind of perfect. He loved her, was patient, kind, thoughtful, understanding... everything about him made him very easy to swoon over :)

"I saw more than a few guys checking her out. I couldn't help putting my arm around her, and bringing her into me. Because it's the stone age and I'm a caveman."

I liked Mikayla. She was a bookworm too and I mean, she knew who Josh Bennett was, okay? *grins* I did really like her but I had a little harder time fully connecting with her as the book progressed because of they way she kept Jake at bay for so long. I will say though, that her feelings and reasons were all fully explained in the end so I could definitely see her side of the story. And apart from that one thing, I really liked her as a character and loved her and Jake together.

"Do not settle for anything less than the Jake Andrews of the world. Because they exist, and not just in fairytales."

The supporting characters in this book are wonderful! I loved them! Jake's friends were just awesome! Their group dynamic was so much fun to read about and I felt instantly connected to them. I loved how easily they accepted Mikayla into their group as well with no questions. And some of the couples were just adorable. Check out this quote about one of the guys, it makes me want to read a whole book about him:

"He's not the hearts and flowers kind of guy, but he's the heart and soul kind, and fuck if every girl would rather that than the flowers."

And this book officially has the coolest book parents of all time. I really loved seeing parents depicted this way in a book because, not to say that it's the norm, but many books have rather troubled parental relations and seeing a family that was a genuine unit who loved each other, and were understanding and supportive was a welcome change.

We're told the story in alternating POV's and so we do get the complete picture here. It was a very easy book to read and the pages flew by quickly. I found the story jumped around a little bit more than I'd like but there were no slow points and that the story line was constantly moving forward.

For some reason, I really expected this book to be heavy and intense and, don't get me wrong, there were certainly places of sadness but it also had a lot of lighter, funny moments that shone though.

While I loved that in the beginning nothing was rushed, I did feel like they (well, Mikayla) held back for a little longer than I'd have wanted. I just felt bad for Jake - he was just crazily, head over heels falling for this girl who kept holding a huge part of herself back.

"It's the fucking hardest thing to do, to be around the person you love, with everything you have, and not be able to love them."

That being said, there was never any doubt in my mind or their hearts that they were meant to be.

"It’s just you. It’s only ever been just you. It will always only ever be just you."

One little tiny thing that bothered me was that I felt like despite the fact that they were in high school, some of the slang was a little over used - like 'legit'. But it's a small complaint.

The story was addictive in the sense of I really could have easily read it in one sitting had my time allowed for it. It kind of rode the line between YA and NA. There were some very steamy scenes but no actual descriptive sex.

I wanted a little 'more' some places and a little 'less' in others but I still really enjoyed the story, really loved Jake and Mikayla as a couple and am glad I read it.

The next book will be about Jake's best friend and so while I'm sure we may see these characters in it, this book fully reads as a standalone with a happy ending (complete with an epilogue too!) so if you like the sound of this one, you're safe to start it whenever you wish :)

"I so much more than a lot like you."

4 stars.

For now, here's my casting for Jake:

In one night my fairytale ended. Or it may have begun. This is my story of friendship and love, heartbreak and desire, and the strength to show weakness.

One night I met a girl. A sad and broken girl, but one more beautiful than any other. She laughed through her sadness, while I loved through her heartbreak.

*This is our story of a maybe ever after.*


For more of my reviews, book news and updates:
Main blog: Aestas Book Blog
Facebook Blog Page

Profile Image for Farah.
370 reviews500 followers
July 16, 2013
*****Warning this review contains spoilers******

I completely and utterly Loved this book!!!
What a beautiful story!!

This is a sad and oh so sweet story

"I feel sorry for all the girls in the world that never get to experience a Jake Andrews at least once in their lifetime."

This is a story of the end and the beginning of the life which Mikayla knew..

The night which was supposed to be her beautiful fairytale... Senior prom with her boyfriend and best friend.

Goodbye's said by her wonderful family..
The perfect night...

Which turned out to be her biggest nightmare!
Mikayla finds out her boyfriend of 4 yrs has been cheating on her with her best friend for the past 2 years.
For James:

Broken, humiliated and devasted- Mikayla meets Jake. He over hears what transpired between her now ex boyfriend and slut bag of a best friend.

He invites Mikayla out with him and his friends and for a moment she forgets about her heartbreak.

Just when Mikayla thought she lost everything that mattered, she had no idea it was going to get a whole lot worse.
A devastating murder takes places killing her whole family and Mikayla has nothing. No family, no home, and no where to go.

Somehow Jake keeps her with him and through the tears and the pain he is beside her, in his home with his parents.

So starts the story of a beautiful friendship, love, hurt, hope and strength.

Jake is amazing, everything that anyone could possible want in a boy.

The perfect friend who loves this beautiful broken girl.

"I think I’m in love with this beautifully broken girl."

"It’s this moment I know, I don’t think anymore. I know it. I love this girl. I’m in love with this girl."

Life is hard, it hurts and even though everything is taken away... There is always someone looking out for Mikayla and that person is Jake.

"We’re looking so intently into each others eyes, trying to see into each others souls."

This book was sooo hot and there wasn't even Sex. The desire and burning feeling these two had for each other was breath taking!

"Talking without speaking."
"Feeling without touching."
"It’s just you. It’s only ever been just you. It will always only ever be just you.”

Now Mikayla and Jake must finally admit what they feel because its definitely MORE...

"I more than a lot want you, so much more than a lot.”

The story itself was 4 stars and a special star to MY JAKE with his HOTT Aussie Accent earns the extra star!!

"Because I’m your Jake,” he smiles, “and you’re my Kayla"

"Once he's inside me, I work it out, why I never felt like this before. Because if I compare my feelings for Jake to anyone else, then I know. I know I’ve never loved anyone before. Not even a little bit. Not even at all."
Profile Image for Theresa Alan.
Author 10 books1,147 followers
September 14, 2018
This is the first new adult novel I’ve ever read (listened to on an audiobook). At first, I thought I was reading YA. I read probably one YA a year now that I’m no longer in junior high, which was one million years ago. Then when there was all this explicit sex and swearing, I thought, my my, YA has changed.

Duh. New adult. I’d heard the term, I’d just never stumbled on it before.

The premise of the novel starts out well. Mikayla goes to prom with high hopes, only to be betrayed not just by her long-time boyfriend but her best friend. Jake witnesses the drama and does his best to emotionally help Kayla. Except what seems like the worst night of her life gets much, much worse.

I liked both lead characters. Jake falls in love with Kayla and expresses it by being as supportive as possible.

Maybe because I listened to it instead of reading it, I kept getting confused by the many high school characters and the “romances” (hook-ups) and drama of teenage life.

I think this is probably a well-done novel for the genre. It just turns out it’s the kind of novel I want to read.

For more reviews, please visit: http://www.theresaalan.net/blog
Profile Image for Christine Wallflower & Dark Romance Junkie .
495 reviews3,674 followers
October 14, 2013
4 So Much More Stars

Mikayla has everything going for her. A loving family, a hot boyfriend and a best friend, it seems nothing could happen to ruin the life she's living. Until the night of her prom when everything falls apart, everything she's always held dear ripped from her life. Everything she has always believed in is proved to have been a lie.

The one thing that anchors her and prevents her from drifting away is Jake. A chance meeting but he becomes her saving grace, the one who pulls her out of the darkness threatening to swallow her whole.

Before meeting Kayla, Jake had only one goal in mind. Starting his career in sports. Nothing has ever distracted has ever meant more than this, until Mikayla comes into his life. He wants her badly and is prepared to wait as long as she needs, he's protective of her, doesn't want to see her hurt.

Their relationship is tentative at first, but as time goes by the begin to have deeper feelings for each other. Mikayla's traumatic experience is all that stands in their way. It's up to Jake to show her that he can help her, that pushing him away is the worst thing she could do. He has to prove how much he loves her flaws and all, that by being together she can heal.

Final Thoughts
I genuinely enjoyed this book. I loved Jake, he was the perfect blend of sweetness and alpha male. He never gave up on Mikayla. I liked Mikayla too, although her logic was a bit exasperating at times, but it was understandable, seeing as she had gone through something traumatic. The dialogue between the characters and writing was very realistic making this book very engaging so I was never bored. The angst wasn't over done so I didn't feel overwhelmed which makes it a great read in my opinion.
Profile Image for Jamie.
1,028 reviews967 followers
July 18, 2013

IT WAS JUST........

This was a book I could not put down... it consumed me. This story.. this amazing story... is honestly unlike any other I've ever read. Most books follow the same formula as far as true love goes.. and this one did have a few predictable elements.. but what happens in the beginning to Kayla ( aka Mickey).. is like nothing I've ever read before.. well--- nothing put together like that before. Chick had some way serious things to overcome.. and in rides Jake to the rescue. A Knight in shining armor.. or in this case.. a tux and a limo.

Starting off.. this book made me feel like

But it didn't take long at all to go to...


And that sadness went on for a little while as it took time for Jake to heal Kayla's heart.. but he did.

It was a heartbreaking journey for Kayla... but OMG.... JAKE.FUCKING.ANDREWS

Jake was simply amazing...he's so strong and sweet and beautiful.. and possessive and manly and.... giving. He could have any girl he wanted.. he's a star pitcher and the pro's already want him. But he and Kayla were completely and irrevocably connected to each other in one night. That night changed both of their lives, for the rest of their lives...

Jake and Kayla do get their HEA.. but in the end we are given a teaser from Logan, one of their man ho player friends so I'm thinking we will get his book next and I for one CANNOT F'KING WAIT!!!

Jay McLean knocked it out of the park with this one... it was a total swoon fest when I wasn't ballin like a big ole baby. I love books that are so much more than you anticipate.... This book was incredible. My heart aches that it's over. If it's on your tbr list you need to bump it up! Its THAT GOOD!

Now get those one click buy now buttons working an jump on it!!!

The End
Profile Image for Yeasmin Alo.
201 reviews358 followers
September 22, 2020
"He is absolutely everything the books tell you that boys should be.
And if you were still here today, I would tell you, that in your future, do not settle for anything less than the Jake Andrews of the world.
Because they exist, and not just in fairytales"

After a Long time I've finished a book in one go because I couldn't put it down 🌻

Million dollar question
Will you go out with a guy whom you met just 15 minutes ago ? and not to mention one of his friends was a pure asshole to you ?
I am Glad Mikayla did

If you are looking for a quick breather ,light hearted romance, with full of "awwww" moments and a sweet romantic book here you go ladies ☺
This book is totally dreamy less factly unlike Jay McLean's other books.

It's a modern Fairytale

In this book I got to see lot more of Jay McLean's sense of humour too so that's another plus 😂🤣
I've been swooning over Jake throughout the book . Though I am all for teasing but Mikayla was frustrating my man with "💙"
I was enjoying it not gonna lie 😂 it was hilarious and all but she took it too far 🤧😈

Nathan and Mandy where can I get parents like them !!!
I wanna totally be a Mom like Mandy that's for sure

I am shipping Lucy and Cameron so much rn 😍 as usual the best part about Jay McLean's book is apart from Main Leads other characters are also mind capturing.
without any doubt I wanna read the whole series ☺

Book Recommendation:
If you like this book then defiantly try
Chasing Red by Isabelle Ronin
Profile Image for NiCoLeTa E. {Addicted To Books}.
1,495 reviews83 followers
August 13, 2016
***5 tender and loving "more than a lot" stars***

What a lovely and tender story!!!

Yeah, i know it was heartbroken in the most part, but i like ever single moment inside that book!!!
First of all, it was a book about kindness, strength and courage...
About family and real friendship...
And finally it was about love... The kind of love that never ends!!!
The kind of love that from the first moment stand by you and become more that everything!!!

Yeah, it was a messy situation but it was as α result of a disastrous beginning!!!
Did i confuse you??? Let me make the things clear for you...

Mikayla is living a nice life... She is having the most lovely parents and a little young sister that she loves very much!!! They are a very happy family!!! She is dating James for four years now and she is having an amazing best friend, Megan...
Oh, yeah! I know! She is so lucky!!!
Until an asshole spills his drink on her dress in the prom night!!!!
Yeah, i know... Who cares about this shit???? Please be patient!!!
Well, because of that fact, she discovers that her boyfriend and her best friend are having sex behind her back for two whole years!!! Assholes!!!

And that moment steps in Jake who unwillingly become a witness of this ugly situation...
Jake for the first time that he lays his eyes on Kayla,he instantly fell something drown him toward her...
So, he offers her a way out of her prom and invited her to his own....
So, Kayla meets him and his friends, who all welcoming her as if was their own from the first moment...
Even though she 's hurting from the betrayal, she allows to herself to have a good time with these new people!!!

Until the moment she returned home and her life changes forever...
A big tragedy hits her door and leaves her alone and desperate...
The only one who stays beside her from the first moment is Jake.
A boy that she known for a few hours.... Nobody else is there for her...
So, between them forms a strange and deep bond that they lead them in new and unknown paths!!!

I felt so pity for Kayla... What happened to her family was so fuckin' unfair!!!

What she had to get through was heavy and unbarable...
But i liked the fact that even though everybody that she loved and counted on them for almost all her life left her alone when she needed them the most, she finally found out unexpectantly kindness from people that never knew before... I liked that all Jake's family and his friends embraced her from the beginning and stay beside her without a question or a doubt!!!

I liked Jake very much!!! He was an amazing guy!!!
He was handsome, kind and he fought so hard to be next to Kayla all the time...
His presence healed her in a way!!! He gave her the strength to carry on with her life!
He fell in love with her for the first moment and he never gave up on her, even though when she pushed him away!!!

Their connection was strong and intense...
First of all, they couldn't stay away from each other and they were in deeply need to be touching physical all the time...
Phew!!! There was so much sexual tension around them which almost never found a realise because they avoided to get it straight!!!
And that's one thing that i didn't like... They become so deeply in love but they delayed so much to declair their feeling and that fact frustrated me so much!!!
They were saying that they belong to each other but they didn't have put a lebel to their "friendship"...

I really don't know what else can i say about this book!!!
I had a great time reading it with its ups and downs...
I cry, i laugh, i felt sorrow, joy, desperation!!!! A little bit of all kind of emotions...

I just want to say that i hated Megan... She was the worst BFF ever!!!!
What the fuck was in your head????

Phew!!! Now i can't wait for Logan's turn because at the end he confused me and i wish that i didn't read what i thought that i read... Right, Logan?????

Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,586 reviews3,943 followers
May 25, 2018
4-5-stars.png (651×165)

It's no secret that Jay Mclean is one of my all time favorite mf authors. I have read all the books in this series and the spin off and I keep re-reading them, because they are like comfort-food to me. Some I love more than others, but I really enjoyed each and every one.

This first book is Jake and Kayla's story and though it's not my favorite in this series (those rights go to Cam and Lucy), it's still very good. I would also recommend reading this series in order and coming from me (who reads everything ass backwards), that's saying something ;)

Your life can change in the blink of an eye.... which is exactly what happend to Kayla.

Kayla is an sweet girl. Her life is pretty great, she has some good friends and she is dating the school's popular jock. She is about to go to prom and have the night of her life....

Cute Girl Wallpapers HD Free Download.

In just one night her whole life gets turned around. Her prom-night isn't going the way she expected, but little does she know, that things are about get much much worse....

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The only light shining on this devastating day is Jake, ....the handsome star baseball player from another school, whom met earlier that day. He becomes a rock for her to lean on... when all else is gone.

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He is patient and sweet and slowly he starts to heal Kayla's broken heart.

This books opens with utter devastation.... but I closed it with a huge smile on my face. I loved all the characters in this book. Jake was awesome and his friends are the bomb !!

I loved seeing Kayla heal slowly and how they went from friends to lovers.... The sexual tension in this book almost killed me and there were times I just wanted to yell at them, to get it on already ... which thankfully they do :P

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“I’m your Jake,” he smiles. “And you’re my Kayla.” 

I highly recommend this series to everyone... each book just gets better and better and I can honestly say, that book 4 in this series "More Than Forever" , is one of my all time favorite mf books !! First you gotta read about Logan (book 2/3) though... Cause who would want to skip Logan's book ;)

Profile Image for Duchess Nicole.
1,274 reviews1,563 followers
August 9, 2013
"Talking without speaking. Feeling without touching."

I shouldn't like this book, but I really did. I've had all these issues with this genre lately, but I keep getting sucked into reading them. And sure, yeah...this story contained some of my pet peeves. It's pretty darn angsty. The setup is a bit off the charts, and so is the melodrama. But I was glued to these pages.

I don't want to even say what happens within the first few chapters because I think it would spoil the story. I went into it with only a vague idea of what to expect, and I'm glad.

I loved JAKE!!!! I know, I know...everyone loves Jake. But seriously, this guy is amazing! He's got that super protective, gentle air. He's attracted to Kayla (Mackayla, Mickey) instantly. When he witnesses the ultimate betrayal, his protective instincts kick in, and he's there to comfort her. He's her shoulder to cry on, her big strong man to rely on.

"I think I'm in love with this beautifully broken girl."

Perfect word to describe Jake: Steadfast!!

So not only is he the biggest freaking sweetheart ever, he's also a major hottie. Here's our boy...and oh, look! There are his group of cohorts in the background...I'm seeing the guy in back as Logan...

I love how Jake says...in such a self deprecating manner..."I'm kind of a big deal." What a cutie!!!

There was a lot of funny in this book, which I didn't expect with all of the sad subject matter. Let's face it: Kayla goes through some really horrific times within the six or so months that this book takes place. But there a moments of much needed humor to lighten the feel.

"His eyes bug out of his head. "Okay, smartass," he yells, but it comes out 'smuuhtuhhs.' Australians don't use R's apparently..."

Oh, yeah...that Australian accent...freaking YUM!!!

I also adore it when the author makes it apparent that she also is an avid reader, that she also has book boyfriends, and that she might actually obsess over them just like we do. I mean, what better way to make your readers identify with your characters than do mimic their insanity? Perfection. Shout out to Josh Bennett from The Sea of Tranquility

I loved all of the secondary characters...Jake's group of friends really were so wonderful. They instantly accepted Mickey(Kayla) into the fold, and added more of that humor to the mix, but also gave Mickey the loyalty that she didn't get from those that should have been loyal at the beginning. Here's a tidbit from Lucy, the most awesome of drunks:

"...that fucking bitch has it all, ten out of ten every fucking thing. She's super smart. Like, fucking Harvard smart. She's nice to fucking everybody. She's always looked like the cover of a fucking magazine and I hate it so much and if I could get away with it I'd fucking cut a bitch for you."

The whole back and forth between Jake and Kayla, the jealousy, the things so typical to this genre that drive me freaking batty. I mean, seriously...the dude has practically carried you through the last few months of your life...it's okay if he talks to a girl. The whole no-kissing situation started off as cute, but it eventually bugged that ever loving crap out of me. It's just too unbelievable, and with all of the other sexual things they did, not kissing seemed like an odd plot device.

Also, this entire book is one HUGE TURN ON................

So that "sex" scene?

Left me hanging, big time. In fact, I'm not sure...did they even actually have sex? Hmmm...very disappointing. If your going to make the book THAT sexual in nature...and let's face it...this book is extremely sexual....PLEASE, for the love of God...give us some real sex. It doesn't have to be explicit but come on...

Wrapping it up...I really loved this book, sort of despite myself...these characters are all normal people...no one really acts over the top or out of character for the way they were intended. Yes, it's a bit too dramatic, but I've just resigned myself to a bit of soap opera with this genre. I remember being a teenager, and a young adult. This is pretty much the way I felt about everything...emotions running amuck and all that.

I see that there is another book in the works about Logan, which I'm sure we're all stoked about, especially after showing his sweetheart side to Mickey a couple of times and spouting his drunken longing for love. He hasn't found a girl that makes him feel? I bet Jay McLean can!!
Profile Image for Lady Vigilante (Feifei).
632 reviews2,961 followers
January 18, 2014
UPDATE: Jay has released an EXTRA bonus scene 10/10/2013! It'll be spoiler-y if you haven't read the book. Here's the link: click here

5 stars!!!

I loved this book so, so much I am going to do an interview as a review!!! First time so bear with me! All answers are from the book and not made up! I promise there are NO SPOILERS! Okay here we go!

Me: Hi Ms. Jones! Thanks for agreeing to meet with me! (Technically, I had to drag her here…prying her away from Jake was nearly impossible)

Mikayla: Micky...call me Micky...please.

Me: Okay Micky! *clears throat* I know you’ve heard this many times in the book, but I am so, so sorry for that night. I just…just can’t imagine what you must have felt. What you still feel.

Mikayla: *her eyes are brimming with unshed tears* It was one night. One night when everything changed. It was so much more than just the betrayal. It was the tragedy. The deaths. The murders. But it was also that feeling. That feeling of falling.

Me: *opens and closes mouth…I mean, what can you say to that?* Wow, what an eloquent way of describing a tragic night. Micky, I…wait, feeling of falling? Falling deeper into a pit? Or falling in love with….

Mikayla: *blank stare, no answer*

Me: Okaaaay then, I take that as “read the book to find out.” *mutters* Micky, what was you reaction when you first saw Jake, um, after that incident?

Mikayla: I can’t believe accent boy just witnessed that whole thing. I’m so fricken embarrassed by all of it. Mainly because I was the dumb girl that just got played for so long.

Me: Yes…Believe me if I was there, my first move would be to bash a certain someone’s nuts. He completely deserved it. Moving along, how is Jake’s family? They certainly played a huge role in your life and in the book. Just curious to know how you’re taking it all in…

Mikayla: It hurts less today then it did yesterday. Because being here, being with them, it’s familiar in a good way…Jake, he makes things hurt a little less. He…he’s home for me right now. He’s my Jake. And I’m his Kayla.

Me: *sniffle* Oh yes, I understand. *romantic sigh* (Is it just me, or did the air get really heavy in here??) Oh Micky!!! I have to ask this question!! I absolutely ADORE Lucy! She’s literally my favorite character, well, after you hehe. What’s your most memorable impression of her? Care to share?

Mikayla: “I swear to god, Micky. I’ll cut a bitch for you, just let me go, Cam. Let me go!” *snickers*

Me: *laughs* Oh, I so remember that scene! That chick cracks me up! And she reads! What an awesome buddy! I’d love a Lucy in my life, especially a drunk one! Okay, as we are winding down, I have the most serious question to ask you, and I'm not the only one who wants an answer. Are you ready?


If you could describe Jake in one sentence, what would you say? *leans forward to hear answer*

Mikayla: I feel sorry for all the girls in the world that never get to experience a Jake Andrews at least once in their lifetime.

Me: HOLY. SHIT. Me too...*plotting a character kidnapping* If only I had one of those…*wink* Well, thank you so much Micky! I’m so glad I got a chance to speak with you!

Mikayla: Okay then, thank you!

Me: AAAAAAND CUT! *turns to you* Thanks for being part of the audience! I hope you enjoyed listening to Micky as much as I did!

Thoughts the second time I read it

I read this first in August and can I say WOW! I’ve highlighted pages and pages of epic quotes and all I did was just look at them and –boom – I’d remember exactly what the scene was or what the characters were doing. Like the first time I read it, this book grabbed me by the collar and dragged me in until I finished! Could. Not. Put. Down. So don’t even try to read it unless you’re prepared to finish it in one sitting! Jay McLean, you are my hero! Cannot wait for Logan’s story!
Profile Image for Vikki ~ *squee* lite ~.
497 reviews183 followers
July 17, 2013

I adored this book. I loved every single second (even the frustrating ones).

At its heart, this was a modern day fairytale about a “regular” girl. And, as all good fairytales do, it starts with a tragedy. Well, actually two tragedies. The first is the catalyst for Mikayla and Jake’s chance meeting. The second is what both keeps them together, and threatens to tear them apart.

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The thing that makes this story different, and sets it apart from the hundreds of other NA books I’ve read with similar themes, is all in the execution.
There was this amazing mix of humor and sweetness amidst the sadness, lust and swooning. It just struck the perfect balance for me.

I cannot imagine a more perfect hero then Jake. (Except that he’s not perfect, just almost perfect – which of course, made him really perfect) He truly was a hero in this book. He is sweet, understanding, protective, and all around swoon-worthy. He was also a guy. His inner dialogue had me laughing more than once.

“Nothing says awkward like coming in your pants while dry humping.”

I loved how he took care of Kayla, and how basically from the moment they met, he was willing to do whatever it took for her to be ok.

I appreciated how their relationship developed (even if I wanted to scream with frustration a few times). While they bonded quickly, neither of them was willing to rush into something, though they both had different reasons for that.
I think that a lack of communication was the one thing that irked me ever so slightly. (ok, maybe more than slightly).

The story is told in dual POV, so we get to see what both Mikayla and Jake are thinking. This is both wonderful, and frustrating, because as the reader, we KNOW how much they love each other, but neither of them is willing to put the words out there. There is always talk of “show don’t tell” – but Mikayla and Jake took that to a whole new level. They “showed” so much that there was so doubt in anyone’s mind how they felt about each other, but the lack of “tell” created some serious problems. I have to say, I do lay the blame for that more on Jake then Mikayla. You know why she’s not “telling”, and while it was unnecessary, I understood and sympathized with where she was coming from. I had to keep reminding myself that they were only 18, so I didn’t try and climb in the book and shake some sense into them. But, in the end, I loved them. Even when I wanted to kill them. I was so invested in their story – in them that every threat to their relationship had my heart pounding.

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

The cast of secondary characters were amazing. I absolutely loved all of them. Cam and “book-worm” Lucy, Heidi and Dylan, and Logan all brought so much color and humor to a story that could have gotten bogged down with the heavy topics (and seemingly never ending sexual frustration). I can’t imagine anyone NOT wishing for a group of friends just like them. Lucy in particular was a favorite of mine. I always have a soft spot for fellow book lovers (even if they are fictional characters). Drunk Lucy was even more fun.

”I swear to god, Micky,” Lucy snarls at her, Cam’s pretending to hold her back, amused by her drunk state. “I’ll cut a bitch for you, just let me go, Cam. Let me go!” she yells, trying to fight his grip.

Overall, it was a beautiful story, wonderfully told – that is immediately getting a space on my favorites shelf. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,722 followers
July 19, 2013
4.5--SWEET and HEART-WARMING--Stars!!!

That was the sweetest story ever! *sigh*

Mikayla's life changes forever the night of her prom. And it all started with a spilled beer....

More Than This is the story of Kayla and Jake. And I don't want to tell you too much about how they met and how they fell in love because I think that will spoil so much of their story.

It was a chance encounter that led to a tragedy. It started as a friendship and grew in to so much more. A heart-breaking tale that warmed your heart. A first love that became a forever love.


I have a secret for you....


I literally devoured this book. I couldn't stop reading. The development of the relationship between Jake and Kayla was so addicting. The sexual tension just grew and grew. There were times I just wanted to yell at them to tell each other how they really felt--with words. But when they were together it was magical--as lame as that sounds!

Everything just ended so perfectly. Until the last freaking page.


What were you trying to do at the end there Jay?? Huh? Throwing in that You were just setting up the next book to be his right? You're not going to get crazy and make this a love triangle right??? YOU'RE NOT GOING TO MESS WITH JAKE AND KAYLA RIGHT????

Good, because....

Profile Image for Claire.
2,321 reviews738 followers
January 12, 2015
4.5 - There is only so much shit I can take before all the fucked-up things in my life consume me. Stars!

More Than this is the first book I have read by Jay McLean, it is what I affectionately class as a ‘kitchen sinker’, in that it feels like the author has literally thrown as many tropes as she possibly can at it. This is the type of book I need to be in a certain mood for, otherwise I just get frustrated and annoyed.

Luckily, I was in the right mood, although I did get a little frustrated, but that was more to do with the copious amounts of almost home-runs, and dry (as well as wet) non-humping that went on for most of this book.

I’ve been a part of the worst night of her life.

Mikayla has to be one of the unluckiest characters I have had the opportunity of reading about in quite a while. It is difficult to write a detailed review because of her story as it would pretty much give most of the book away. Betrayal and Tragedy are words that are used in the synopsis, and they do pretty much sum up the biggest parts of the story.

Jake and his friends are what made this book for me, I liked Kayla for the most part, and even though the bulk of the story is a result of the things that happen to her, he was the one I actually cared about as the book progressed. The guy (as well as his family and friends) literally puts his life on-hold to help her through the worst times imaginable, and at points I really struggled to understand her actions and reactions towards him.

What dropped this book from the full 5 stars for me was the fact that with all the drama already going on the author then felt the need to add in random acts of both of them trying to make the other jealous as well as failing to communicate with each other about totally banal things bringing about totally pointless arguments as well. I also found the whole ‘Casey interludes’ to be a complete waste of time (unless she figures in other books in the series more prominently, if so I will take that point back!).

”It’s just you. It’s only ever been just you. It will always only ever be just you.”

I am late to the party with this series, but I kind of like that, because I now have 3 books I can read in succession and a new release due at some point in 2015. Win-Win! This may have been the first book I have read by this author; it damn sure won’t be the last.

ARC generously provided via Netgalley, in exchange for the above honest review.

Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,486 reviews10.3k followers
May 5, 2015
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TITLE: More Than This
SERIES: (More Than, #1)
AUTHOR: Jay McLean
GENRE: Contemporary Romance
MY RATING: ★★★★★


This book was AMAZEBALLS!!

I'm having a Jay MCLean marathon in the hopes I can finish this series!! I first read this book in 2013 so this is a re-read because apparently me and series suck, I seem to never get to finish them..

I was in a major book funk, went a whole night picking up putting down books until this book, a soon as I started it, it chased that book funks ass away!

Everytime Jake would kiss her on the forehead he would steal a piece of my heart

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Gah I look like shit!! I pretty much pulled an all nighter re reading this, now I know why I loved this book the first time around, the feels, god I love/crave those feels that authors bring us!! This book was no exception, the heartbreak, the love, the sadness the OMG I want to punch her best friend to wanting to drop kick her boy friend those feels are priceless!!


In one night my fairytale ended. Or it may have begun.

Roller coaster of an emotional read, beautifully written..
This book pretty much had it all, moments of awwww, moments of a few tears in the eyes and moments when I couldn't contain the giggle oh and that moment when it was fuck it I've finished :(

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It was ONE NIGHT when everything changed, not just betrayal, the deaths, the murders, that feeling of FALLING..

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Loved this book!! Definitely recommend!!

One down three to go!!

Profile Image for Roobie.
689 reviews87 followers
July 3, 2019
2.5 stars

"Let her read," Cam says with an evil smirk.

"Shut up," Lucy mumbles under her breath.

Cam starts laughing. "Oh I love it when she reads. Sometimes when we're in bed, she'll be reading and make this little moaning sounds," he continues, trying not to laugh.

Lucy jumps off the truck. Removing her heels, she stalks him like prey. "I swear to god Cameron Aladdin Gordon! You better shut your mouth or I won't put out for one year!"

I loved Lucy she's the bestest. And Logan. Can't wait for their books!

As for our main couple.. Two words:
Blue. Balls.
Not cool Mikayla.
Not. Cool.
1.5 star for them. One extra for the Mayhem gang.

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