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Three messengers of the gods each hold a piece of my soul. I won’t let them claim my heart too.

My people are dying.

Our god has abandoned us, leaving us starving and weak. In a desperate attempt to save those I love, I offer up the ultimate sacrifice to our capricious deity.


He accepts my offering, and I forfeit my life. But when I arrive in the afterworld, a rival god who despises mine binds my soul to three beautiful, terrifying men—powerful beings he calls his messengers.

Callum, Echo, and Paris.

I’m little more than an annoyance to them, a lost soul their master has foisted upon them.

Still, the bond between us draws me toward them constantly, like a lodestone finding true north, and the more time I spend with these enigmatic men, the more confused my feelings become.

I hate them. I want them. I fear them. I need them.

But no matter what happens, I won’t let myself love them.

Note: Sacrifice is the first book in the Her Soulkeepers series, a medium-burn reverse harem fantasy with steam, action, and romance that will melt your heart and your panties.

229 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 18, 2019

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Sadie Moss

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555 reviews
January 13, 2020
Meh. There wasn't that much build up between characters. The MC talks to each guy like 2-3 times and she's in love all of the sudden.
Profile Image for Tiblu.
1,251 reviews48 followers
January 3, 2020
She’s a nice girl...

Sage is brave and fierce and kind but she’s just s girl.
A brave girl, but a naive little virgin swimming over her head.
Sage is ok,But YA isn’t my thing and maybe I should have known this book had the look of a YA 20 yr. old young girl clueless virgin look to it ,i decided to give it a try any way...

Now this is and isn’t a review. It’s mainly just getting out a few thoughts before I move on and forget about this story.

Now while I found the heroine rather boring, naïve and uninspiring,and I feel like there should be a rule that says any ménage or RH can’t be done from just one p.o.v,
I feel this writer does have some talent.
More world building : Yes , please, explaining a little sooner the type of world this is and how it’s cut up into sections w/different “gods” etc. abs all the different types of worlds there out there in existence.
Sage is rather clueless,but I think her ppl are as well. They don’t know much about their supposed “afterlife”. No books seem to exist to be read,heck I don’t even know if they are literate.
I stopped at chapter 11 which was 36% thru, and I wasn’t invested in the characters and didn’t really care about then or what happened to them.
I just couldn’t connect.
But being the ever curious person I am ,I did check out the last few chapters .
I’m not sure what medium burn means to some ppl.
To me medium burn would be moving a bit slower that a fast burn,( where it’s insta love/lust and their in each other’s pants and beds within the first few chapters and starting to declare their love by the end of the first book) and while medium would surely be different then that . It would ( In My Humble Opinion) be a lot more than the h and her H’s finally sharing a some kisses and starting to really fondle each other until the lead H steps back stops it all and tells her to go sleep w/her mother and younger brother at home.
I certainly could have missed something in all the chapters I skipped but she refers to a dream in her head when kissing the guys at first and remarks on how much better this is over the dream. Soo I’m thinking the kisses and heavy petting is as far as she gets w/the guys physically before this book ends.
Now to me that is MOT a medium anything . Not that the physical side of things is the only part of course to s relationship no. But mentally and emotionally,no one knows what they want or what they really feel. There’s interest ,on everyone’s part but there’s also just as much confusion,resistance to go with it . And that was clear as a bell at the end of the story. Sadly it seems everyone’s definition is different but I’ve more stories that call themselves a slow burn the head more action than this did.

I’d say read this if your into YA RH, that are slow moving, and center around the p.o.v of a young inexperienced virginal girl,who while has some strength and grit and kind heart, knows little of her world or others .

This just was written for me and my stars ⭐️ are for my lack of enjoyment and interest in the story and or content .
I wish the writer well,but I don’t plan to return . YA or not I judge did not enjoy her writing style.
Profile Image for Jacquie Stewart.
2,504 reviews73 followers
December 22, 2019
I'm still processing! I love fantasy that you can get lost in and this is exactly what this is. Sage reminds me of Feyre from ACOTAR (a great thing because I love her) in that she is capable, loving and loyal to the point she give up her life for her family and village. I can't wait to see where this goes and find out more about the Zelus dynamic with the messengers and Kaius. There is big backstory there, I know it.
Profile Image for Tiera McMillian.
1,160 reviews41 followers
March 13, 2020
3-3.5 stars. I'm going to go ahead and say this book has some seriously unique potential. I almost upped my stars but I'm settling here just because the world build is a little on the slow side, so I'm didn't feel like I understood exactly what all was happening. That being said, I had absolutely no problem picturing the scenes and understanding the gist.. more so the reader as well as the FMC, is left with a lot of unanswered questions that I'm going to assume answers will come later. I feel like the author has done this on purpose with the slow reveals to not only spend the focus developing the relationships but also to avoid the whole fact dump scenario. So I'm chalking it up to author strategery at this point lol. I found that a lot of the time the FMC (and the reader) had questions but they were pushed to the side and not answered because the FMC was constantly getting distracted by other major plot points which frustrated me because I'm all OCD bout the splainin. That's on me though.

I'd really like to see some answers in the upcoming books, maybe some more explanations about the gods origins, why they hate each other and for realz why the fairies have said that a person sacrifice would save Sage's (our FMC) people when in fact it doesn't seem to have made any difference. Why has Zelus forsaken his people? Why are the gods at war? I also had some wayward thoughts about why Sage hasn't teamed up with this new god and his people to help her people. Maybe even telling her people to worship him instead because he seems to be taking care of his? Like I said I'm still a little lost but the unique story has me hooked for the time being.

Sage herself starts off really bad A. She starts off seeming to have a really strong sense of right and wrong and also a strong desire to save her people. While those don't necessarily change throughout the story.. her personality seems to fall off a bit when she enters the new god's realm. I'm hoping she gets more assertive and dominant as she learns more information because I feel like right now shes just in learning and surviving mode. So far I like the guys all right but the secrecy really hasn't rounded them out much.

It boils down to this story hasn't fleshed out enough yet for me. I'm hoping as the story continues this happens and really sucks me into the world and triggers my feels. Looking forward to book 2 at this point with crossed fingers.
Profile Image for Heather Gilbert.
1,703 reviews80 followers
January 23, 2020

I’ve read a lot of RH novels, but none such as this. A sacrifice gone wrong? It’s old school myth buffeted in a fantasy world worthy of reading. Unique and rather mysterious, I’m interested in seeing where this goes.

First person, single POV, fantasy, Slow burn RH, Cliffhanger
rating = mature
Character age range = 20+

- Unique setting and concept.
- Sage is strong, even though that strength is not always apparent.
- Good use of myth.
- The romance is delightfully slow.

- Could have benefited from multiple POV.
- Some parts were very slow.
Profile Image for Shedevilreads Bookstagram.
1,967 reviews105 followers
April 27, 2021
Sacrifice by Sadie Moss is a medium-burn reverse harem fantasy romance that I listened to on audio narrated by Kasi Hollowell. This is the first book in the Her Soulkeepers series.

This is the forth series of Sadie's that I have read and it definitely won't be my last. She does an amazing job pulling me into the story. I can't help but binge them in one sitting.

I really enjoyed the relationship that's blooming between Sage, Callum, Echo, and Paris. The book does end on a great cliffhanger and I can't wait to dive into the next book in the series Defiance.

Kasi did a great job on the narration. She really knows how to bring a story to life. I look forward to listening to more of her work in the future.

I would recommend this book if you like reverse harem romances or fantasy romance.

Audiobook Obsession Reviewer
Profile Image for Boo.
3,403 reviews14 followers
December 23, 2019
This book was wow. A great and amazing start to a wonderful series. The would that built is very interesting and the characters? I love them. I wasn’t sure about Callum but of course I had to fall for the broody guy. Can’t wait for the next book.
Profile Image for Allons-y.
238 reviews46 followers
January 13, 2020
Holy crap on a cracker.
I am so glad I read this book!
Great world building.
Amazing character development.
I can't wait for the next one!
Profile Image for Megan (BookWifeReviews).
1,563 reviews52 followers
March 3, 2020
This is a new series from Sadie Moss and I have to say that I think it might be one of my favorite first books from her. I love anything that has to do with gods and that is exactly what this one is about. Sage is a human girl living in a village that is dying. The people are dying, the animals are dying the crops are dying. Sage things she can save her village if she sacrifices herself to their god. Thats where she meets Callum, Echo, and Paris... who are the messengers to a different god.

I won't go into much more because spoilers suck but if you have read and enjoy this authors other books than I highly recommend this one. If you have never picked up a Sadie Moss book than I highly recommend this one. Hell, if you have read and hated one of her other books, I still highly recommend you try this one because I feel like it is different than anything she's ever written and it's absolutely fantastic.
Profile Image for JadeShea.
3,161 reviews60 followers
March 9, 2020
Sacrifice begins when the heroine does a truly noble act and sacrifice herself for her village. Then it sort of takes a strange turn and things get weird.

I liked this one, but it wasn't that great. And it ends on a small cliffhanger.
78 reviews1 follower
February 22, 2020
Okay fluffy read

So I really wanted to like this book. I loved the world concept but the story felt awkward and superficial. The main character can't make up her mind if she's a tough survivor or a damsel. The guys we never really get to know. The whole thing just kind of skims the surface of characters and plot with little development, leaving me detached from the story. That said, the ending sounds like a promising lead in to the next book if the author really fleshes things out and delivers on the potential.
223 reviews11 followers
January 20, 2020
I loved this book. It wasn't perfect - I don't feel like I know the guys well enough - but I really felt like I got to know the FMC and her desperation to save her family and town. Sadie really made the FMC's emotions come across throughout the book, and the conflict felt authentic. I cannot wait to read the next one.
Profile Image for RLbooks (in and out).
897 reviews366 followers
July 22, 2021
3.5 stars

I'm always down for reading a gods/goddesses RH and I liked Sacrifice's take on gods having their own areas of believers and their own afterlifes. Unfortunately for Sage, she gets a good-for-nothing god and in an attempt to save her loved ones, she sacrifices herself. Luckily for her, she's then found by three intriguing men. This did feel like an overall slower paced book since it was more focused on the characters than action happening.

I'm hoping that our FMC, Sage, will develop more as the series progresses. She's loyal, hard-working, feisty, and she doesn't deal well with change (although she's had an enormous life change so that's fair), but for as much as she thought one of the guys is hot/cold, I felt like she was too. Sage also doesn't communicate as much as she could, which again is fair, since the guys haven't explained several things either. We also spend a lot of time in Sage's inner thoughts since this is single POV.

I do like what we know of the men so far and I think once we really delve into their characters (cause they're not open books), I'll appreciate them even more. For now, there's the reserved/broody/grumpy guy, the flirty/playful guy, and the easy-going/sweeter guy. The world itself is also not quite clear and hopefully that also develops more in the next books.

Book 1 does end on a cliffhanger and while this book focused on introducing the characters and the situation they find themselves in once Sage sacrifices herself, the next book seems like it will have a stronger plot for the rest of the series. Also, for those who are interested, there was no mm or other woman scenes/drama in this book.
Profile Image for Nigama R.V..
Author 10 books65 followers
December 25, 2019
Sadie Moss has once again proved her brilliance of story creation...

The God, Zelus who should be caring his realm on Earth has left the people to look after themselves... there is no harvest, food for that matter nothing to survive... Sage, with her brother Nolan hunts along with the men of the village to secure necessities for her family and also for the village... In such one, Nolan gets hurt in a trap set by themselves for a catch of bear... She sacrifices herself in the name of Zelus at the sacred altar for the welfare of her village, as suggested by Sprites, who she stumbles on, during her medicinal herb for Nolan... But her soul ends up in no-man’s land in God Kaius realm and gets captured by His’ messengers who later were bound to her soul as per His dictum... Despite Zelus accepting her sacrifice as offering, he doesn’t bestow anything for the village... Will she succeed in helping her village, being bound to messengers?? Will she lose her human mind?? Will she ever know secrets the held messengers?? Will she know what the rivalry is between the Gods??

Sadie Moss made the characters play well to her tunes and that’s how the book is powerful and exemplary...

I thankfully acknowledge the receipt of this book for ARC from Sadie Moss
Profile Image for Kaye.
7,177 reviews69 followers
December 23, 2019
Exceptional! Sadie came out swinging, trapping every shadow, crack, line, crease and mold, rushing this gem through the gates of hell with a vengeance in this jaw dropping, block busting bombshell. Presenting incredibly, well rounded scenario's, that punch dead center with such intensity and precision, wielding this gem together flawlessly. Bracing for the low blows, as drama, intrigue, danger and suspense soars as tension spirals, blazing this jewel to life stunningly. Ridin' roughshod through the mayhem, running with the chaos and roping the shenanigans, steadying the turmoil and distress, laying it out and watching 'em roll. Carefully treading through the trials and tribulations, testing our characters in ways they could have never anticipated. The chemistry builds as each layer is peeled back exposing an undeniable bond and amplifying affections, launching this gem to a whole new level. The characters and scenes are so colorfully descriptive it gives the illusion you were right there in the middle of ground zero with them. Remarkable job Sadie, thanks for sharing this bad boy with us.
Profile Image for Hanna.
751 reviews8 followers
September 14, 2020
Interesting take on the "virgin sacrifice". It's almost a bit like a story that starts after "and they lived happily ever after"...
I really like Sage, she's feisty, a hunter and at the same time compassionate and caring. She can admit mistakes and is willing to learn. I also like Callum, Echo and Paris. Can't wait to find out more about them, there backstories and stuff.
I prefer harems like this where the guys get along, where they either already are a brotherhood/team/unit of sorts or they become one throughout the book. Unlike some where it's more like the FMC has a separate relationships with each of the guys, but they don't have any connection/relationship to each other.
Decent world and story building, I like that she created her own world, mythology, set of gods, etc. Had a few too many disappointing re-tellings lately that have put me off the classics for a bit.
The one thing I find takes some getting used to is when the author is writing in present tense, it sounds weird to me and can get a bit confusing at times as it is harder to stay consistent in that tense and as a consequence to keep the story itself straight.
Profile Image for Daisy Sauceda.
1,809 reviews21 followers
December 28, 2019
Wow, when i was reading this book, i sure did not expect it the way in went. Sage Thorne is a tough chick and she will do what she can to help her family and village. They still pray to their Gods and make sacrifices to them as well. So I never expected for what was to come. However, she does meet one God, just not the one she prays too. She also meets Callum, Echo and Paris when she ends up in a dark forest. They try and help her but she is not sure if she can trust them. Well she will have to once something happens to all four of them. So what will Sage do now? Will she accept things the way they are or fight them? What will she do with the connection that is being made with the guys. There were so many twists, turns and what just happened moments that will keep you reading til the end. Overall this was an amazing book to read and I cannot wait to read the next.

***This is an advanced readers copy***
66 reviews
December 27, 2019
It has been quite some time since a book has captured me as wholly as Sacrifice by Sadie Moss. Right from the beginning Sage shows herself to be an extremely capable, courageous, and warm heroine who the reader falls in love with right away. Through an incredibly selfless sacrifice Sage finds herself in the afterlife which comes with bounty and complications. Namely three gorgeous warriors who are both enticing and infuriating at the same time. I love that we get to know these characters well and can appreciate the many facets of their personalities as their feelings develop for each other. The four of them have a pull to each other that is undeniable just as this book has a pull on the reader that makes you want to shut the door and devour this story. This is my favorite Sadie Moss book to date and I cannot wait for the book 2!!
Profile Image for Andrea Green.
793 reviews7 followers
December 27, 2019
Absolutely Brilliant start to a new series by Sadie Moss and wow what a start!!!!!

I would say that this is a medium Burn RH but with a really strong storey - i love that Sadie can take a concept and turn it on its head coming at things from a different angle - yeas this would fit into the genre that it is based around the Gods but it is different to most in a very good way.

I love Sage - she is strong but also retains a certain amount of vulnerability along with the absolute determination to do right by her family and village. Her 3 messangers dont want to admit their feelings at first but they are all drawn together as they each have a piece of Sages soul so she is nothing with out them and she completes them all at the same time.

Full of Action along with plenty of twists and turns i hope you love this book as much as i did!
Profile Image for Carol Rupprecht.
764 reviews17 followers
February 2, 2020
Wow. I always love Sadie Moss' books. Her characters have so much depth to them and this one is no exception. Sage is such a strong and admirable character, fighting for everything she has yet willing to sacrifice everything she is for her family and her village. Although we don't know much about Callum, Echo, and Paris yet, it is clear that they will have a pretty interesting background story. They are still a bit of a mystery, especially Callum, who has been shown to be fighting his feelings just as much as Sage. As we get closer to the end of the book the guys prove that they will do anything for the "little soul" that they are linked to, including taking the chance on angering some gods. I'm expecting big things in the next book and hope that the relationship between Sage, Callum, Echo, and Paris grows and intensifies. 
363 reviews5 followers
August 4, 2020
I did enjoy this book, the premise of the story was definitely a unique one that I haven't read before. The only problem I had with this was how hot and cold the guys seemed with Sage throughout the whole book. It seemed at times as if they actually wanted her there with them and others that they couldn't be bothered if she was there or not, which just seemed like to much back and forth that was a little annoying after a bit. I did like the mythology behind the story and how the earth realm is divide by God's who rule each section, it made for an interesting setting for the story to take place in. I also liked how much Sage cared for her family and village and how she was willing to do anything to help them. Overall this was a good first book and I really hope the relationship between Sage and her messengers becomes less wishy-washy as the story progresses.
Profile Image for Charlotte.
3,646 reviews57 followers
December 30, 2019
*Spoiler Alert*
Sage (FMC) makes the greatest sacrifice in this book. She gives her life for the sake of her brother, mother and village to their God Zelus. In the hope of saving all of them hunger and famine. Things dont work out to plan and she ends up being bound to three messengers - Echo, Callum and Paris. Messengers to another god by sacrificing herself Sage gains much more she had before. I love this different spin on a RH book. I love how the focus in this book was more on the respect and relationship between all of them. Less on the sexual aspect at the moment. Im sure that will change in the future but for now slow burn works for this story i think. A really fantastic read and with that ending im dying for the next book. I cant wait to see what gonna happen next
Profile Image for Richelle Zirkle.
1,983 reviews12 followers
January 3, 2020
This might be my favorite Sadie Moss release to date. I love the idea of the afterlife, and an RH where our FMC is tied to these three soulkeepers... Sign me up to read that! Sage is one of the most lovable FMCs in my recent memory. She’s feisty, self-sacrificing and resilient. She comes across as independent, but she’s also vulnerable and has her fish out of water moments as she finds herself thrust into a new existence. Our leading men are nothing short of perfection... You’ve got your abrasive broody alpha, your charming playboy alpha, and the playful sweet alpha. One to suit every mood and whim. Sage’s threads connect to each, and they may need to rely on them to keep her safe more than once before it’s all said and done... Please don’t let her sacrifice be for naught.
Profile Image for Rachel Osborne.
1,092 reviews19 followers
December 30, 2019
Sadie is a master of words and stories. Her newest series has started with a bang and has her signature style that will completely draw you in. I loved the emotion provoking start of sacrifice and the afterworld idea was pure genius. The plot starts with gods and how humans worship and struggle. And the book gives us a insight to a side of the afterlife that makes you wonder and dream. The magic components was beautifully done and the characters are perfect. Loved every second of this book. It has an elegant beauty that will make you want to read it over and over. Sadie is a talent that you won't want to miss out on. Can't wait for book 2!
Profile Image for Denise Wengert.
358 reviews1 follower
January 1, 2020
I am a huge fan of Sadie's books and her series just keep seeming to get better. Sage's people are dying and their god doesn't seem to care. After making the decision to sacrifice herself to her god to help her people, Sage wakes up in an unknown area and meets three messengers of another god...one who hates hers. When the other god bonds her soul to the three men, they are stuck together. Between having to deal with complicated emotions for the enigmatic men and not knowing what has happened to her family and town, Sage's afterlife isn't exactly a walk in the park. This is a slow burn reverse harem with an interesting plot. I'm excited to see where book 2 goes.
Profile Image for Amanda Bernardino.
130 reviews4 followers
January 22, 2020
Promising beginning

Life isn’t easy for Sage and her village. The crops are failing and the land seems to be dying. Everything seems lost when her brother gets injured and Sage encounters some sprites in the woods. Desperate times require desperate measures. Thank to this Sage finds herself on a different land and meets the 3 messengers Callum, Echo and Paris. Even though her life improves she can’t stop worrying about what she left behind. The book started slow but it grew more interesting as the story progressed. I will be definitely reading the next book to see what happens to Sage and her messengers.
Profile Image for Amber J..
668 reviews30 followers
April 14, 2020
Interesting take on the afterlife and a world designated by the god you worship verses countries and continents. SM does a beautiful job creating a world we wouldn't recognize today and alternate universes/planes that mystify.

Her characters have depth and while some our magical still have a realistic persona. Our Heroine is strong, willful, compassionate and self sacrificing. The three Soulkeepers she encounters have very different personalities that blend together to make the perfect man. All alpha with strength, broodiness, passion and humor.

Definitely a good book to escape your current reality!
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