Claire's Reviews > More Than This

More Than This by Jay McLean
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it was amazing
bookshelves: shit-hot-series

4.5 - There is only so much shit I can take before all the fucked-up things in my life consume me. Stars!

More Than this is the first book I have read by Jay McLean, it is what I affectionately class as a ‘kitchen sinker’, in that it feels like the author has literally thrown as many tropes as she possibly can at it. This is the type of book I need to be in a certain mood for, otherwise I just get frustrated and annoyed.

Luckily, I was in the right mood, although I did get a little frustrated, but that was more to do with the copious amounts of almost home-runs, and dry (as well as wet) non-humping that went on for most of this book.

I’ve been a part of the worst night of her life.

Mikayla has to be one of the unluckiest characters I have had the opportunity of reading about in quite a while. It is difficult to write a detailed review because of her story as it would pretty much give most of the book away. Betrayal and Tragedy are words that are used in the synopsis, and they do pretty much sum up the biggest parts of the story.

Jake and his friends are what made this book for me, I liked Kayla for the most part, and even though the bulk of the story is a result of the things that happen to her, he was the one I actually cared about as the book progressed. The guy (as well as his family and friends) literally puts his life on-hold to help her through the worst times imaginable, and at points I really struggled to understand her actions and reactions towards him.

What dropped this book from the full 5 stars for me was the fact that with all the drama already going on the author then felt the need to add in random acts of both of them trying to make the other jealous as well as failing to communicate with each other about totally banal things bringing about totally pointless arguments as well. I also found the whole ‘Casey interludes’ to be a complete waste of time (unless she figures in other books in the series more prominently, if so I will take that point back!).

”It’s just you. It’s only ever been just you. It will always only ever be just you.”

I am late to the party with this series, but I kind of like that, because I now have 3 books I can read in succession and a new release due at some point in 2015. Win-Win! This may have been the first book I have read by this author; it damn sure won’t be the last.

ARC generously provided via Netgalley, in exchange for the above honest review.

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Reading Progress

December 10, 2014 – Shelved
December 10, 2014 – Shelved as: to-read
January 4, 2015 – Started Reading
January 9, 2015 –
January 10, 2015 –
January 11, 2015 –
January 11, 2015 –
January 11, 2015 –
80.0% ""
January 11, 2015 – Shelved as: shit-hot-series
January 11, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)

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❃**✿【Yasmine】✿**❃ Haha, glad you liked it. I think this series gets better & better.

Claire ❃*゚*✿。【Yasmine】。✿*゚*❃ wrote: "Haha, glad you liked it. I think this series gets better & better."

She lost me at one point, but then managed to pull me back. I will deffo be reading Logan's book some point soon!

❃**✿【Yasmine】✿**❃ Eeep! I don't know if i can read Logan's book again, i loved it, but my heart might not be able to take it lol. His book is book 2 AND 3.

Claire ❃*゚*✿。【Yasmine】。✿*゚*❃ wrote: "Eeep! I don't know if i can read Logan's book again, i loved it, but my heart might not be able to take it lol. His book is book 2 AND 3."

Oooooh really, I will bear that in mind. I won't be for a month or two, I have too many ARCs at the moment!

❃**✿【Yasmine】✿**❃ Claire wrote: "❃*゚*✿。【Yasmine】。✿*゚*❃ wrote: "Eeep! I don't know if i can read Logan's book again, i loved it, but my heart might not be able to take it lol. His book is book 2 AND 3."

Oooooh really, I will bear ..."

Yes, you're in for the long haul lol. Hope your ARCs are good x

Janey Lol..great review. I have yet to carry on from this.

Claire Janey wrote: "Lol..great review. I have yet to carry on from this."

Thanks hon, I would happily start the next one today, but I am fully booked ARC-wise for the rest of the month, so hopefully I can carry on next month.

Patrycja Great review!

Claire Patrycja wrote: "Great review!"

Thanks Patrycja! x

message 10: by Jessi (new)

Jessi Wonderful review Claire :)

Claire Jessi wrote: "Wonderful review Claire :)"

Thanks Jessi x

Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾ Terrific review, Claire! xx

Claire Lkay ❇✾The one-click buy button addict❇✾ wrote: "Terrific review, Claire! xx"

Thanks, Lana xx

message 14: by Amanda (new)

Amanda great review, claire.

i used to love reading about jealousy in books, but now i had a totally opposite feeling especially if it is deliberate. i hear many good things about this series, hope to try it out soon.

Claire Amanda wrote: "great review, claire.

i used to love reading about jealousy in books, but now i had a totally opposite feeling especially if it is deliberate. i hear many good things about this series, hope to t..."

Thanks Amanda, The definitely features in this one, not massively, but it did seem unnecessary IMO!

Claire Zia wrote: "I've never read anything by Jay McLean myself. Although, I do plan to give this book a try, keeping aside that I'm probably the fussiest reader alive.
Nonetheless, great review! I loved it! :)"

Thanks Zia!

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