Recovering Fundamentalist
Many years I believed I must read the Bible literally, starting with the defense of Genesis 1:1. My love of science and analytical mind took me to trust the wrong teachers like Ken Hamm. The world became a place of battling entities that don't really exist, like the kindergarten teacher who according to James Dobson, is out to indoctrinate my children. And on from there I learned scientists are corrupt and against Christians, most of America is god-hating and 'lost'. Dealing with conservative Christians and their nationalism was the final straw. Everything started unraveling and I began to see I'd been following cult-like ideas. And so, the search has begun to find the truth, the real truth, as much as I can.
23 books ·
16 voters ·
list created September 25th, 2016
by Pamela Wilbur (votes) .