The Worst Books of All Time
What do you think are the worst books ever written; the ones you least enjoyed reading.
Please respect everyone's opinions, even if you think their opinion is downright stupid.
Please respect everyone's opinions, even if you think their opinion is downright stupid.
8,134 books ·
18,395 voters ·
list created May 20th, 2008
by Michael Economy (votes) .
abominable, abomination, awful, bad, disgusting, dislike, disliked, earliest-list, hated, horrendous, horrible, loathed, resented, terrible, worst
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The Crimson Fucker
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Comments Showing 1-50 of 2,601 (2601 new)
The easy to find category POPULAR of the total ratings make a whole lot more sense. There I think the truth of how GR members feel about the books they read lays.
I read it. I'm a conservative and a Texan, which puts me pretty far right, but I have enough sense to fact check the footnotes. It appears that Ann's readership and her publishers do not.
Each has their own opinion, and the list is interesting. Many of the "Oprah" books are on this list, which is amusing to me. There have only been about 3 books on her "bookclub" that are really worth a read to me. I often wonder if Oprah actually reads the books before choosing them. A large majority of her choices are CRAP. But again, we all have different tastes.
The people who added some of those books have a warped sense of what good writing is.
I'm curious, btw: Could you explain the basis for your opinion that An Inconvenient Truth is one of the worst books ever written? I'm really curious about the reasoning supporting that view. Is it because you think that book is scientifically unsound, or because of something else?
Wow, these are the worst books of all time? Seriously?
no one has ever read it. only bragged about how good it was "because tom hanks was in the movie, and tom hanks did forrest gump, so that has to mean it's good, because forrest couldn't do stupid movies after that."
puhhlease. a book based on a supposed "non fiction" story and the chances of that ever happening are slim to none.
but i do have to say the great gatsby is probably the best book i've ever read. so obviously the creator of this list is blind to literary genius.
maybe someone should create a dumbest persons list of the 20th century. because the creator would definitely rank between a politician and a priest.
For reasons unclear to me, this fact seems to be hard for many people to grasp. Maybe someone can explain it to me?
its more: how many books that i voted on are other peoples favorites?
i do think its awesome how like 80% of the books on there are required school reading
It's pretty interesting that people naturally want to blame a "creator".
The Great Gatsby? Really? Catcher in the Rye? It like people just thought of books they'd heard of and listed them.
Of course, I tried to counter the "bad list" vote by pressing the "vote" button thinking that it would give me a choice of clicking "yes" this deserves to be here, or "no" these people are crazy and it should not be on this list. Ooops!
I guess that's not what that button is for :-/
If you want to counteract the votes a book received on this list, go vote for that book on another list like "Best Books Ever" or something appropriate like that.
No Danielle Steele OR RL Stine or the "Silhoutte" series!! :-p
According to me, half these books seem to be here as a "challenge" to vote against good, enriching books.... and people who HAVE voted on this list would probably be those who think it "radical" to oppose solid, fundamental writing skills. (I exclude Theresa :-) )
I totally agree with Jeremy's comment below: this list should be renamed "books I was forced to read but was too immature/busy/stupid to understand or enjoy"
Seriously... are there really that many Catholic extremists out here?
I do agree with some of the choices like "Go Ask Alice" for example (I never really understood that one), but "A Child Called 'It'? "American Psyco? Heck... even The Giving Tree!
i really don't understand who is doing the voting for these books...
and i certainly don't understand the reasoning behind them...
it's really very disappointing...something like this should be taken seriously...
...No, dear, I'm voting based on whether I liked the books. Sorry if that stings, but to my tastes, Pride and Prejudice sucked. It's not like the book is over my head, I just don't like it.
P.S. I read a lot of classics when I was eleven and loved them. Quit being patronising, hmmmmm?
If you look at the people who voted for some of the 'good ones' you'll notice that they voted it "1 out of 1" their worst book ever. Obviously, they had a bad emotional reaction to it or something and decided to lash out by posting it here. That's too bad, because I would have hoped that this list would reflect the good taste of us bibliophiles (that includes all of us) and be comprised of the truly tacky and horrible. Like Anne Coulter's books, for example.
Also - Wow, some of these comments are harsh. :/ Some people might hate a book, some people might love it, but there's no need for personal attacks.
the grapes of wrath?...
absalom! absalom!...?
i don't understand...