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Calloway Sisters #4

Long Way Down

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With a seven-year age difference, Ryke & Daisy have faced an uphill battle in the eyes of the world and their families. Known as the most adventurous, fast-paced couple — their next step has always been elusive to the rabid media.

Behind the scenes, heartbreaking troubles continue to test Ryke & Daisy’s resilience and shape their future together.

They promise:

To never slow down.
To never compromise who they are.
To never abandon their love for each other.

But preserving their happiness also means adding more risks. Ones that Connor Cobalt wouldn’t even take. As a professional free-solo climber, Ryke is no stranger to risk, but his next step with Daisy wagers more than just his health.

With their lives on the line, Ryke & Daisy head towards the vast, wild unknown.

***Authors' Note***
It's possible to only read the Calloway Sisters spin-off series without reading the Addicted series, but you MUST read Fuel the Fire (Calloway Sisters #3) before reading Long Way Down (Calloway Sisters #4).

It's highly recommended to read the books in the recommended reading order, which is in tangent with the Addicted series.

641 pages, ebook

First published November 20, 2015

1,333 people are currently reading
75.1k people want to read

About the author

Krista Ritchie

45 books16.6k followers
NYT & USA Today Bestselling Authors Krista & Becca Ritchie are identical twins—one a science nerd, the other a comic book geek—but with their shared passion for writing, they combined their mental powers as kids and have never stopped telling stories. They love superheroes, flawed characters, and soul mate love.

To stay up to date on new releases, bonus content, and more, sign up for Krista & Becca's Newsletter: www.kbritchie.com/newsletter

Quick note: We don't check Goodreads, so we don't respond to messages here. But if you want to connect with Becca or me, you can reach out to us on our social medias or at our website: www.kbritchie.com

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Profile Image for kendyl ʚ♡⃛ɞ (i’m back!).
193 reviews4,266 followers
August 29, 2023
“he never gives up on me, even when i disappear at night. even when i wane like the setting sun. his love is unyielding and exists to cloak me through heartache, through misery, through laughter and pain. i love him in every moment. in every smile. in every frown. and i will love him after every long way down.”
~wow🥹raisy’s love>>>>>>

*violently sobs*
*takes a deep breath in*
here we go

hothouse flower and long way down…i want these two books injected into my veins immediately. these books…chefs kiss🤌MWAH😙i’ve given my rating for these two books a lot of thought and infinity stars? no. it’s seriously not enough. so what i will say is this. i need these books like the earth needs the sun. if there is no sun, there is no me. bury me with these books because they will forever be a part of me.

i intake daisy’s soul-bearing smile and whisper, “senza di te, il cielo non ha sole.” i cup her cheek with my free hand. “without you, the sky has no sun.”

♡ daisy calloway. ryke’s forever sunshine girl🥹ryke’s sweetheart. i love her sfm. i love everything about her. from her selflessness to her chocolate obsession. the cute t-shirts she wears with sayings on them. like every calloway sister…daisy’s gone through so much :( and seeing daisy’s light dim, hurt so bad because this woman deserves nothing but the best. i’m so proud of her tho. she’s always been the quiet girl who didn’t know how to stick up for herself because she was always too busy looking out for others.
- “somewhere along the way, she found her voice. somewhere along the way, she found her stride. i’m just the grateful fucking guy who was given the chance to stand by her. through it all.” 🥹🥹🥹

reading books 1-8 in this series was a journey…a very emotional one. so when i got to this book, i was in no way prepared for everything that happened. this whole book was a whole different journey itself that i was NOT ready for ok literally nothing could prepare me. the main topic of this book is my absolute biggest fear. due to spoilers, i won’t be saying what that topic is, but it broke me. it made me love raisy even more. it truly shows how strong their love is and how strong they are as a whole/individually.

“one-hundred-and-fifty miles per hour. no brakes.”
his eyes redden.
“i’m right beside you, calloway.”

“i’m scared,” i whisper.
he cups my cheeks, his hands rough and strong. “a hundred-and-fifty miles per hour.”
tears slip down my cheeks and i murmur, “no brakes.”
“never any fucking brakes.”

THE TEARS ARE FLOWING. when i tell you guys that throughout 99% of this book, i was crying…i’m not lying. book number 9 came in SWINGING. the last book with my favorite couple and it was almost nothing but heartbreak. this book had me not being able to write my review because every time i’d start, i’d start crying. a few days later after finishing the book and here i am, writing my review…still crying so bare with me while i try to get through this. i am rambling omg i’m sorry. a crazy/wild review for the craziest/wild couple.

“it’s not solely the wild, crazed events that keep my heart pumping. it’s these small, most inconceivable seconds of time spent together. our smiles. our tears. our limbs shifting or standing still. the instant our lonely souls are filled.
i’ve never lived or loved wilder and freer than with him.”

raisy raisy raisy hehe. or as lo would call them “craisins”.
- “you’re both crazy and you’re both raisins.”
so funny, so cute. daisy and ryke are 10000000000% my comfort characters. i already miss them so much. every time i got a glimpse of raisy in all the other books…i ate that up. krista and becca fed me, i was never starved. that’s what i like most about these books and how they were written…the core six was in almost every single book, all living together for the majority of the series. the found family…krista and becca ritchie did it the best. how they could create 6 unforgettable characters and have me love everything about them is beyond me. there have been so many books that i’ve read where i hated at least one thing about one of the main characters. the core six?!? the word hate does not exist when it comes to them. okay okay back to raisy. i’m so happy for them. seeing their friendship turn into a relationship was so beautiful. i can’t wait to reread all these books just to watch them fall in love with each other all over again.

♡ ryke meadows. this man owns me. he owns my entire heart, soul, and mind. i am and will forever will be a ryke girly. all i have to do is read his name and boom, instant butterflies. let me share with you the moment i fell in love with this man.
- "after he drinks his coffee, he pushes the mug towards me. i take a sip, my lips upturned while i stare at him. since probably my sweet sixteen, maybe even before, ryke has always shared his food and drink with me. at first, just to urge me to eat something (modeling woes), but now it's such a habit between us."
this. MAN. the way he took care of daisy is my favorite thing ever. he may be aggressive and use the word fuck in every sentence…but he is such a softy and such a gentleman when it comes to daisy. he’s also such a romantic…his proposal to daisy was🤌and the RING!? literally a yellow diamond surrounded by rectangular diamonds…resembling the sun.
- “she’s my fucking sun, and even though she’s set tonight, she means nothing less to me. i love her just as fucking madly.”
are you kidding😭and then he marries this woman the minute the sun ascended…yes they had a very early morning wedding😩pls they’re so perfect. their vows!?!? perfect.
- in a low, husky voice, he says, "vieni qui." he uses italian with me mostly in intimate moments, muttered quietly and softly. i've heard this phrase enough to translate without asking. come here.
- "il tuo piacere è il mio." your pleasure is my pleasure.
best blush? ryke meadows. italian!?😩this man can talk about a HOT POCKET in italian and i’ll blush. i love him so much, my man did not deserve what he had to go through in this book :( not only was he going through a lot with daisy, but he was going through a lot within himself. UGHHHH I’M GONNA START CRYING AGAIN.
- "something. something has died inside of me. and i don't think it's coming back.”
same :( i can’t talk about any of what ryke or daisy went through because of spoilers, but just know, it ripped my heart out. adam sully!?! krista and becca ritchie…now why would you do that. iykyk😭ooo i need to wrap this review up so i can stop crying and let my heart heal :(

♡ cute raisy moments
since a lot of this review has been sad, i wanna share moments between my faves that made me smile until my face hurt.

ryke nods to me and mouths, what the fuck?
i mouth back, i love you.
it makes him smile.
it makes me smile more.
~well it makes me smile most, i win.

"there's nothing that can change this."
"abbracciami," i say the italian word he taught me not long ago. hold me.
his hard eyes nearly ease. he pulls me onto his lap, my legs tucked to my chest. as he wraps his arms around my frame, i feel more like his. like we belong together just this way.
i rest my chin on his shoulder, looking up at him.
"dammi un bacio." give me a kiss.
~i’m so obsessed with them.

"you think i'm cute?"
"terribly fucking cute."

"has anyone told you," she says, "that you're an amazing kisser? i think i'd almost trade a piece of chocolate cake just to kiss you."
"almost?" i toss a strand of her hair at her mouth. i could fucking kiss her for a thousand more years and live peacefully, happily-in love.
“i don’t ever have to make that trade. you know why?”
“you’re the kind of guy who would do anything to give me both the cake and the kiss.”
~yes, yes he is😩🦋

“daisy meadows," he says huskily. “you ready to go for a fucking ride?"
my pulse races, and i stare at his hard, unshaven jaw, his hair dripping wet. ”say that again," i pant.
his lips rise. "daisy meadows."
~daisy and i have the same last name🤭

♡ favorite moments
- ryke playing with daisy’s hair and putting it up in a messy bun🥹
- ryke telling lily he watched an episode of teen wolf and told her that stiles is his favorite character. plssss ryke+stiles=girl dinner.
- ryke wearing lily’s underwear that said bat girl on the booty…this has me cackling.
- coballoway’s news🤭i was screaming.
- the calloway sisters having a one tree hill marathon…my favorite show😩love nathan scott sm.
- lilo and raisy having a food fight with cake😩
- ryke wanting to practice dancing with daisy so their first dance at their wedding would be perfect😭
- lo picking out everyone’s halloween costumes…him picking anakin for ryke had me screaming into my pillow. because no way are we mentioning some of my favorite fictional men ever😩😩😩😩
- lilo being cute as always.
- just the fact that this book could make me smile even tho the majority was so gut wrenching.
- the banter of course. literally one of my favorite things ever in every single one of these books.
- lo being strong enough to help ryke just like ryke helped lo🥹crying.
- the core six watching the sunrise together.
- the epilogue was everything i could’ve ever wanted omg i’m about to cry just thinking about it.
- daisy’s theories

♡ favorite theory of daisy’s

“people say you can’t describe love, but i have this theory that you can. it’s just subjective. do you want to know what love feels like for me?
it’s breathing and suffocating. sobbing and smiling. yearning and fading. to ache that much harder. to live that much larger. it’s every moment. every single, tiny one.
i’ve felt it all with ryke.”
~so beautifully explained🥹

♡ favorite quotes
- "you know, you're the only girl i've ever called that." i didn't tell her that it was the first term of endearment i'd ever used with anyone. i found "baby" and other pet names too fucking patronizing, but "sweetheart" fit daisy completely. 🫠🦋i want him so bad
- "six-foot-three with a darkened gaze, scruffy jaw, and brooding brows-he's utterly handsome. the kind of handsome that screams danger, yet i know his heart is soft and warm and a place i always want to be."
- "maltreatment of women might just be my number one boiling point, and if he sets it off...i'm going to lose my shit." his respect for women is just…🤌he has my ovaries SCREAMINGGGG.
- "her smile lights up the fucking sun. there is nothing happier in the world than this moment."
- "i want her to feel happiness without anything else attached. just pure unadulterated joy. let me give her that."
- “flirting with ryke meadows is my favorite pastime.”
- “two people who weren't allowed to love each other. two people who who now unapologetically do.”
- “she reaches out and takes a chocolate from the opened package, eating it whole. it’s cuter than anything, and i can't help but think—i’m going to have this for fucking ever.”
- “she wears my clothes: one of my gray shirts partly tucked into my black cotton track pants. i can’t even fucking explain how much i love her in them.”
- “i love her, every minute of the day, and she doesn't even realize, doesn't even see how much.”
- “every day, i can feel myself growing into my own skin, and love myself more than i ever have. ryke is a variable in my life that has led me here. i know it.”
- “i smile instantly, but i do spot the concern in the corners of his eyes. he doesn't want to hurt me, but we always play rough.”
- “i could fuck you multiple times a day, sweetheart. i could even fuck you right now against the shelves.” OH-🫠🦋
- “i drop to my knees in front of the only girl i’ve ever loved. and i live in the fucking moment with her.”
- “he’s staring down at me, this man who'd drop to his knees if i asked him to. who’d take care of me. never abuse me. never pressure me or take advantage of me. he’s treated me with more respect than i can quantify.”
- “he has me. he has me in his arms. in his soul. and he's not going to let go. he never has.”
- “never give up or back down on the things that fill your soul, calloway. there is no worse life than a hollow one.”
- “ryke belongs with nature, able to withstand the seasons and time just like the rocks he climbs. he keeps going, he keeps moving, and he picks everyone up when they’ve fallen behind.”
- “and i see us in the sky. i see us in the sun and clouds. in the grass and trees. i see us in everything.”
- “it’s impossible to forget the kind of love that rattles my bones and screams i am alive every single day of my life.”
- “ryke meadows endures all things like he was born to last forever.”

ps. idk when i’ll read the epilogue novel…it could be today, could be tomorrow, could be months from now. idk how much heartache i can take😩😩

pps. goodreads told me my review was TOO LONG so i had to delete all of my updates pre review so here’s a condensed version:

alexa play “tv” by billie eilish and put it on REPEAT.

things i need:
- a hug :(
- more tissues
- therapy
- a slice of chocolate cake
- ryke meadows🤭🦋

review to come when i can get my shit together and stop crying :(((
Profile Image for Becca Ritchie.
Author 47 books7,009 followers
November 20, 2015
This will be the final book with the Addicted gang... unless I fall on my head and forget everything that we've ever planned ;) Release Date: November 20th, 2015

Look out for more Raisy!

UPDATE: ... we must've fallen on our heads because we added a full-length epilogue book called Some Kind of Perfect :) It'll release after Long Way Down and add lots of closure to the whole series.

UPDATE 2: the blurb / back cover summary has been added! xoxo

UPDATE 3: It's LIVE on Amazon!!! Happy reading, everyone!! We hope you enjoy the crazy ride :D
Profile Image for Christy.
4,346 reviews35.4k followers
October 30, 2023
5 stars!

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Two people who weren’t allowed to love each other. Two people who now unapologetically do.

The Addicted series is by far the most memorable and my most favorite series ever. Each book has something special about it. Each character and couple I love completely in their own way. Those of you who have read the series know exactly what I’m talking about. If you haven’t, I can’t even… you are missing out on so much greatness!

Ryke and Daisy (aka Raisy) are the two daredevils of the group. They’re the couple that started out as forbidden. They were never supposed to be together, never supposed to work. But they do.

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Daisy Calloway is a beautifully broken girl. From a young age, she’s been thrown in the spot light. She’s not there anymore, but things that have happened to her have had a lasting effect. She’s got her issues, but she has sisters who love her and a man who always has her back. Ryke Meadows is an adrenaline junkie. He’s a risk taker. He drops the F bomb 52 times in 20 minutes. It’s who he is. He lives his life the way he wants with no regrets. He’s a climber and it’s one of the most important things in the world to him.
I have always stared my life straight in the fucking eye and held the line. I’m not terrified of it being cut short. I’d rather live fully and briefly than to live long and empty.

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Ryke and Daisy have this undying love for one another. They love each other so hard. Things that would break a lot of couples only make them stronger. No matter what happens in their lives, and they both go through something hard in this book, they ALWAYS have each others back. It’s not even a question. They are there for one another unconditionally. Ryke and Daisy’s relationship is different than the other couples, because they are different than the other couples.
He never gives up on me… His love is unyielding and exists to cloak me through heartache, through misery, through laughter and pain. I love him in every moment. In every smile. In every frown. And I will love him after every long way down.

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I don’t want to spoil anything about this story, but the content hit so close to home for me. This book and Addicted After All are the two most emotional of the series for me. I was a blubbering mess in the best way while reading. I love that these stories give me all the feels. My favorite part of these books are the relationships between the characters. Not just the couples, but the siblings, the friends. It’s everything.

Ryke and Lo have the most special relationship to me. That is actually why I ended up loving Ryke so much in the beginning. Loren Hale is such an amazingly special character and Ryke saw that right away. His loyalty to his brother is unwavering. All these characters are completely loyal to one another and I love that. You don’t see friendships and relationships like this in every book you read and that is why the Addicted series is one that always stands out above the rest for me.

Ryke and Daisy’s story will forever stay with me. These characters and their story are unforgettable. I will shout it from the roof tops over and over again- this series is a MUST READ!!!!!
There are moments you remember and people you will never fucking forget.

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Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
2,003 reviews34.8k followers
June 26, 2016
Just as good. Every time.
6/25/16: In a HUGE post-move/no WIFI book slump...so I think a favorite re-read is in order...

5 Ryke Fucking Meadows Stars ***Spoiler Free***

So this bad boy gets all the stars.

And I'm gonna hug it close.

Like this:


Because it was good.

But mainly because it actually made this cold-hearted little shrew shed a tear *gasp.*


It's an almost-Christmas miracle anomaly, I tell you.

Seriously though, I think the rugged and dry terrain that is my cheek might experience a mudslide as a result of this never before seen influx of sudden moisture.

But I digress.

My favorite foul mouthed fucking character in this book?

Ryke, Ryke, Ryke.

Cause I mean, really, how do I love thee?

Let me counts the ways...



Oh man. Le fucking swoon.


But most of all?


Loyalty is something that I personally value above pretty much all else.

And that's what I think I love most about this entire series.

The six main characters - Connor, Rose, Ryke, Daisy, Lo and Lily - they are all LOYAL to each other.


"'Let's make a pact. If anyone hassles our sisters tonight, we confront them and handle it with necessary means...'

She has a knife strapped to her thigh.

'What, you planning on shanking someone tonight?'

'I plan on being resourceful and cautious...I also have a taser.'"

Even when they are insulting each other and constantly throwing the middle finger - they have each others' backs.

As couples, as friends, as brothers, as sisters, as FAMILY.

And I just LOVE it.

Especially Ryke.

His loyalty to Daisy.


"Wherever you go, I'll go."


His loyalty to Lo and Lo's loyalty to him.

"I miss my brother and if you won't fight for the thing that makes you happy, then I'm going to fight for you."

And to Connor.


And to ALL of them.





"The relationships that take the most effort and time become the mightiest in the end."

And boy are they ever mighty.

These characters and this series have a very special place in my heart now. And even though I am SO sad the series is over...they will always live on my kindle.

And I will re-read the fuck out of them forever.

Profile Image for ♥︎ Heather ⚔(Semi-Hiatus).
906 reviews3,134 followers
April 19, 2024
Omg! I love them- I love them so much! 😭💜💜 RTC

“… our favorite Sayings from Ryke Meadows.
My favorite:
I fucking love you.
Willow’s: I don’t fucking understand Tumblr.
Lo’s: Fuck you, you fucking fuck.
Lily’s: Fucking fantastic.
Rose’s: No means no. Better yet, fuck no.
Connor’s: Connor Cobalt is a fucking narcissist.”

“People say you can’t describe love, but I have this theory that you can. It’s just subjective. Do you want to know what love feels like for me? It’s breathing and suffocating. Sobbing and smiling. Yearning and fading. To ache that much harder. To live that much larger. It’s every moment. Every single, tiny one.”
Profile Image for lulu.
288 reviews2,194 followers
April 4, 2023

Yikes this is going to be an unpopular opinion

Things that made me cringe so bad if I wasn’t in love with everyone else I would have DNF’d:

- Daisy calling Ryke “my wolf”
- Daisy saying “I have a theory” or “*gasp* THE DANGER” stfu
- The stupid sayings on Daisy’s shirts they needed to enlighten me with every single time

Daisy’s little quirks annoyed me so much in this book it was overkill. Every single conversation with her included one of those 3 points. Mind you this is over 600 pages long so it was just too much. I definitely can only enjoy Daisy’s personality in small doses.

What annoys me is I enjoy them as a couple until Daisy ruins it by sounding like an actual child and then I feel like I’m not on board anymore. She talks like a 12 year old and it makes me uncomfortable.

Ryke calling her the sun was cute af tho icl. One minute I loved them the next I needed it to end.

WAY too many near deaths. However they still had me choked up bc when am I not crying but one was enough tbh especially cause we knew what the outcome would be so it’s like bffr

Anyways I loved my Lilo and Coballoway crumbs ALWAYS. I’m INVESTED in Willow and Garrison those cuties. But why do the Raisy books have the least amount of Core Six content 😭

Also Daisy talked soo much about how her and Willow were besties but pls there was a serious case of telling>>>showing w that friendship.

The epilogue was just perfection. I got everything I needed.
Profile Image for vee.
885 reviews372 followers
December 27, 2021
4 stars✨

“Being the cause of someone’s happiness, well—that feels like love, doesn’t it?”

am assuming by now u're already aware that i'm a quote-reviewer. which means, mild spoilers, so beware

꘎♡━━ RAISY ━━♡꘎

1. 'He cups my cheeks, his hands rough and strong. “A hundred-and-fifty miles per hour.”
Tears slip down my cheeks and I murmur, “No brakes.”
“Never any fucking brakes.” He raises my hand in his and kisses my knuckles

2. 'Bubble-wrapped frames.
As soon as the first photo comes into view, it almost knocks me back.
It’s of us.
On the bow of a yacht in Mexico, I have her on my shoulders, and we’re both caught mid-laugh. That was during her nineteenth birthday.
I pull out another. I’m sleeping on a hammock in Costa Rica. She’s kissing my nose.
My chest lifts fucking high in a deep inhale, and I want to see more. So I unwrap another moment.
At a bowling alley. I’m holding her upside-down, only clutching one of her calves, and her smile has overtaken her entire fucking face. I’m staring at her like I couldn’t be happier that she’s happy.
Another. We’re doing backflips off a roof into a pool at the same fucking time.
Another. She’s on her red Ducati. I’m on my black one. I’m flipping her off as she speeds ahead of me. Lo and Lily, in the car behind us, captured the shot. I remember catching up to her that day flirting the whole way to New York with our bikes.
Another. Cancun. Our bungee jump photo.
I pinch my eyes. I go through more. Wedding pictures. The time where Daisy stood on a fucking skateboard five-months pregnant. I was holding her waist. The moment I handed Sullivan to Daisy, when she woke up after surgery.
I have to stop myself, my eyes reddening at our lives spent together'

3. 'I set my hands on my hips, and I say tearfully, “Will you scream with me?”
Without hesitation, Ryke easily climbs onto the counter. He has to lower his head to avoid hitting the ceiling. He stares down at me, his hands sliding against my cheeks.
My chest rises in a livelier inhale, thankful for Ryke. My pillar. My wolf.
My world. My life.
Strongly, he says, “You ready, Calloway?”
“Yes,” I breathe.
And we both scream. All the darkness rippling out of me'

4. 'I rub my leaking eyes, tearful way more than usual these days. When we started this journey, I never realized how many times the rug would be pulled from beneath us. How many times the universe would cackle in our faces. For someone who often keeps their emotions at bay, this process has ripped them to the surface.
I couldn't do this with anyone but Ryke'

5. 'Daisy often talked about living in the wild with me. About being stranded on an island. Just the two of us. Having a baby alone in the rainforest together.
I always thought her fantasies were cute, but it’s not until later in our lives that I see her and me and what she imagined and I think, 'we fucking have that, Calloway.'
No matter where we are. No matter what we do.
It’s who we are.
Fucking primal. And this wild, untamable spirit lives within us'

6. 'As soon as I lean a hip against the railing, elephants slowly trudging in their manmade habitat behind me, I swivel towards a handsome man. He canvasses the area, blue baseball cap dipped kind of low over his brown eyes.
I tap his shoulder. “Hi, sir, do you know if there are chickens at this zoo?” I ask like I’ve never met him in my life.
Ryke lowers his broody gaze down upon me. “You want to see a fucking chicken?”
“Yeah.” I try hard not to smile. “I’m a big fan of cocks.”
He so stoically keeps his composure like the last four times I tried to pick him up. At the penguin exhibit, the polar bears, the lions, and gorillas
I’m hoping the elephants will bring me better luck.
“What kind of fucking cocks?” he asks, his rough exterior not crumbling.
“The large kind.” I motion with my hands, about a foot and a half long. “Like this big.”
His brows rise. “That big?” We unconsciously draw closer, until our legs touch.
“Oh yeah. They’re the best cocks. Always up to play in the morning.” I pause. “You wouldn’t happen to have seen this cock around, would you?”
Ryke sweeps my body, warming me in the cold, and then he pulls my heart-shaped sunglasses halfway off my nose, eyes on my eyes. “Maybe check your fucking imagination. Because there are no cocks that size.”
I feign disbelief. “No, this cock is real. Its favorite thing to do is be inside a field of daisies.”
He pushes my sunglasses back up my nose. “Keep your cocks to yourself.”

7. 'She raises her head, her lips nearing my lips. And she whispers, “What are you going to do to me, pack leader?”
My blood heats, and in the pit of her ear, I murmur, “Make wolf pups with you.”

8. 'I whisper against his lips, “This moment is ours, isn’t it?” I don’t want to share this with anyone else. We ended up on the floor. Just like animals. I break into a smile, and his thumb strokes the long scar on my cheek.
He looks like he could spend the rest of his life on the floor, right here, tangled up with me. He nods and says against my lips, “This is fucking ours.”
I run my fingers through his hair again. “I’m so happy I could scream.”
His lips curve upward. “Then scream, Calloway.”
I howl instead. When he joins in, when he howls with me, my world is absolutely, totally and entirely complete'

9. “You always cared about me. You were always there for me, but this time felt different. You wrapped your coat around me, picked me up in your arms, and said, ‘When life gets fucking hard, you can always turn to me. You need to run? I’ll run with you, Calloway. Just put on some fucking shoes first.’” She smiles, tears streaming down her cheeks, and I feel another one roll down mine. “I realized then that I’d never want to be vulnerable with any other man but you. Someone that understands me. Respects me. Loves me—so wildly. You were the only one. You are the only one."

10. ‘I tune out every time someone says death and Daisy in the same sentence. It’s white noise.
I don’t live in fear of the next step. I don’t prep for the what ifs and rewire the fucked-up variables like Connor.
I drop to my knees in front of the only girl I’ve ever loved. And I live in the fucking moment with her.
However short, however long we have'

11. 'My gaze grows glassier the more I watch her, the more she watches me. Slowly nearing.
The glimmer in her green eyes, the lightness in her gait, the overwhelming smile stretching her scar—this is the look of someone who’s free. Somewhere along the way, she found her voice. Somewhere along the way, she found her stride. I’m just the grateful fucking guy who was given the chance to stand by her side.
Through it all'

꘎♡━━ My baby Daisy ━━♡꘎

'She has a giant, forgiving heart, and no matter how many times people try to burn her, she’s found a way to rise above.'

though I connected least with her out of all of ‘em, she's definitely one of my fav characters of all time

'I’ve expressed to Frederick how badly I want to let go of these moments that keep terrorizing me. Cleo and Harper harassing me in an elevator. Paparazzi breaking into my bedroom. A pedestrian destroying my bike and then hitting me. The riot in Paris. Neighbor kids playing pranks. Scott Van Wright filming me.
The combination of every foul deed.
Frederick told me the mind is fragile. For as quickly as it can be broken, it can take a lifetime to be repaired. I may never truly let go, but instead of being crippled each time I’m swept back, I’ve found a way to grow stronger.
I talk about it. I explain to Frederick what happened, and his soothing voice relays every safety net around me. How I’m not alone. How I can persevere. How no one is going to hurt me.
It’s not like I’m stoic. I’m crying right now, on the phone with my therapist, but it’s better to let it out. I know that. Keeping it in hurts a thousand times more'

꘎♡━━ Other ships ━━♡꘎

”I’m waiting for you,” he says, no irritation in his voice. No malice or contempt. “I’m patient.” He nods in my direction. “Just like you were with me.”
I scowl. “I’m not fucking patient.”
“You forgot already, bro?” He shakes his head, feigning disappointment.
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“You would slow down for me when we were on a track, see how I was doing, push me to run just a little faster. You’d do that every time. You could’ve stopped on day one. I yelled at you, called you the worst fucking names, and you just kept running beside me, ahead of me. Waiting for me to catch up to you. And guess what, I did.” His eyes redden. “You were patient with me. So this, right here, is me being patient with you."

🍂LoKe ^

’When I glance back at Connor, his eyes are glassed over.
Mine burn raw.
“I’m a man of extraordinary talents, but I need you.” He swallows. “Do you hear what I’m saying?”
“Ti rispetto e ti ammiro così tanto, amico mio. Mi hai aiutato ad essere altruista.” I respect and admire so much about you, my friend. You helped me be selfless.”

🍂CoKe ^

’Sully had a will—this poorly written note found in the fucking glove compartment of his green Jeep.
In it, he wrote: Give Ryke Meadows my ashes. I want to be in the clouds, and no one is going to get there but him.
His parents gave me a small portion of his ashes. The rest, they buried in the ground, so I’m going to do my fucking best to leave him in the sky.
“You’re going to climb one last time with me, Sully.” Then I grip the rock.
With the corners of my mouth lifting, I rise off the dirt’

🍂 Suke ^ 😢

’I was set in my ways back then, ready to pick Lo over Lily, not understanding even a fragment of her own pain, and I was so closed-minded towards her—that I almost missed one of the people I love most. Right in front of me.
I’ve learned a lot since then, and I’m a better fucking person because of Lily Calloway’

🍂LiKe / Ryly ^

(Lily-Ryke’s so underrated. it all started with Ricochet and since then they formed a fantastic friendship!!)

꘎♡━━ The Core 6 ━━♡꘎

1. 'I search for fear, for worry, for hesitation. None of them—not even my brother—wear those sentiments. Their eyes are smiling.
Every set of them.
Lo nods to me, his gaze glassy. “Do your thing.”
I have to fucking ask because this—between all of them—is so different than anything I’ve met before an ascent. “You’re not fucking nervous?” I ask them.
Rose actually smiles. Connor’s lips pull high too, and Lily is beaming like I’m a fucking superhero. Daisy isn’t staring at me, but she’s glowing more than ever, busy twisting wildflowers into a crown, Sulli on her lap.
“I guess we’ve all realized something,” Lo tells me, “You’re not living when you’re not climbing, big brother. None of us are going to keep you on this shitty fucking ground.”
Connor adds, “Unless you want to. We’ll put up with whichever Ryke Meadows you want to give us, but just so you know, I like the one in front of me the best.”
I think about the last ten months. “Thanks,” I say to all of them. “It’s been a long fucking road.” And I needed all of you.
I can’t imagine going through what I did alone. I’d probably be dark and cold. I’d be fucking despondent and barely able to stand. I needed them, and they never gave up on me.'

2. 'We all stare around at each other. Engraining this last certain kind of picture. We started out practically unknown. Then we were swept into the limelight. Years of slowly entering fame culture. Years of protecting one another. Years of growing and missteps and falling backwards.
I want to say in the end, but maybe this is still the middle. In the middle.
I’ve watched Lo become sober.
I’ve watched Lily curb a relentless addiction. (I’m proud of you, sis.)
I’ve watched Rose blaze her own trail and put fire to stereotypes.
I’ve watched Connor fall in love. With more than just himself.
I’ve watched Ryke Meadows unclip his shackles and rise again.
And me. I’ve discovered who I am. I’m not letting her go or hiding her to please other people. I am Daisy Petunia Meadows. And I’m here to stay'

3. 'His casted leg is stretched out with curse words scrawled in black Sharpie. He didn’t care what we wrote, so I suggested our Favorite Sayings from Ryke Meadows.
My favorite: I fucking love you.
Willow’s: I don’t fucking understand Tumblr.
Lo’s: Fuck you, you fucking fuck.
Lily’s: Fucking fantastic.
Rose’s: No means no. Better yet, fuck no.
Connor’s: Connor Cobalt is a fucking narcissist.
Connor’s won the night, but no one wanted to tell him that'

4. 'I practically had no one eight years ago.
It hits me—how we’ve all come together in time. How alone we were before. And I can’t imagine a world where we don’t ever find each other'

🐺━━ Ryke ━━🐺

'If someone asked me to name the first two attributes of Ryke Meadows, aggressive wouldn't even be on the list. In the heart of his soul lies kindness, wrapped tightly in selflessness that shows in almost every action.

no we’re not gonna talk bout him any further, cuz it’s clear he’s my favorite (well, it’s kinda tie with Rose and Connor but I connected most with this guy)

’I’ve tried complimenting him on his effort, and it tanks his mood more than bolsters it. He’s a finicky one, that Ryke Meadows.
But he’s my finicky husband and broody wolf.
And he’s alive. I’m certain. He’s still living somewhere in there. The spark hits his eyes every now and then, but here’s the secret.
He never gives up on me, even when I disappear at night. Even when I wane like the setting sun. His love is unyielding and exists to cloak me through heartache, through misery, through laughter and pain. I love him in every moment.
In every smile. In every frown.
And I will love him after every long way down.
He can mourn. He can grieve. He can be upset for the rest of his life. And still. I will never give up on Ryke Meadows.
Like he never once gave up on me’

Profile Image for Jasmine.
269 reviews685 followers
December 3, 2015
5 STARS! ★★★★★

"Never give up or back down on the things that fill your soul, Calloway. There is no worse life than a hollow one."

After 6 hours of reading (& crying) within one sitting of this read, I was almost afraid that I could never bring myself to write this review. Each and every book in the Addicted/Calloway Sisters series has such a dear place in my heart and with Long Way Down marking the end of this entire series, embracing myself for this read was like wishing that the end will never come.

Long Way Down will bring you on a tumultuous ride with Ryke Meadows & Daisy Calloway as they chase after their long deserved happiness. They're wild and primitive; these two are the daredevils of the gang and nothing will slow them down, not even their 7-years age difference. Living life on the edge comes with risks that these two are no strangers to but, how far are they willing to go when it boils down to their lives at stake.

Reading this was like unwrapping an early Christmas gift, knowing that whatever lies inside will cause my heart to swell with nothing but everlasting love and joy. I don't want to go into specifics of the story because I want everyone to experience this journey through their own eyes as they read it. The Ritchie twins are never short of words that could evoke a storm of emotions from their readers, I already had tears rolling down my face by the time I hit 5% of this read! My heart went from soaring high to suddenly being plummeted as Ryke & Daisy's story took me on an adventure.

Every couple in the Addicted series have their own battles to fight but with Ryke & Daisy, they're the risk-takers. Everyone sees them as reckless but to each other, their love runs deeper than that and they see each other for who they truly are. Their love was selfless, not only to their own but to every single person they cared about. It broke my heart over and over again to watch them fight their battles but it was their strength and faith to overcome them that really sent me into puddles of tears.

Even with this being marked as the 9th book in the series, I'm still blown away by the dynamics of the entire Addicted gang. Whether it's the Calloway sisterhood or the brotherly love of Lo, Connor & Ryke; the Ritchie twins continues to showcase the growth of these characters and the level of maturity they've reached since the very first book. I felt like I've grown along with these characters and witness every ups and down with them. The kind of attachment I have for these people are as real as they can be.

Exhilarating yet heartbreaking, I dare you to not fall in love with this read. The Ritchie twins have brought their A-game to greater heights by delivering the perfect conclusion to this epic saga. There was no other ending I could possibly ask for than the beautiful one given to us. The Addicted series was more than just a series of stories, it was an adventure of a lifetime and an unforgettable journey. From friendships to love, from hitting rock bottom to making breakthroughs; I wouldn't trade the experience of it for anything else in this world.

Krista & Becca Ritchie are definitely forces to be reckoned with and they continue to outdo themselves with each book they put out. I could easily find myself completely immersed in this world they've built and wishing that I could spend an eternity with these characters. With this bittersweet finale, no doubt it'll definitely take me a while to recover from this read.

My final parting words: READ THIS SERIES. YOU WON'T REGRET IT.

Long Way Down is the 4th book in the Calloway Sisters spinoff series and must be read in order. It must also be read after Addicted After All as it contains spoilers. This book also concludes the entire Addicted series.

Addicted to You (Addicted, #1) by Krista Ritchie Ricochet (Addicted, #1.5) by Krista Ritchie Addicted for Now (Addicted, #2) by Krista Ritchie Kiss the Sky (Calloway Sisters, #1; Addicted, #2.1) by Krista Ritchie Hothouse Flower (Calloway Sisters, #2; Addicted, #2.2) by Krista Ritchie Thrive (Addicted, #2.5) by Krista Ritchie Addicted After All (Addicted, #3) by Krista Ritchie Fuel the Fire (Calloway Sisters, #3; Addicted, #3.1) by Krista Ritchie Long Way Down (Calloway Sisters, #4; Addicted, #3.2) by Krista Ritchie

For more details on the recommended reading order, please read HERE.

Profile Image for Brandi.
666 reviews1,464 followers
December 7, 2015

I am totally going to lazy out on this review. The way I see it, if you're a fan of the series, you know Raisy, and you're a fan, so read the damn book. You 'shouldn't' regret it, and if you do, I'm not sure if we can be friends. If you haven't read the series, you are missing out, if you like well written love stories that are unique and beautifully portrayed, why haven't you given this series a chance? Yes, these books are lengthy, but the love captured between the pages is, simply beautiful.

Thank you to the lovely 'elf' who gifted me this one!!
Profile Image for carolina.
404 reviews962 followers
December 24, 2023
Nothing can stop our souls from singing. Nothing can stop our spirits from shrieking. So whatever anyone says, whatever anyone thinks-I've lived so very long. I've been in love. I've been free. I'd like to think, no matter where I go, I can still be found. Just look up. I'll be there. That’s where I'll be. Every time the sun shines down, maybe you'll think of me.

⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆

I'm happy to say that although Raisy remains my least favourite couple in the series, this book helped me understand them and their relationship so much better. It's far from a perfect book, I'd say the perfection lies in the last 30% of the book and the beautiful epilogue, but despite its issues, I'm overwhelmed with joy that I finally got to peek inside Daisy and Ryke and see them for all that they are.

I think I'll start by pointing out my problems with Long Way Down, so that I can then concentrate on all the good things. This book was way too long, and I didn't think I'd be complaining about this because I love this series so damn much, but it has a lot of unnecessary and repetitive scenes. Every other chapter was a sex scene and what was the point? Daisy has a low sex drive and it's amazing that this is portrayed in this series because it's an issue for a lot of women, but they were having sex all the time. I don't want to spoil the plot, but whilst I understand the reason for it, it got to the point where I felt it was just filler. And I have to admit that Raisy's sex scenes are my least favourite. They are so cringe-worthy at times, and the whole animal thing is not my cup of tea. Another problem I had was the weird pacing. There are a lot of time jumps and sometimes it was hard to tell how much time had passed.

However, as I said, the last 30% was incredible. The emotional depth in those chapters was exactly what I'd been craving, I was laughing and crying (more like sobbing) and my heart felt so full. And don't get me started on the epilogue, it had me bawling, I am so incredibly proud of my beautiful family, they have my heart and soul and to see them happy and thriving has healed me. The world has tried to tear them apart and break them, but they have built their armour and only grown stronger. Nothing can break them now. Love really is the most powerful weapon.🥹

His love is unyielding and exists to cloak me through heartache, through misery, through laughter and pain. I love him in every moment. In every smile. In every frown. And I will love him after every long way down.

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Raisy have always been the couple that I just didn't get. I struggled to see their love and it felt like it was mostly superficial, a physical thing rather than something more intimate. At first the age difference bothered me a lot and made me uncomfortable, but slowly I started to see that they were meant to be. I won't lie, for most of the book their connection seemed so sexual, but at a certain point something shifted for me and it was like seeing them for the first time. They understand each other in a way that no one else does. They see life with the same eyes. They're both wild and sometimes too reckless, but they're so incredibly selfless and kind. Some scenes with them brought me to tears. They’re each other’s safe haven.

I may sound naive. I may sound like a fool, but at the start of this journey, I was only fifteen. Do you remember that? Do you remember me?

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Daisy. My sunshine girl. She has grown so much, she has finally found her voice and realised that she matters and has a right to speak for herself. She used to be so afraid to speak her mind, always putting on a façade around other people, pretending to be fine and happy, even when her depression made her want to disappear. And it broke my heart because she was so lonely. I'm so proud of how far she's come, I'm proud that she's found something that makes her happy and fought hard to make it happen. She's cute and quirky, she might be a little naive at times, but she's not stupid and choosing to be kind to people is not a weakness. I'd say it's her greatest strength.

Ryke belongs with nature, able to withstand the seasons and time just like the rocks he climbs. He keeps going, he keeps moving, and he picks everyone up when they've fallen behind.

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Ryke. Oh, how I struggled to understand him. There were times when I wanted to shake him and scream at him. He's so stubborn and fearless, and he did things that made me wonder if he really valued his life. But throughout the book I came to understand how passionate he is, how much he loves being alive. He's so aware of the gift that is to wake up every day and live. Ryke has a huge heart and he's so selfless, but he's learned to be a little selfish and put his needs before other people. I admire Ryke so much, he's always been unapologetically himself and that's something I aspire to be.

We all wear armor made of love and time. Together, we can defeat anything. So wicked foes, prepare your slingshots. We're ready for you. You can't hurt us anymore.

The moments with the Core Six were definitely the highlight of this book for me, I love them all so much. And the children made my heart quadruple in size, my babies have babies and I'm an emotional mess 😭 The Lilo and Coballoway scenes gave me life and I can't even begin to explain how deep my love for these people is. I'm so proud of each and every one of them. This book tied up some loose ends beautifully, there were some relationships that needed mending and it makes me so happy that all is well.

Ryke and Lo's relationship hasn't been easy, but their bond is stronger than ever and it filled my heart with so much love to see Lo help Ryke through a hard time in his life. Just as Ryke was there for Lo in the past, helping him overcome his addiction, Lo never left Ryke's side when he needed him most 🥹 Ryke and Connor surprised me, they've always had the rockier relationship because they couldn't fully understand each other, so I sobbed when they opened up to each other and Connor told him that he was the one who taught him to be selfless 😭 The Calloway sisters' bond is so special and I loved every scene with them, especially the ones with Lily and Daisy. Also, Daisy and Willow's friendship is so sweet, it brought such joy to my heart. Speaking of Willow, I'm so excited to read Bad Reputation, I can't wait to know more about her and Garrison, I'm in love with them, they're adorable 🤭 Before I wrap up the topic of relationships, I just want to mention the parents. Greg, Samantha and Jonathan have given me such mixed feelings throughout the series, I've hated them and then pitied them and I think part of me will always be angry at the way they treated their children, it's not something I can easily forgive. But it made me so emotional to see how hard they're trying to be better and actually listen to their children. It doesn't erase the past, but it makes it easier to move forward.

I can't say that this book has become a favourite of mine, my heart will always beat a little stronger for Lilo and their books, but it was better than I expected and I am flooded with love and joy when I think of the journey these characters have been through. I've left pieces of myself in each book I've read, but what I've gained since starting this series is something I'll cherish forever. This family I've found has made me happier and stronger and shown me how important it is to have the right people by your side. I love them so much and I'm so proud of them 🫂

I can't believe I only have one more book to read, it's so bittersweet to reach the end ❤️‍🩹 I'm not ready, I'll never be ready and I'll probably dehydrate reading Some Kind of Perfect, but what holds me together is knowing I can always come back and see my family again 🥹

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ more quotes:

Then, one day, I realized that you are lightning. You can't be bottled or contained anymore than she can. And together, you both make a beautiful, perfect storm.

People say you can't describe love, but I have this theory that you can. It's just subjective. Do you want to know what love feels like for me? It's breathing and suffocating. Sobbing and smiling. Yearning and fading. To ache that much harder. To live that much larger. It's every moment. Every single, tiny one. I've felt it all with Ryke.

Somewhere along the way, she found her voice. Somewhere along the way, she found her stride. I'm just the grateful fucking guy who was given the chance to stand by her side.

Dark tides rush far away from us. Years and years of passing hurt and guilt and blame, taking ownership of scars that other people branded within us.
I feel it leave.
It's all vanquished.
It's all gone. And I think, Lily Calloway is very, very magical.

It hits me-how we've all come together in time. How alone we were before. And I can't imagine a world where we don't ever find each other.

Friends might not be forever, but maybe friends that you view as family have long-lasting powers, destined to stick around.

They'll look infatuated with each other, remembering how many years they've spent. How far their lives have come. How much love they've shared.
Their romance has never changed. We all thank the fucking world for that because there is no Lily without Lo. There is no Lo without Lily.
my babies 😭🥹

There are moments you remember and people you will never fucking forget. While orange light bathes us, while tension flits far, far away, how much we've felt —all that we've bled-surrenders to our collective love. Lifetimes, days, minutes spent together. As we watch outward. As we watch upward. As our faces warm. We live and breathe in quiet, blissful peace.

Here I go 🤭 I'm so happy to be back with the core six, but I'm a bit scared because I'm not Raisy's biggest fan 🫣 I hope this book makes me love them more as a couple 🤞🏻

I saw that the second-to-last chapter is called 'ten years later', I want to cry 😭
Profile Image for Larissa Cambusano.
568 reviews27k followers
December 21, 2021
4.5 🤩 i love raisy so fucking much. they went through so much in this and it broke my heart to see it but i loved seeing how far they’ve come as a couple and separately as well. The reason why this wasn’t a 5 star for me was because I feel like a lot was skipped over. I didn’t get to see so many important moments. I’m also not a fan of them constantly bringing up the fact that Ryke fell for daisy when she was 16 years old & he was 22, im all for age gap, but these parts made me a lil uncomfortable. overall, i enjoyed this emotional rollercoaster a lot. & the epilogue was everything.
Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,061 reviews2,471 followers
November 25, 2015
5 stars

"I have this theory..."

 photo lwd.png

Well, the series is over. And what better way to end it than with my favorite couple! Raisy. So basically I was super emotional while reading this book, not only for the content but what it represented to those of us in the Fizzle Force.

Warning! This will be less like a review and more like a fangirl gush about an entire series.

Long Way Down is the story of Ryke and Daisy, who have been officially dating for two years now. With a six year age gap between them, they have faced many obstacles in their relationship, and they continue to face more. Both Ryke and Daisy, along with their families and friends remain very much in the public eye and it places burdens on them and their families. Daisy still struggles with her PTSD and Ryke with his issues with his father. But together, the six of them can face anything and together they will not break.

"Relationships that take the most effort and the most time become the most mightiest, most resilient bonds in the end."

I don't want to say much because spoilers and all, but I will say that this book broke my heart and then put it back together again. The Ritchie twins are the masters of feels and have proven yet again what amazing authors they are.

I laughed, I cried, and by the end of this book I was fulfilled. It really does feel like the end of an era. I can still remember reading the first book and waiting for Ricochet to be released. I may not have reviewed the books from the beginning, but I've been a fan from the very start and this series will always have a special place in my heart.

So a gigantic thanks to Krista and Becca Ritchie, you ladies have brought us characters that will forever feel like family. Thank you ♥

"We deserve better. We deserve happiness. As sisters. And as friends."

 photo RRR.png
Profile Image for Marianna Moore.
334 reviews31.2k followers
November 22, 2024
3.5⭐️ Daisy and Ryke 😭😭 god I love them so much it hurts!! They went through it in this one, my goodness my heart broke for them! I’ve been obsessed with these two from the jump, their love is raw and real and they just get each other on a level that has me convinced they are soulmates. One simply does not exist without the other. Though I did really enjoy this book, it was definitely my least favorite in the Calloway sisters series. This is mainly because I really struggled to connect with what Daisy was going through in her struggles with trying to get pregnant, it’s just not really a trope that I’ve ever enjoyed reading much and it was a huge part of this book! I also felt like it was a bit too long at times but regardless I’m so so so happy they got the ending they deserved. I was still so beyond emotional reading this knowing it meant I had to say goodbye to this world and these characters who become a home to me. I don’t know what I’m going to do without them!!! This found family is EVERYTHING to me and I’m in denial that this series is over.
Profile Image for TheCrazyWorldOfABookLover.
362 reviews921 followers
April 6, 2022
Addicted To You (Addicted Book #1) |http://amzn.to/2zRYSYS
Ricochet (Addicted Book #1.5) | http://amzn.to/2zTkHr5
Addicted For Now (Addicted Book #2) | http://amzn.to/2B2sj8A
Kiss The Sky (Addicted #2.1, Calloway Sisters #1) | http://amzn.to/2yYV84q
Hothouse Flower (Addicted #2.2, Calloway Sisters #2) | http://amzn.to/2hD5nUU
Thrive (Addicted # 2.5) | http://amzn.to/2hBw9gB
Addicted After All (Addicted #3) | http://amzn.to/2hLM93s
Fuel The Fire (Addicted #3.1, Calloway Sisters #3) | http://amzn.to/2jFoUIL
Long Way Down (Addicted #3.2, Calloway Sisters #4) | http://amzn.to/2yYRVC4

The most perfect ending to the most perfect series there ever was.


As Daisy would say, on a scale of one to chocolate, this was like chocolate cake, smothered in icing, and covered with sprinkles in the shape of unicorns.

I could not have asked for a better conclusion for these amazing characters. Krista & Becca created an incredibly thought out, emotional, captivating world with the most charismatic, complex, unique characters. And to see it all come to an end – this is what parents must feel like when they look at their children and realize they’re all grown up. How bittersweet this all is!

The growth and love and maturity all these characters have attained have been so amazing to read. I can’t even count the number of times I have cried from this series, and from this book alone!

I could read about Lo & Lily, Ryke & Daisy, and Connor & Rose forever and I would never tire of them. I love them that much. The love they all have for each other, the love they have for their siblings, the love they have for their significant others….Is. Out. Of. This. World. Amazing.


Even though this is technically the last book of the series, I think the only thing holding me back from more tears is knowing we get an epilogue book Some Kind of Perfect, and then the spin off series Damaged Like Us. I am counting down the days until we get more information and release days on those.

And I leave with this…if you haven’t read this series yet, give it a chance. I know it’s long. I know there are a lot of books. But you will NOT regret one minute of it. I found myself completely immersed in the world they've built and wishing that I could spend an eternity with these characters. Just absolute perfection & I simply cannot recommend this series enough!

Long Way Down (Addicted #3.2, Calloway Sisters #4) | http://amzn.to/2yYRVC4

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Profile Image for Ri ♡ .
474 reviews1,673 followers
April 13, 2023
"I see us in the sky. I see us in the sun and clouds. In the grass and trees. I see us in everything."

This series and these people are everything to me right now and for forever. And how could I express my love for them and all the happiness they bring me in just a few words. I have seen them grow up and fight for each other, for themselves and I have seen them how they fought so hard to find their voice in this chaotic world and how they fought their addictions when the whole world was busy criticising them for it. I have seen them and I always will.

This book made me cry so many times like seriously what the hell!? I wanted Daisy to be happy and in love with Ryke and her family but the world is just always cruel to good people and everything she went through from the start of this series to this moment when she finally found her happiness was excruciatingly painful to read. She deserves the whole world and every happiness and every goddamn chocolate and cake in this world. The plot was a little heavy and a lot but the last few chapters made me so damn happy. It was a rollercoaster of emotions and I felt everything while reading. I felt their fear and their grief, their excitement to start a new chapter of their life. I cried so many times when they tried so damn hard for their future and I laughed so many times when Ryke picked Daisy on his shoulder upside down and when Rose and Connor bickers and I was grinning like a kid seeing Crazy Raisy. I loved Daisy's theories and her mock gasps. She's so cute sometimes. I love their wedding scene so much and the way Ryke looked at Daisy was just so sweet and beautiful 😭✨️ It was perfect.

I love the Adrenaline Rushers Ryke and Daisy. They are made for each other and It's like they saw a part of their soul in each other. Their undying love for each other and the way Ryke was always there for Daisy and how he told her that it's okay too feel too many emotions and it's okay to cry and it's okay to be wild about something you love. Their love is unconditionally and they are both so selfless when it comes to each other. They helped each other grow while being by their side and they never left each other no matter what bomb life threw at them. They helped each other to heal from their traumatic past and their love is so strong and so powerful that you can never separate them. They will always find their way back to each other. I love them so much. They definitely are ✨️SOULMATES✨️

"He never gives up on me, even when I disappear at night. Even when I wane like the setting sun. His love is unyielding and exists to cloak me through heartache, through misery, through laughter and pain. I love him in every moment. In every smile. In every frown. And I will love him after every long way down."

"You shouldn’t look at me like that,” I tease. “And how am I looking at you?”
“Like you love me.”
“I do fucking love you."

I love seeing Ryke and Loren's brotherhood in this one a lot and how Lo become this overprotective brother after Ryke's near death experience and it was because of Lo that Ryke finally found his passion for rock climbing again. I love them so so so much.
I also liked how Ryke and Connor became good friends in this one and they care for each other so much even if they bicker a lot. And I know Connor loves his family more than he loves anything else. One of my favourite part of this book was seeing the friendships and sisterhood and brotherhood between the characters. And I love how Ryke, Lo and Willow are finally together as a family. That was just so beautiful.

I also loved Lilo and they were so adorable in this one and how they were their for their family. They both have come so far and I love and respect them for it. Coballoway was as usual fierce and perfect in this one and yes they still banter a lot and are building the cobalt empire 😩💗 I loved all the core six parts in this book and also Willow and Garrison's part and they are my addicted family too.

Daisy Calloway
She is the epitome of sunshine but the way people treated her when she was just a teenager broke her. She is wild, a risk taker, has a giant forgiving and a selfless heart and she loves her family a lot. The things that happened to her while she was a model had left a lasting effect. She dealt with so many things in her life since I met her but I admire her for her strength and how she never wavers from anything. She fought so hard with all the criticism, the humiliation from media and her depression to finally find her voice and her stride. And all the while her sisters and Ryke were always there for her. I'm so happy she finally found her happiness and her chocolates. She's found a way to rise above all.

"So whatever anyone says, whatever anyone thinks - I've lived so very long. I've been in love. I've been free. I'd like to think, no matter where I go, I can still be found. Just look up. I'll be there. That's where I'll be.
Every time the sun shines down, maybe you'll think of me."

Ryke Meadows
The man whose vocabulary is full of four letter word and he loves to drop a F bomb in every 2 seconds. He is so compassionate for his family and his loyalty for his brother is admiring. Even though he is a little broody and a risk taker he's so selfless and there in the heart of his soul lies kindness and immense love for his family and Daisy. He lives his life with no regrets and leaves an extraordinary impact on people's lives. He's Ryke Meadows after all. My heart hurts for what happened to his friend and how he was so heartbroken after that but Lo and Daisy was there for him to bring him back to life. I love how he cares for everyone and how he's always there to help other in a second. I love him so much 🫶 and I'm so happy he found his happiness the way he deserved.

"Ryke belongs with nature, able to withstand the seasons and time just like the rocks he climbs. He keeps going, he keeps moving, and he picks everyone up when they've fallen behind."

The ending was mesmerisingly beautiful and seeing Ryke with his daughter and his wife was just so damn cute. How he's so protective of his daughter is just so charming. And the final epilogue with all the couple and their kids all grown up was just well I have no words because I know in my heart that I'll be reading this book again and again in my life. Because how I can not when they have given me so much comfort and love 😭💗 I love all of them with every fiber of my being and yes I'm Addicted to this series and the people in it.

—Favourite Quotes—

➸ "Friends might not be forever, but maybe friends that you view as family have long-lasting powers, destined to stick around."

➸ "It’s impossible to forget the kind of love that rattles my bones and screams I am alive every single day of my life."

➸ "Happiness. I sense it all around me. For however fleeting it may be, I grasp it now. I hang on and I ride this moment out."

➸ "She’s my fucking sun, and even though she’s set tonight, she means nothing less to me. I love her just as fucking madly."

➸ "Never give up or back down on the things that fill your soul, Calloway. There is no worse life than a hollow one."

➸ "Wherever you go, I’ll go.” As long as I’m alive, this will never fucking change.

➸ "Because you were the only girl I’d ever met that was as deeply caring and as fucking lonely as me. If anyone was going to fill my heart, it was you. Only you."

➸ "You’re my favorite fucking wild thing."

➸ "People say you can’t describe love, but I have this theory that you can. It’s just subjective. Do you want to know what love feels like for me? It’s breathing and suffocating. Sobbing and smiling. Yearning and fading. To ache that much harder. To live that much larger. It’s every moment. Every single, tiny one."

➸ "One-hundred-and-fifty miles per hour. No brakes.”
His eyes redden. Our gazes are locked, all of our experiences together rushing through us, every moment where we kissed death but never tasted it. Every time we lived life so terribly— so fully.
he says, “I’m right beside you, Calloway."
Profile Image for EmBibliophile.
646 reviews1,957 followers
March 12, 2023
3.75 ‘No brakes’ stars

I love him in every moment.
In every smile. In every frown.
And I will love him after every long way down.

I’ve finally finished all of my work tasks that my boss is so getting credit of, but whatever. now im free to read without the fear of the deadline haunting me.

Daisy and Ryke are so full of life, so up In the freakin clouds, and they deserve to be happy all the time. I love how Ryke, the wolf of a man, was so soft for Daisy. Those two were so sweet.

The time jumps were kinda confusing and -I hate to admit that- but also annoying! Like some scenes I wanted to actually read about but then we would jump to the next scene and I’m like, “but I want to see what happened here!” This happened a lot and it was kinda frustrated to be honest. Specially because there were many filler scenes that I could’ve lived without.

“Wherever you go, I’ll go.”

This series had taken over my life and I kinda got attached. You can’t spend all that time with those people without feeling all kind of emotions. That epilogue?? I’m not ready for the last book. I wanna delay reading it as much as I could.

P.s: I love Sully.

#1 Kiss the sky ~ 5 stars
#2 Hothouse flower ~ 4 stars
#3 Fuel the fire ~ 4.5 stars
#4 Long way down ~ 3.75 stars
Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,053 reviews359 followers
December 14, 2015

Long Way Down…seems like it was a long time coming but every word of every sentence in every paragraph that made up this book was worth every second of time passed. The Ritchie sisters have created a frenzy with their Addicted Series. To say it is a “good” series is just not enough. It is a journey of 6 people who have loved, laughed, fought, F***’d, and completely lived. There has been NO other book couple that has stayed in my mind and heart as the enigmatic love of Ryke Meadows and Daisy Calloway…

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They met at a time when Ryke was just finding his footing in a world with family and friends. The brooding loner was the pillar of strength with his “Fuck You” attitude and filterless way of life. He never imagined a life so full of love and support, especially from a 16 year old beauty whose need to SCREAM matched his own soul. Time would make them closer…older…wiser. The day their lips met in a Paris stairwell would seal their fate for eternity...

Our relationship is fucking animalistic and visceral but grounded on the trust and friendship we built first

It was not an easy journey. Fans and followers know the damages, the outside perceptions and the fight for freedom and privacy. Shrouded by bodyguards, it is amazing to see the group grow and move onto life as friends, lovers, and even parents. While nothing is ever still with Ryke and Daily, there is one constant…a love beyond words and understanding…

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I feel like there may not be a book in my future that I will treasure as much as Long Way Down. I read each book and took each character to heart, but I admit to reading each book and savoring any scene with Raisy. I longed for a Ryke smirk, “sweetheart” or middle finger salute. I held my breath with each Daisy flirt and need to run wild. It was Ryke Meadows who took a bit of my heart at first encounter, but his love for Daisy and the way these authors kept them 100% real stole my soul! Nothing was easy other than their connection. Ryke gave Daisy unicorns…he held her hand as she flew…followed her into the fire…all while Daisy stared down a wolf and bound him to her side forever.

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If Raisy’s story alone doesn’t steal your breath and leave smiling through the falling tears. You owe it to yourself the read the BEST EPILOGUE ever written! But don’t take it from me…Listen to Daisy:

I’ve watched Lo become sober
I’ve watched Lily curb a relentless addiction
I’ve watched Rose blaze her own trail and put fire to stereotype.
I’ve watched Connor fall in love. With more than just himself.
I’ve watched Ryke Meadows unclip his shackles and rise again.
I’ve discovered who I am.

Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,749 reviews1,041 followers
October 30, 2023
I waited 6 months after it was published to read it. Prior to it being released I posted this gif:

I can't breathe!!!


I was super excited to have Raisy's book but then reality hit me. This series is ending and I won't be able to anticipate another book about them. So, I put off reading it. Then we got word that there would be one more FINAL BOOK. YES! Some Kind of Perfect has all 6 characters coming together to give the fans closure to the series. That book was just recently released and fans are loving it. Knowing that I have one more book with these characters allowed me to crack open Long Way Down.

I bought the audio and listened to it. I wanted to hear and experience the emotion in their voices. There were a couple parts that made me tear up.

Daisy and Ryke's character to me has always made me think of KBR's older brother. I've only seen the videos they've shared on twitter about him (skateboarding down the middle of a windy road). But from the essense of those videos and listening to KBR describe him I can totally imagine how he embodies both Daisy and Ryke's characters.

I was never to their extreme of daredevilness but I admire those who are willing to take those risk to be who they are. They remind us all that there is a great adventure out their beyond our screens.

Addicted series is interconnected with two spin-offs. The authors have written the books in 5 “phases”. Each phase is a complete story line with a satisfying enough conclusion.

Recommended reading order:
PHASE 1 (Lily & Lo):
{#1} Addicted to You | {#1.5} Ricochet | {#2} Addicted for Now

PHASE 2 (Rose and Connor) | (Daisy & Ryke):
{spin-off} Kiss the Sky | {spin-off} Hothouse Flower

PHASE 3 (Lily & Lo):
{#2.5} Thrive | {#3} Addicted After All

PHASE 4 (Rose and Connor) | (Daisy & Ryke):
{spin-off} Fuel the Fire | {spin-off} Long Way Down

PHASE 5 (All 6 characters):
{conclusion} Some Kind of Perfect

descriptive text here
Profile Image for Michelle.
944 reviews220 followers
November 24, 2015
I FINALLY finished!!! YAY! RL got in my way this week and I was super bummed out because I've been waiting for this one for a while! It was worth the wait because it was a big bag of awesome sauce!!!
I can't tell you how much I love Ryke and Daisy! They are my favorite couple. I am team Raisy!! I fell in love with these two a long time ago. I'm pretty sure it happened when Daisy dove off that cliff in Mexico and Ryke dove in after her or maybe when she got attacked and left with a scar on her face. Ryke with his don't give a fuck attitude was there for Daisy when nobody else was. He didn't give a shit what anybody said he was going to be there for Daisy! I know he was older than her but he never one time acted like anything but a best friend to her until she was older. They were meant for each other. Both of them not scared of death. Living life at 150 miles per hour. Taking risks others would cringe at. That's what this book was filled with. Both of them taking risks. Both of them staying strong through everything and coming out stronger. Both of them finally not being the strongest and letting others in to lean on for a change.
I'm so sad that this series is over. I cried happy tears and some sad tears. I'm pretty sure I have never cried so hard or so many times reading a book ever before! Ryke and Daisy had many obstacles to climb and jump over. Every person in this book touched my heart in some way. Hell even asshole Jonathan had me in tears! This family is so strong. They've been through so much. Their love for each other is out of this world. The way the men protect and love their woman is something every woman dreams of getting. The bond these sisters share is amazing. They will do absolutely anything for each other and we got to read just how much they will do in this book. Daisy said it perfect!

I’ve watched Lo become sober. I’ve watched Lily curb a relentless addiction. (I’m proud of you, sis.) I’ve watched Rose blaze her own trail and put fire to stereotypes. I’ve watched Connor fall in love. With more than just himself. I’ve watched Ryke Meadows unclip his shackles and rise again. And me. I’ve discovered who I am. I’m not letting her go or hiding her to please other people. I am Daisy Petunia Meadows. And I’m here to stay.~Daisy

I could read about Lo & Lily Hale, Ryke & Daisy Meadows and Connor & Rose Cobalt forever. I love them that much.
I'm also super excited to see a story on the web about Willow and Garrison! Can't wait to read it!
Bring on the kids next! I can't fucking wait!
Awesome job Krista & Becca Ritchie!! You ladies rock my world!
If you haven't read this series bump it up! Recommended reading order below:)

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Profile Image for maddison.
221 reviews189 followers
July 20, 2021
If you love Raisy then, I highly suggest you don’t read this review and continue loving your ship my beautiful queens!!! I don’t mean to be rude but this review is NOT pretty😕 you’ve been warned? idk man. anyways

Unfortunately, this book made me hate Raisy. I was never in love with them to begin with. I only slightly liked them but something about this book just didn’t sit right with me!

The Cleo and Harper crap. These girls basically traumatized you and, you haven’t blocked their numbers? Or get a new phone/number? I’m sorry but, that’s so fucking stupid. They constantly trigger you bc of the things they did but you still read every message they send you? I don’t get why she hasn’t fucking blocked them so she doesn’t see it. It would be much better for her mentally, to block them yet here she is, reading their texts like these girls are actually fucking important? I know in the book she says she thought she block them but they find new ways to message her. Get a restraining order? Idk. They didn’t care about the cease and desist so, what makes you think they’ll suddenly stop when you try again? Plus a cease and desist doesn’t even feel right in the first place but what tf do I know. If they say they’re coming over to your house, get the security to not let them into your gated community. Thank god for Garrison though.

The wagging of her eyebrows and 'I have a theory' was SO annoying. My theory is that I just got dumber than I already am after reading this crap. At some parts, daisy seems so immature and, it really bothers me. I just wanted to scream in her face to grow tf up. I’m literally her age and, it’s weird how authors make 18-21 seem childish. yeah, some people probably are but, I truly believe a lot of us are so mature for our age. not her yelling 'ca-caw' in court when Jonathan legally became Willow’s legal and biological father (i’m so confused by this)🤨 That screams immature for a 22 (?) year old. This whole wolf crap is so fucking cringy. haha, wolf bite aka hickey😻 That’s some new terminology for ya. The flour bombing was stupid. not these 'fans' crying over a fucking reality show that’s not happening and telling them to die is a little much.

This book was SO jumpy. One minute we’re here, then here, then here, and then hereeeee? I’m- what?!? Like Lily was crying about Moffy and, then suddenly Daisy is in bed or something after her surgery. Ok, maybe I want to read more about her getting surgery instead of skipping over it but whatever. Did Daisy ever tell Ryke about Cleo and Harper at the frozen yogurt shop? I DON'T KNOW!!!!! His trip to Norway would have been fun to read about but no. Literally what the FUCK is happening in this book. This is the first book to ever stress me tf out. The writing in this book seemed… mediocre? Like, idk what happened. It truly feels like someone else wrote this book because how do you go from all these other amazingly written books to something like this? This is fucking everyone’s favorite couple and, maybe I would like them if the writing didn’t make them seem so bad.

Daisy lying to her sister pissed me off.
Them: “oh hey Julian is here. we wanted to let you know so you don’t cross paths with him”.
Daisy why don’t you tell them you already saw him. You don’t have to keep everything to your fucking self. Your sisters want to help you and will always help you no matter what so let them help instead of staying quiet and thinking 'well I don’t want them to be mad or I don’t wanna ruin the day' bitch I have a sister and, I would go to hell and back for her no matter what. I could care less if something my sister has to say that could hurt me. Just say it and, we’ll work it out. 100% better than staying quiet and keeping it to yourself all the time and then feel like no one around you is there to help you. I know what it feels like to think you’re all alone and thinking that if you speak about what’s happen/bothering you that it will ruin everything. But, having my sister by my side, listening to me, was something I’ll always be thankful for.

The clothing style was hideous but, they always are so, it's nothing new. no matter if it’s been 10 years or brand fucking new the outfits are never good😭

They really had to make Sully die after the wedding. I’m suing.

Winona? I'm sorry but what kind of name is that? I love my unique names but not this one, unfortunately.

This review is all over the fucking place but this is a great example of my brain. This is a trash review anyways but this is my opinion on the book. sorry ☹️ don’t look at all my mistakes😭
Profile Image for yara ∘°∘♡∘°∘.
255 reviews65 followers
March 28, 2023
my love for this series keeps growing and the core six are my fav characters EVER. they r js the best. i'm not ready to say goodbye so i'm not reading some kind of perfect anytime soon😭 i literally love them all sm and CAN'T WAIT TO READ LILY&LO'S POVS IN SOME KIND OF PERFECT!!!!!!!! also parts of this book were so saddd but THANK GOD everything got better:)

Profile Image for steff ౨ৎ.
203 reviews723 followers
May 1, 2023
4.5 stars ☆ It was definitely a rollercoaster of emotions. I’ll be smiling, laughing and then ofc most of it would be me crying. And I’m not complaining because I loved every single one of it.

The love I have for the core six in here is insane !!! I’ve even gotten a glimpse of Willow and Garrison which I’m excited to read their books. And also my baby fever for Maximoff and Jane.

Can we talk about the epilogue?!? THAT WAS THE BEST EPILOGUE I'VE READ. I was smiling so much to see them happy. I’m not ready to read the last book :’)

!! slight spoiler alert !!

There’s one thing that bugged me sm was when they were saying their vows on their wedding day. I know I’m okay with the idea of age gaps and all but them repeating their age way back then when Daisy was like 16 and Ryke was 22? It’s a no for me.
Profile Image for a.
1,279 reviews
June 21, 2017

By far one of the best books I've ever read! I don't even know where to begin with how much I loved this book. How much it made me laugh, and cry, and smile...honestly I could go on about the whirlwind of emotions it brought out of me. Never have I been this in love, this addicted to reading a book as I am whenever I am reading something from Krista and Becca.

You think you know what to expect from this book, but you don't. KB once said that they'd give us the story we didn't even realize we needed and they were right. Never once while I was reading did I question what was happening. Never once did I doubt them. And in the end, they gave me the best damn story I've ever read.

Don't even ask me to tell you anything about the story because I won't. You need to go in with your eyes closed and just enjoy the ride. Trust me you'll enjoy it a million times more if you do.

As for me? I feel completely satisfied with how the book ended and while it pains me to say goodbye to these characters, I feel content with knowing their story ends well. I am beyond excited for the Like Us series, more Garlow web series and Infini and anything else the KB sisters decide to throw at us. I say it every time I read one of their books and I'll say it again: I will never not love a book by these women. And I will forever be changed by my experience with these characters. Thank you <3

Profile Image for Hoda.
256 reviews1,117 followers
August 18, 2024
” Friends might not be forever, but maybe friends that you view as family have long-lasting powers, destined to stick around”

-- the 2 stars are for the core six and lilo and connor✋🏻🤍 they were the highlight of the book for me and the only thing that kept me going 🤍

-every time she called him “ my wolf” i googled if dying of cringe is possible because im sure as hell felt like dying 😭😭

- it’s been almost a year since i read the other books in the series so I totally forgot about the age gap between them and i was so thankful for it!! But the first chapter reminded me of the very painful truth 😭 and every-time i tried to delude myself that im enjoying it they go and remind me with the fact that he fell i love with her when she was 16 and he was 23 🥲
Profile Image for Hulya Kara Yuksel.
1,052 reviews1,271 followers
January 29, 2022
1st read: April 27,2017 ❤
2nd read: January 29,2022 ❤

"Wherever you go, I’ll go.” As long as I’m alive, this will never fucking change.” -Ryke Meadows-

OMG this book was so fucking perfect. <3


Addicted to You (Addicted #1)
Ricochet (Addicted #1.5)
Addicted for Now (Addicted #2)
Kiss the Sky (Spin-Off: Calloway Sisters #1)
Hothouse Flower (Calloway Sisters #2)
Thrive (Addicted #2.5)
Addicted After All (Addicted #3)
Fuel the Fire (Calloway Sisters #3)
Long Way Down (Calloway Sisters #4)
Some Kind of Perfect (Calloway Sisters #4.5)
Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,586 reviews3,943 followers
October 30, 2021
First I gotta say. I've read all the books in this series and the addicted . I loved every single one !!! But Ryker and Daisy (team Raisy) are my absolute favorite.

Ryker is my perfect man and Daisy is my all time favorite heroine !!

It's gonna be so hard to say goodbye to these guys :( Thank god there will always be re-reads

5 stars for my all time favorite M/F couple. I wish I would give them 10.
Profile Image for ellie.
350 reviews3,424 followers
April 18, 2022
[reread: 15/04/22]

i worship at the alter of Raisy🧎‍♀️

Two people who weren’t allowed to love each other. Two people who now unapologetically do.

no one can convince me that these two aren’t soulmates. these two are so nostalgic for me, they’ve had me in a chokehold since i was 15 years old. they’re probably my fave fictional couple of all time (helnik, kaemon, jackrose, benmar, hosie, jordelia and ilyashane, i still love you guys sm, though, dw).

i mean, name me another couple who’s first kiss is as iconic as Raisy’s???

that’s right, you can’t.

“...and the only perfect world has Ryke standing beside Daisy and Daisy standing beside Ryke. Anything less is fucked up. Remember that, will you?”

only Raisy can get me to read 600+ pages of plotless fluff. it’s literally just 600+ pages of them being so obsessively in love it hurts your heart in the best way possible. just the way he loves her??? after all the shit she’s been through??? the way so many people she’s trusted have exploited her, and this man is ready to burn the world down just for her???

i really do have a type, huh? “i-hate-everyone-but-you” really has to be my favourite trope of all time. gimme a grumpy guy who barely smiles and is obsessed with that one person they’d ruin everything for and im a whore.

i think that’s why Gillow are my second fave couple, tbh, bcos Garrison truly hates the world expect for Willow🥺 and speaking of Willow, her and Daisy’s friendship!!!!???? it’s what they both deserve. sobbing rn.

The longer my smile grows, the more his lips struggle to remain in their brooding place. I watch, so keenly, as the corners of his mouth slowly but surely rise.

honestly, the whole book made me wanna sob fr. i was sobbing at them practicing their first dance STOP IT RN NOW!! i just adore them, fuck me. sobbing at their vows. sobbing at their matching tattoos. sobbing when they were in the ambulance. i sobbed when they were in the hospital— both times. sobbing at Ryke and Sulli. sobbing at Daisy and Sulli... pretty sure i sobbed for the last 20% of the book, fr. Raisy just own me lmao. im not even ashamed to admit it.

they’re also the only couple i will allow to say cringey shit bcos when they say it, it sounds cute af. only Daisy can call Ryke her wolf and howl like a fucking wolf and i don’t cringe to death. anyone else, and id be suing for emotional distress. but they pull it off. they can shit in my hands and force me to clap and id be worshipping them. i sound deranged af but that’s the affect of Raisy.

“You shouldn’t look at me like that,” I tease.
“And how am I looking at you?”
“Like you love me.”
“I do fucking love you.”

and i didn’t think everything with Sully would hurt so much this time around but 🤡 “I want to be in the clouds, and no one is going to get there but him.” had me on my KNEES.

while Ryke and Rose are an underrated iconic duo. fight me. like both of them strapping KNIVES to themselves like it’s totally fucking normal💀

all of my Gillow crumbs 🤌🏻 running to reread them next. and all the new bonus content we got in the Bad Reputation duet. they’ll probably have me bawling too.

He cups my face with both hands, tugging me closer to his body in a forceful, Ryke Meadows way that says listen to me, sweetheart. “I fucking love you.” Tears build in his eyes. “I’m crying more, and his thumb brushes my cheeks. “All I need is you.

and sorry to all of the Collobaway stans, but damn Connor is even more fucking annoying this time around. idk what it is, but the older i get, the more he irks me😭 im sorry. he did redeem himself later on, but for like 80% of this book i wanted to deck him... 15 year old me doesn’t know this version of me. but the way he loves Rose still has my heart in a vice so i really can’t stay mad at him for long. same goes for Lo.

i think i am finally ready to delve into the spin off series... like five years too late, but hey, those last few books look rough as fuck so i have been preparing myself for a few years.

and hoping for more Raisy crumbs🤪

He cups my cheeks, his hands rough and strong. “A hundred-and-fifty miles per hour.”
Tears slip down my cheeks and I murmur, “No brakes.”
“Never any fucking brakes.” He raises my hand in his and kisses my knuckles.

my final couples verdict😌

1) Raisy
2) Gillow
3) Collobaway and LiLo (i feel bad putting one last lol)

this series truly lives in my head rent free.
Profile Image for autumn ✶.
159 reviews499 followers
February 28, 2024
i wanna be a calloway sister when i grow up

this should’ve been 200 pages shorter… and the plot would’ve still been nonexistent

i love love love core 6/8 and every one of their moments together was everything ❤️‍🩹

but i think i just don’t care about raisy as a couple, at least not much. even when they have their cute moments they have to go and ruin it. some examples:
• daisy saying ryke wears his “fucking fuck expression”
like ???
• daisy’s tshirts
• the smut
i just skimmed the smut, the book is long enough. i think it’s great that kbritchie include a character with a lower sex drive so i don’t get HOW THEY HAVE SEX EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER but then they discuss doing it less than before??
this is literally how a large portion of the book went:

chapter - smut scene
next chapter - time jump to smut scene
next chapter - time jump to smut scene

then this book is a great example for no show, all tell.
aaand the thing that just gives me the ick is that daisy is so young and gets married and wants to have a child. the problem is NOT that she wants those things at her age, rather that she is 7 years younger than her husband and the authors shouldn’t have made her go into adulthood so soon when they
a) mention all the time that she had no childhood due to her abusive mother
b) make her the most childish character ever (which again wouldn’t be a problem if she didn’t date someone who knew her when they were 15 & 22)
and c) make it seem like she just wants to keep up with her OLDER sisters

other than that i liked the beginning and ending but the middle part was meh :/

“Can’t-eat, can’t-sleep, reach-for-the-stars, over-the-fence, World Series kind of stuff”

“Craisins!” - Loren Hale
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