M M Paranormal

Male/Male Romance with paranormal elements in the storyline. Can be Paranormal Romance or Fantasy with romantic elements. Paranormal Romance can be set in either contemporary or historical time periods.

A paranormal event is one that allegedly defies real world scientific explanation. Paranormal beings could be vampires, ghosts, werewolves and other shapeshifters.

New Releases Tagged "M M Paranormal"

How to Hack a Hellhound (Hellhounds of Paradise Falls #2)
My Inherited House Might be Haunted
The Psychic and The Vampire: Ant and Viktor's Story
The Hidden God of Open Doors
Among the Living (PsyCop, #1)
The Magpie Lord (A Charm of Magpies, #1)
Camp Hell (PsyCop, #5)
Hell & High Water (THIRDS #1)
The Wolf at the Door (Big Bad Wolf, #1)
Body and Soul (PsyCop, #3)
Widdershins (Whyborne & Griffin, #1)
Change of Heart (Change of Heart, #1)
Secrets (PsyCop, #4)
Criss Cross (PsyCop, #2)
Wolfsong (Green Creek, #1)
Cronin's Key (Cronin's Key, #1)
Mind Magic  (Triad, #1)
Blood & Thunder (THIRDS #2)
The Necromancer's Dance (The Beacon Hill Sorcerer, #1)

Most Read This Week

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Wolf in Sheep's Clothing by Charlie AdharaThe House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. KlunePrinciples of Spookology by S.E. HarmonSpooky Business by S.E. HarmonHow to Elude a Vampire by Alice  Winters
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Jordan Castillo Price
I really hate threesomes when one of the participants is dead.
Jordan Castillo Price, Among the Living

Marguerite Labbe
Just give me a bit, let me pretend you're still alive," Andrei said hoarsely. "Let me pretend that I don't have to give you up." "Andrei," Warm, calloused hands cupped Anrei's face. "Look at me. I'm real. I'm still with you. A part of me will always be with you. Even after I go through that doorway. ...more
Marguerite Labbe, Ghosts in the Wind

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