sakaomi yuzaki said what’s better than two lesbians? four lesbians and a powerpoint presentation about the asexuality spectrum. easiest five stars i’ll ever give.
Ya'll! This was absolutely adorable. It's been a while since I've picked up the second volume of this series, but I felt very comfortable jumping right into the third volume. Although there isn't much that I can say about this specific volume, there is a greater exploration of friendships, queer identity, family dynamics, and romantic relationships. I still appreciate the fact that Yuzaki included content warnings before each chapter that contained particularly tough topics. It's makes the transition into those moments a lot easier. Two new characters are introduced in this volume and they make such a pleasant addition to the storyline. I'm definitely excited to see them in future volumes.
I’m obsessed with this series. I loved the further exploration into queer identities as well as shedding toxic familial relationships/expectations to seek out found family. Also, the gang has grown and I’m just so happy!
I am officially declaring this my favorite manga series of 2023! Everything from the sweet friendships and budding romance to the representation (which made me feel so seen) is perfection. I need the next volume ASAP!
I've seen people say that the content warnings before two chapters were unnecessary, but I disagree. Food, if you've never had an issue with it, does seem like a silly thing to worry about, but for anyone with an eating disorder or simply a different way of eating (more, less) are constantly judged to the point where even if they don't have disordered eating, they can develop it. These are important conversations to have, and I'm glad the manga is having them, however lightly, but they are difficult topics for a lot of people and need to be treated with care. I see that happening in those content warnings.
(And many props to the series for including an asexual homoromantic character!)
As the seasons change, Kasuga and Nomoto are spending more and more time together. But how do they feel about one another? And do they know themselves? The solution turns out to be as simple as expanding the cast list.
Well, there we go, this story finally turned the corner and became nearly flawless after a pretty darn good start. I appear to be a sucker for discussions of gender identity, as there’s a scene here that echoes the most effective part of I’m in Love With the Villainess, of all things.
Nomoto has an internet friend and they grow close (thankfully not in that way, a wrinkle this story does not require), close enough for them to start watching lesbian cinema together and for Nomoto to start questioning less her sexuality and more how intense it is.
Cue the story acknowledging the existence of asexuality, and doing a mighty good job of covering its bases, at least from my perspective. This is not the focal point, but it gives Nomoto something to use as a starting point instead. It’s probably the best look at the topic since the delightful Is Love the Answer? and really well done.
But the volume is only getting started, as it does downplay the endless shots of Kasuga putting things in her mouth, but not the shared joy that their company brings to her and Nomoto. Which leads to Kasuga finally having a moment of her own amidst all this.
The misadventures of Kasuga and Nomoto with food is a fun little development, as an expensive new year forces them to become much more creative and thrifty to rebuild some of their finances. It adds a little more to the whole thing than just ‘here’s the food’.
In addition to the online friend, Yako, the quiet and withdrawn Nagumo moves in between our leads and her relationship with food is the exact opposite of our leads, with her ‘eat only to survive’ lifestyle having caused her extreme emotional distress over the years.
Nagumo is a unique and well-realized character, who appears to subsist on disaster rations and I like where this all goes, but I don’t think some of the concerns about how potentially unhealthy her lifestyle is are properly addressed. It’s one thing to respect her choices, but for such a thoughtful manga it’s weird that they just take her at her word when she’s so incredibly avoidant. It’s tricky, I get it, so take my random thoughts with a grain of salt.
Her flashback comes with a content warning, but when they say microaggression in the warning, they ain’t lying because I didn’t find anything especially traumatic in that chapter because it’s glossed over so fast. The point that she is being judged for not eating is designed to address my concerns above, she clearly has issues eating in front of others and enjoying food, but it doesn’t quite work for me.
It’s a real contrast to Kasuga’s chapter, where she calls home and we realize why she’s been so silent about her family and Nomoto’s relationship with her own. This one is blisteringly cruel, although triumphant in its way, and part of a theme in this volume about how miserable tradition can be and how much gets forced on women by society.
Lest we wrap on a bleak note, this volume’s actually really far more wonderful than it is sad. The chibis are deployed for maximum cuteness between our leads and they have some truly lovely relationship progress sprinkled throughout.
Even better, all four women come together for some serious palling around and make for a fantastic friend group that is both accepting and really enjoyable to watch interact. It’s such a vibrant change that doesn’t detract from the core, but enhances it instead.
5 stars - minor qualms about Nagumo aside, and I do like how her anxiety is portrayed rather a lot, everything else here is bang on and in a way that the first two volumes were not. It’s rare that a change makes such a difference, but it goes down a treat here.
I love this series so much. I love how smoothly conversations of sexuality, discrimination, gender roles and disordered eating are presented. It also talks about chosen family and how difficult it can be to go no contact with toxic family.
I really wish volume 4 was out because I really enjoyed the past 3.
It starts off right where volume 2 ended: on the balcony. But takes a bit off a quicker pace, compared to the last two volumes, and leaves me with more mixed feelings than before. Still 5 stars, but there were some heavier themes here. As much as I appreciate the author for speaking up for these things, I did prefer the lighthearted vibe from the other volumes. Not too bad though.
When I first read in the blurb that there will be 2 new characters joining their circle... tbh, I wasn't too excited about it. Even though there were time-skips in the previous volumes and it's safe to say they've known each other for a few months, it hasn't been that long for me (it actually has, since I started it in April, but it doesn't feel that long). I want more of the two alone. I found it's a bit too soon for new friends to join the circle, even if they might not be love rivals or anything. In the end though... it wasn't too bad. They did help them out after all, and, even though their friendship blossomed way quicker than Kasuga's & Nomoto's, they do have platonic chemistry and it works.
And – aaah, I loved the chapter where they talked about the aro-/ace-spectrum but also the spectrum of gay/lesbian! "Just as aromantic and asexual folks have a spectrum, there's a wide range of lesbians too." "As if being gay is solely about what is going down in the bedroom!"
Talking about spectrums, I gotta admit, I love the author for having diverse characters on the "food-spectrum". It is a Manga about food, after all, but at first you'd might not be expecting a wide range like that. For example, Nomoto loves cooking, but she doesn't eat much herself. Kasuga loves eating, is fat and a positive portrayal of a not-much-represented-body-type for women (sadly). Then, the new character has deipnophobia. And the other new character loves eating, although is the same body type as Nomoto, but doesn't like cooking and is basically married to a microwave. Really love the diversity and different representations!
And I really really loved that cookie cutter reference from volume 2! Such a nice continuation from that message!! <3
It really is the little things, damn... when they made plans for Valentine's day, I felt like a teenager watching people kiss on tv for the first time (blushing and giggling uncontrollably) ... When Kasuga brushed Nomoto's cheek, I almost lost it! I feel like I'm way more nervous (in a good way) than Nomoto and Kasuga together, lol, but I just can't help it! The author's way too good at this slow-burn!!
(That was pretty much how I looked like.)
Gosh, I really hate Kasuga's father, though. I mean, I already hated him in her flashbacks from the other volumes, but this... is too much. I appreciate the author for bringing it up (although it's not a new trope), but... ugh. I just hate him personally. Why do people like him never get some karma? They deserve it the most. A difficult chapter. But the ending of that chapter was all the more worth it... <3
This volume stays upbeat even as it explores some darker drama: a new neighbor has a troubled relationship with food and her family, and Kasuga's estrangement from her family is more fully detailed.
Chosen families are the way to go, we are told, and the friendships and deeper relationships formed over cooking in this series make a good case for that position.
Ok yep this series just gets better. Introducing some new friends was a lovely touch, I’ve really enjoyed getting to know Yako and Nagumo and seeing how our main ladies interact with them as well as each other. The stuff about chosen family was so gorgeous, and I’m so glad we’re seeing Kasuga lean into the support of those around her as she reconciles her trauma from her biological family. Can’t wait for more!
This series is one of my favorites for a reason (and so excited to hear that it’s continuing!) - and volume three brings in so much new and more serious content without slouching on the delicious food. We get two new characters, a brief presentation on asexuality, and some family trauma. Nomoto and Kasuga remain, as ever, adorable and wholesome.
Se ha convertido en unos de mis mangas favs. Ver como poco a poco se dan cuenta de que ambas se han elegido y comportado como una familia es realmente hermoso y mágico.
Wow. That hit me for six. This story is developing so naturally and engaging with issues that often get overlooked for varying reasons. This volume definitely resonated with me. But also, yay Kasuga also now realizes she likes Nomoto!
Que buen volumen! Más personajes, diferentes vivencias de la sexualidad, conflictos familiares, relaciones difíciles con la comida... Me gusta que aunque obviamente la relación entre las dos protagonistas es el punto focal, cada una tiene otros problemas y que a veces los tratan con otras personas. Se está formando una familia escogida muy bonita. :)
Dans ce tome y’a bcp de thématiques importantes qui commencent à être amenées (famille choisie, rapport à la nourriture, violence intrafamiliale…) toujours avec des petits TW avant les chapitres. Y’a aussi deux nouveaux personnages ! Bref toujours aussi top 🩷
This series is honestly a total joy to read, I think when this series concludes I will honestly be a little gutted.
Following Nomoto’s realisation that she is lesbian in the previous volume, this new volume brings with it the introduction of more queer characters, finally adding some much-needed ‘friends’ to the series very limited cast of recurring characters. This includes Nomoto and Kasuga’s new neighbour, Nagumo, a young woman who has had difficulties with food stemming back to infancy. This storyline is sensitively handled, but there does need to be a slight trigger warning for anyone who may find discussions of food anxiety or disordered eating distressing.
This series genuinely gets better with each and every volume, and I can’t wait for the next volume to be released in English! Until then I guess I will just have to console myself by following some of the wonderful recipes in this series!
Aquesta sèrie només fa que millorar i jo que me n'alegro!!!! ♥ Amb una aparença innocent i pausada, amb dues protagonistes adorables i la gastronomia com a teló de fons, s'exploren temàtiques ben interessants i polèmiques de la societat (japonesa, però francament diria que universal) com ara els traumes causats per la família durant la infància i l'adolescència, la relació de les dones amb el menjar, l'estereotip de la dona cuidadora i la dissidència sexual, sobretot en les dones. Cada cop més sorpresa amb aquesta sèrie, que obre portes a les lletres més invisibilitzades del col·lectiu d'una manera realista i combativa. Molt fan de la mangaka que a l'epíleg ens explica que dona suport a la iniciativa que lluita per l'aprovació del matrimoni homosexual al Japó!!!!