Oscar Quotes
Quotes tagged as "oscar"
Showing 1-30 of 38
“A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal.”
― The Critic As Artist: With Some Remarks on the Importance of Doing Nothing and Discussing Everything
― The Critic As Artist: With Some Remarks on the Importance of Doing Nothing and Discussing Everything
“The things people say of a man do not alter a man. He is what he is. Public opinion is of no value whatsoever. Even if people employ actual violence, they are not to be violent in turn. That would be to fall to the same low level. After all, even in prison, a man can be quite free. His soul can be free. His personality can be untroubled. He can be at peace. And, above all things, they are not to interfere with other people or judge them in any way. Personality is a very mysterious thing. A man cannot always be estimated by what he does. He may keep the law, and yet be worthless. He may break the law, and yet be fine. He may be bad, without ever doing anything bad. He may commit a sin against society, and yet realize through that sin his true perfection.”
― The Soul of Man Under Socialism
― The Soul of Man Under Socialism
“Cheap editions of great books may be delightful, but cheap editions of great men are absolutely detestable”
― The Critic As Artist: With Some Remarks on the Importance of Doing Nothing and Discussing Everything
― The Critic As Artist: With Some Remarks on the Importance of Doing Nothing and Discussing Everything
“I can't tell if that was arrogant,” Ruby muttered, “Or just... you know, honest.”
“The two aren't mutually exclusive.”
― Renegades
“The two aren't mutually exclusive.”
― Renegades
“Mi amigo Óscar es uno de estos príncipes sin reino que corren por ahí esperando que los beses para transformarse en sapo. Lo entiende todo al revés y por eso me gusta tanto. La gente que piensa que lo entiende todo a derechas hace las cosas a izquierdas,y eso, viniendo de una zurda,lo dice todo. Me mira y se cree que no lo veo. Imagina que me evaporaré si me toca y que,si no lo hace,se va a evaporar él. Me tiene en un pedestal tan alto que no sabe cómo subirse. Piensa que mis labios son la puerta del paraíso,pero no sabe que están envenenados. Yo soy tan cobarde que,por no perderle,no se lo digo. Finjo que no le veo y que sí,que me voy a evaporar...
Mi amigo Óscar es uno de estos príncipes que harían bien manteniéndose alejados de los cuentos y de las princesas que lo habitan. No sabe que es el príncipe azul quien tiene que besar a la bella durmiente para que despierte de su sueño eterno,pero eso es porque Óscar ignora que todos los cuentos son mentiras,aunque no todas las mentiras son cuentos.Los príncipes no son azules y las durmientes, aunque sean bellas, nunca despiertan de su sueño. Es el mejor amigo que nunca he tenido y, si algún día me tropiezo con Merlín,le daré las gracias por haberlo cruzado en mi camino.”
Mi amigo Óscar es uno de estos príncipes que harían bien manteniéndose alejados de los cuentos y de las princesas que lo habitan. No sabe que es el príncipe azul quien tiene que besar a la bella durmiente para que despierte de su sueño eterno,pero eso es porque Óscar ignora que todos los cuentos son mentiras,aunque no todas las mentiras son cuentos.Los príncipes no son azules y las durmientes, aunque sean bellas, nunca despiertan de su sueño. Es el mejor amigo que nunca he tenido y, si algún día me tropiezo con Merlín,le daré las gracias por haberlo cruzado en mi camino.”
“I am the prince of procrastination. It is my besetting sin. I never put off till tomorrow what I can possibly do - the day after”
― Oscar Wilde and a Death of No Importance
― Oscar Wilde and a Death of No Importance
“Would you like to know the great drama of my life? It is that I have put my genius into my life...I have put only my talent into my works.”
“Man is complete in himself. When they go into the world, the world will disagree with them. That is inevitable. The world hates Individualism. But that is not to trouble them. They are to be calm and self-centred. If a man takes their cloak, they are to give him their coat, just to show that material things are of no importance. If people abuse them, they are not to answer back. What does it signify? The things people say of a man do not alter a man. He is what he is. Public opinion is of no value whatsoever. Even if people employ actual violence, they are not to be violent in turn. That would be to fall to the same low level. After all, even in prison, a man can be quite free. His soul can be free. His personality can be untroubled. He can be at peace. And, above all things, they are not to interfere with other people or judge them in any way. Personality is a very mysterious thing. A man cannot always be estimated by what he does. He may keep the law, and yet be worthless. He may break the law, and yet be fine. He may be bad, without ever doing anything bad. He may commit a sin against society, and yet realise through that sin his true perfection.”
― Der Sozialismus und die Seele des Menschen
― Der Sozialismus und die Seele des Menschen
“No...?" Winston started...
"Excuse me?" said Adrian,
"No...no. Uh..." Winston glanced once, briefly, at Nova, then back at Adrian. "No... reen." He coughed. "Her name is Noreen.”
― Renegades
"Excuse me?" said Adrian,
"No...no. Uh..." Winston glanced once, briefly, at Nova, then back at Adrian. "No... reen." He coughed. "Her name is Noreen.”
― Renegades
“But I can’t leave, not yet. I’ll stay with her until sunrise. If I brace my feet, I won’t slide. I can rest my cheek on the roof tile and still see her. Pacing. Pulling her hair.
“I’ll fix you,” I tell her. “I promise.”
Even though I don’t know how.
It’s better than good-bye.”
― Candor
“I’ll fix you,” I tell her. “I promise.”
Even though I don’t know how.
It’s better than good-bye.”
― Candor
“It’s disgusting. They melted my girl down and poured her into their mold. And this perversion is what she cooled into. I can’t be near her. Can’t see her, smell her, hear her voice chirping like a bird.
I tell her the same thing I’ve been whispering every night on the roof. “I’m sorry. It’s my fault.”
― Candor
I tell her the same thing I’ve been whispering every night on the roof. “I’m sorry. It’s my fault.”
― Candor
“He crossed his arms stiffly over his chest. "Oh yeah," he said, with a pleased nod. "Bad cop is ready."
― Renegades
― Renegades
“Praise makes me humble, but when I am abused, I know that I have touched the stars.”
― Oscar Wilde and a Game Called Murder: A Mystery
― Oscar Wilde and a Game Called Murder: A Mystery
“Adrian briefly closed his eyes. "It's alright, Winston. We're just trying-"
"No, it's not all right," said Oscar, slamming his fist on the table. "It's obvious you know something, and we're not leaving this room until you tell us what it is!"
Winston frowned. "They said we only had fifteen minutes."
"That-" started Oscar, holding up a finger. Then he deflated, clearing his throat. "- was actually true...”
"No, it's not all right," said Oscar, slamming his fist on the table. "It's obvious you know something, and we're not leaving this room until you tell us what it is!"
Winston frowned. "They said we only had fifteen minutes."
"That-" started Oscar, holding up a finger. Then he deflated, clearing his throat. "- was actually true...”
“I run my hands down her bare arms. Shoulders to elbows to wrists. She has goose bumps, even in the muggy Florida night. Maybe that’s because of me.
Sometimes I forget she likes me the same way I like her.”
Sometimes I forget she likes me the same way I like her.”
“Nossos dias são muito curtos para que tomemos, nos próprios ombros, o peso dos erros de outrem. Cada um vive a própria vida, e paga o preço de vivê-la. Em tudo, a única pena é que, com frequência, temos que pagar um preço alto por uma única falta. E, na verdade, estamos sempre a pagar. No trato com o homem, o Destino jamais encerra as contas.Há momentos, dizem-nos os psicólogos, quando a paixão pelo pecado, ou por aquilo que o mundo chama de pecado, domina de tal maneira uma personalidade, que toda fibra do corpo, e toda célula do cérebro, parece ser instinto com impulsos receosos. Nestes momentos, homens e mulheres perdem a liberdade da vontade. Como autômatos, consciência, morta, ou então, se conseguir viver, vive apenas para dar fascínio à revolta, e encanto a desobediência. Pois todos os pecados, como não se cansam de nos lembrar os teólogos, são pecados da desobediência. Quando, dos céus, cai o espírito maior, a estrela matutina do mal, é como rebelde que cai.”
“Excellent writing reaches beyond station and rank to grab hold of people and not let go.”
― The Rose of Versailles, Omnibus 2
― The Rose of Versailles, Omnibus 2
“It's not the awards and prizes that add value to one's work, it's the work that adds value to the awards and prizes.”
“- Tanti Roz, am impresia că în Dicționarul medical nu se găsesc decât probleme particulare, pe care le-ar putea avea câte un om. Nimic din ceea ce interesează pe toată lumea: viața, moartea, credința, Dumnezeu.
- Poate ar trebui să cauți un Dicționar de filosofie, Oscar. Dar oricum, chiar dacă acolo ai găsi ce cauți, tot s-ar putea să fii dezamăgit. Pentru fiecare noțiune, există mai multe răspunsuri, foarte diferite.
- Cum vine asta?
- Cele mai interesante întrebări, rămân întrebări. Și conțin în ele un mister. La fiecare răspuns trebuie să adaugi un `poate`. Numai întrebări fără interes cu răspunsuri definitive.”
- Poate ar trebui să cauți un Dicționar de filosofie, Oscar. Dar oricum, chiar dacă acolo ai găsi ce cauți, tot s-ar putea să fii dezamăgit. Pentru fiecare noțiune, există mai multe răspunsuri, foarte diferite.
- Cum vine asta?
- Cele mai interesante întrebări, rămân întrebări. Și conțin în ele un mister. La fiecare răspuns trebuie să adaugi un `poate`. Numai întrebări fără interes cu răspunsuri definitive.”
“(...) Am încercat să le explic părinților mei ce-i viața, un cadou foarte tare. La început, supraestimăm cadoul asta: credem c-am primit viață veșnică. De aceea îl subestimăm, ni se pare urât, prea scurt, mai c-am fi gata să-l aruncăm. În sfârșit, ne dăm seama că n-am primit un cadou, ci un împrumut.”
“- Gândește-te puțin Oscar. De cine te simți tu mai apropiat, de un Dumnezeu care nu simte nimic sau de un Dumnezeu care suferă?
- De cel care suferă, normal. Dar dac-aș fi fost în locul lui, dac-aș fi fost Dumnezeu, dacă aș fi avut puterile lui, m-aș fi aranjat să nu sufăr.
- Nimeni nu poate să scape de suferință. Nici Dumnezeu, nici tu. Nici părinții tăi, nici eu.”
- De cel care suferă, normal. Dar dac-aș fi fost în locul lui, dac-aș fi fost Dumnezeu, dacă aș fi avut puterile lui, m-aș fi aranjat să nu sufăr.
- Nimeni nu poate să scape de suferință. Nici Dumnezeu, nici tu. Nici părinții tăi, nici eu.”
“There’s a lot of dancing going on around here. Dancing around secrets, dancing around issues, and dancing at the end of your silky little strings.”
― Plier
― Plier
“Oscar may be the world’s most glorious way of honoring your work, but the real award for a filmmaker is the contentment which you receive from making your film.”
― The Film Testament
― The Film Testament
“Every human has a dream to get bigger in their life, Of course i am not a normal HUMAN, that's why I don't dream it, yes I am talking about the most prestigious The Academy awards :) preparing the speech for the future :) looking forward to get in reality soon ”
“I think I need to add a sensor to her door,” Elijah added, striding off toward the fitness centre. They were already late for their scheduled practice time, so
Gabriel followed with an agitated snap to each step. “That sounds like getting involved.”
“Not if I hook it up to Oscar’s phone.”
“That sounds downright danger—actually, that’s brilliant.”
“I know.”
“He’ll be so annoyed, and you know what happens when he gets annoyed.”
“I know.”
― Plier
Gabriel followed with an agitated snap to each step. “That sounds like getting involved.”
“Not if I hook it up to Oscar’s phone.”
“That sounds downright danger—actually, that’s brilliant.”
“I know.”
“He’ll be so annoyed, and you know what happens when he gets annoyed.”
“I know.”
― Plier
“Першою афроамериканкою, якій присудили премію Американської кіноакадемії, стала Гетті Макденієл. Вона отримала цю високу винагороду за роль Маммі (дбайливої, огрядної й асексуальної протилежності Скарлетт ОʼХара, яка була ідеалом жінки) у фільмі 1939 року «Віднесені вітром». Маммі, більш віддана білій родині, ніж власній, була готова вступити в бій із чорношкірими солдатами, щоб захистити своїх білих поневолювачів. Цей образ став зручною підпорою для зображення рабства в художніх фільмах, однак це була вигадка кастової системи, що суперечила історичним фактам. В епоху рабства більшість чорношкірих жінок були худорлявими, навіть виснаженими через скупе харчування, яким їх забезпечували. До того ж мало хто з цих жінок працював у будинках, оскільки їх вважали ціннішими на полі.”
― Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents
― Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents
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