Adventure Stories Quotes
Quotes tagged as "adventure-stories"
Showing 1-30 of 35
“A smart person is not one that knows the answers, but one who knows where to find them...”
― Underground
― Underground
“Until I dicover the meaning of this sentence, I will neither eat nor sleep.
"My dear uncle-" I began.
"Nor you either," he added.”
― Journey to the Center of the Earth
"My dear uncle-" I began.
"Nor you either," he added.”
― Journey to the Center of the Earth
“Each of us has our definition of adventure: ending an unsatisfying
relationship, returning to school, parachute jumping or training for a
marathon. Go ahead. Get your thrill on.”
― Postcards and Pearls: Life Lessons from Solo Moments on the Road
relationship, returning to school, parachute jumping or training for a
marathon. Go ahead. Get your thrill on.”
― Postcards and Pearls: Life Lessons from Solo Moments on the Road
“Oh no, princess. I would never carry out anything which could harm your being. This was just something I was told to say. I'm not sure what is planned, if, you go against their wishes. But, I'm sure you're smart and won't test them.”
― The Adventures of Luciana
― The Adventures of Luciana
“You understand. I don't know. I am not sure how I would feel in your shoes. My mother wanted me.”
“Before he got too far, he thought he smelled a fire.
No sooner did he blink before he sensed something dire.
He heard a sound and froze, danger tickling his nose.
His ears perked up as tiny cries of capture rose.”
― Isle of Mystery: Eyes of The King
No sooner did he blink before he sensed something dire.
He heard a sound and froze, danger tickling his nose.
His ears perked up as tiny cries of capture rose.”
― Isle of Mystery: Eyes of The King
“What is adventure?
Adventure offers every human being the ability to live ‘the’ moment of his or her most passionate idea, fantasy or pursuit. It may take form in the arts, acting, sports, travel or other creative endeavors. Once engaged, a person enjoys ‘satori’ or the perfect moment. That instant may last seconds or a lifetime. The key to adventure whether it be painting, dancing, sports or travel: throw yourself into it with rambunctious enthusiasm and zealous energy—which leads toward uncommon passion for living. By following that path, you will attract an amazing life that will imbue your spirit and fulfill your destiny as defined by you alone. In the end, you will savor the sweet taste of life pursuing goals that make you happy, rewarded and complete. As a bonus, you may share your life experiences with other bold and uncommon human beings that laugh at life, compare themselves with no one and enjoy a whale of a ride! Frosty Wooldridge from How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World”
― How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World
Adventure offers every human being the ability to live ‘the’ moment of his or her most passionate idea, fantasy or pursuit. It may take form in the arts, acting, sports, travel or other creative endeavors. Once engaged, a person enjoys ‘satori’ or the perfect moment. That instant may last seconds or a lifetime. The key to adventure whether it be painting, dancing, sports or travel: throw yourself into it with rambunctious enthusiasm and zealous energy—which leads toward uncommon passion for living. By following that path, you will attract an amazing life that will imbue your spirit and fulfill your destiny as defined by you alone. In the end, you will savor the sweet taste of life pursuing goals that make you happy, rewarded and complete. As a bonus, you may share your life experiences with other bold and uncommon human beings that laugh at life, compare themselves with no one and enjoy a whale of a ride! Frosty Wooldridge from How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World”
― How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World
“My father was usually too far in the drink to remember he had children. My mother was half mad and had fewer morals than the barn cat we brought back today. Since none of our relations wanted custody of a pair of impoverished brats, Devon and I were sent to boarding school. We stayed there most holidays. I became a bully. I hated everyone. Henry was especially irritating- skinny, odd, fussy about his food. Always reading. I stole that book from the box under his bed because it seemed to be his favorite."
Pausing uncomfortably, Mr. Ravenel raked a hand through his disordered hair, and it promptly fell back into the same gleaming, untidy layers. "I didn't plan to keep it. I was going to embarrass him by reading parts of it aloud in front of him. And when I saw what you'd written on the inside cover, I could hardly wait to torture him about it. But then I read the first page."
"In which Stephen Armstrong is sinking in a pit of quicksand," Phoebe said with a tremulous smile.
"Exactly. I had to find out what happened next."
"After escaping the quicksand, he has to save his true love, Catriona, from the crocodiles."
A husky sound of amusement. "You marked x's all over those pages."
"I secretly longed for a hero to rescue me from crocodiles someday."
"I secretly longed to be a hero. Despite having far more in common with the crocodiles.”
― Devil's Daughter
Pausing uncomfortably, Mr. Ravenel raked a hand through his disordered hair, and it promptly fell back into the same gleaming, untidy layers. "I didn't plan to keep it. I was going to embarrass him by reading parts of it aloud in front of him. And when I saw what you'd written on the inside cover, I could hardly wait to torture him about it. But then I read the first page."
"In which Stephen Armstrong is sinking in a pit of quicksand," Phoebe said with a tremulous smile.
"Exactly. I had to find out what happened next."
"After escaping the quicksand, he has to save his true love, Catriona, from the crocodiles."
A husky sound of amusement. "You marked x's all over those pages."
"I secretly longed for a hero to rescue me from crocodiles someday."
"I secretly longed to be a hero. Despite having far more in common with the crocodiles.”
― Devil's Daughter
“We should follow every supply that runs into the particular lake below, going upstream in terms of we can. When we do not find Drakes’ path, or even an additional, we should come back straight along,look yourself upward an additional way to obtain foods,and then do a similar for the next water for the south.”
― Hill's Adventure
― Hill's Adventure
“Kat held her head high as she met the King's eye.
Her stare was bold, yet sweet, and it would not die.
Gansevort looked down into these dark, green pools.
And soon his tone softened as he bought her ruse.”
― Gansevort: The King and His Court
Her stare was bold, yet sweet, and it would not die.
Gansevort looked down into these dark, green pools.
And soon his tone softened as he bought her ruse.”
― Gansevort: The King and His Court
“That poor innocent snake was far more terrified of Nana then she ever was of the snake. Cricket could barely believe her eyes, but when that shotgun went off with a boom so did the snake. Up until yesterday, Cricket had never seen a snake fly!”
“It takes a special reader to experience a special book, and allow the inspiration, inevitable in the process, to move him to action.”
― Justin is a Special Eight
― Justin is a Special Eight
“They were wandering around for about half an hour; then they crawled along the river bank, trembling both because of fear and the cold wind which blew stronger at night.
It seemed like the rustling reeds were whispering, trying to say something… which seemed even scarier.
Emily began silently—just in her thoughts—talking to the heavens asking for help, as she normally did in situations like that.”
― The Adventures of Emily Smith and Billy Fifer
It seemed like the rustling reeds were whispering, trying to say something… which seemed even scarier.
Emily began silently—just in her thoughts—talking to the heavens asking for help, as she normally did in situations like that.”
― The Adventures of Emily Smith and Billy Fifer
“The undercarraige kissed the snowy earth. Shadowy snow scenes, with frosted trees that shivered, flashed past the side windows. Powedery snow floated on the air. They glided to a standstill. The bird had landed”
― The Girl in The Red Cape
― The Girl in The Red Cape
“A crowd began to gather round to watch the Heat begin.
They soon would learn which one would earn the famous Golden Fin!
The boards were tied to dolphin guides that pulled them like a sleigh
to what they called The Channel, every surfer's Dream Highway!”
They soon would learn which one would earn the famous Golden Fin!
The boards were tied to dolphin guides that pulled them like a sleigh
to what they called The Channel, every surfer's Dream Highway!”
“The best adventures in life is in the present. Seize the present and make it great adventure.”
“In a near-by clearing, Cricket and How-Ya-Do came upon a ridiculously comical sight.
It was an extra-large hyper-manic bird yelling at the funniest looking Crawfish that she had ever seen. The Crawfish stood over a foot tall, which just does not happen, and he was wearing a light-blue beanie and gold chains around his neck.”
It was an extra-large hyper-manic bird yelling at the funniest looking Crawfish that she had ever seen. The Crawfish stood over a foot tall, which just does not happen, and he was wearing a light-blue beanie and gold chains around his neck.”
Mar delle Antille, 1670
Una bordata di dodici cannoni squarciò la murata di dritta del veliero francese, che avvampò con un frastuono d’inferno. Scaglie roventi e artiglieri in uniforme schizzarono verso l’alto, volute di fumo nero appestarono l’aria. La risposta, fulminea, sfondò il cassero della nave pirata, diverse palle raggiunsero vele e sartiame, scalfirono l’albero di mezzana e il trinchetto, che oscillarono pericolosamente, sbalzando gli uomini ancorati ai pennoni.
«Fuoco!» urlò in inglese una voce imperiosa.
Stavolta l’offensiva mirò più in alto, con una precisione che si fece micidiale. La fregata della flotta del Re Sole subì una scossa da poppa a prua mentre a uno a uno gli alberi, tranciati dalle palle incatenate, crollavano insieme a grovigli fiammeggianti di vele e cordami in mezzo al fuggi fuggi generale.
«Ci vengono addosso armati di parrucca, calze di seta, boria e poco altro.» Il capitano pirata sogghignò, beffardo, lo sguardo affascinato da tanto sfacelo, dal fuoco che stava correndo dai tronconi dell’albero maestro al fasciame lucido.
«Signore! Signore!» La voce del quartiermastro risuonò ansiosa e lui si girò, nel momento in cui qualcuno lo gettava a terra, finendogli tra le braccia con un gemito rauco. Un fiotto di sangue sprizzò sul lino purissimo della sua camicia.
«Padre…» farfugliò, terreo. Alzò gli occhi. Su una coffa avversa, uno dei pochi punti rimasti integri della nave francese, un archibugiere in livrea imbracciava ancora il moschetto fumante contro di loro… contro di lui. Fece per sparare di nuovo, ma cadde in acqua, centrato in pieno da una granata. La destrezza dei bombardieri della Lucky Chance era rinomata fino all’Atlantico e oltre.
«Padre…» ripeté il capitano, chino sul ferito, che respirava a fatica. Alcuni uomini gli si fecero attorno e, come lui, con la sua stessa impotenza, si avvidero che la situazione era senza via di scampo. «Non lasciatemi, signore,» supplicò, imperterrito. L’usuale caparbietà gli lampeggiò in faccia, alzò la testa e gridò: «Chiamate Fabien! Presto!» Subito dopo riportò l’attenzione sull’uomo a cui doveva tutto… tutto ciò che sapeva, tutto ciò che era. «Resistete, signore. Fabien vi curerà. Lui ci salva sempre. Salverà anche voi.»
Il ferito lo guardò con uno stentato sorriso e gli batté un colpetto affettuoso sulla mano, sillabando in affanno:
«Non stavolta, Julian. Non stavolta. Lo sai anche tu, ragazzo mio.»
― Nessun porto nella nebbia
Mar delle Antille, 1670
Una bordata di dodici cannoni squarciò la murata di dritta del veliero francese, che avvampò con un frastuono d’inferno. Scaglie roventi e artiglieri in uniforme schizzarono verso l’alto, volute di fumo nero appestarono l’aria. La risposta, fulminea, sfondò il cassero della nave pirata, diverse palle raggiunsero vele e sartiame, scalfirono l’albero di mezzana e il trinchetto, che oscillarono pericolosamente, sbalzando gli uomini ancorati ai pennoni.
«Fuoco!» urlò in inglese una voce imperiosa.
Stavolta l’offensiva mirò più in alto, con una precisione che si fece micidiale. La fregata della flotta del Re Sole subì una scossa da poppa a prua mentre a uno a uno gli alberi, tranciati dalle palle incatenate, crollavano insieme a grovigli fiammeggianti di vele e cordami in mezzo al fuggi fuggi generale.
«Ci vengono addosso armati di parrucca, calze di seta, boria e poco altro.» Il capitano pirata sogghignò, beffardo, lo sguardo affascinato da tanto sfacelo, dal fuoco che stava correndo dai tronconi dell’albero maestro al fasciame lucido.
«Signore! Signore!» La voce del quartiermastro risuonò ansiosa e lui si girò, nel momento in cui qualcuno lo gettava a terra, finendogli tra le braccia con un gemito rauco. Un fiotto di sangue sprizzò sul lino purissimo della sua camicia.
«Padre…» farfugliò, terreo. Alzò gli occhi. Su una coffa avversa, uno dei pochi punti rimasti integri della nave francese, un archibugiere in livrea imbracciava ancora il moschetto fumante contro di loro… contro di lui. Fece per sparare di nuovo, ma cadde in acqua, centrato in pieno da una granata. La destrezza dei bombardieri della Lucky Chance era rinomata fino all’Atlantico e oltre.
«Padre…» ripeté il capitano, chino sul ferito, che respirava a fatica. Alcuni uomini gli si fecero attorno e, come lui, con la sua stessa impotenza, si avvidero che la situazione era senza via di scampo. «Non lasciatemi, signore,» supplicò, imperterrito. L’usuale caparbietà gli lampeggiò in faccia, alzò la testa e gridò: «Chiamate Fabien! Presto!» Subito dopo riportò l’attenzione sull’uomo a cui doveva tutto… tutto ciò che sapeva, tutto ciò che era. «Resistete, signore. Fabien vi curerà. Lui ci salva sempre. Salverà anche voi.»
Il ferito lo guardò con uno stentato sorriso e gli batté un colpetto affettuoso sulla mano, sillabando in affanno:
«Non stavolta, Julian. Non stavolta. Lo sai anche tu, ragazzo mio.»
― Nessun porto nella nebbia
“I may be small in size,
but inside I feel incredibly large!
I Am Sequoia, A Pinecone's Adventure
Written and Illustrated by E.P.Clanton”
but inside I feel incredibly large!
I Am Sequoia, A Pinecone's Adventure
Written and Illustrated by E.P.Clanton”
“Children don't realize how bad things are. This is their norm. They don't realize how much of their childhood is being stolen by screens. They simply have no escape. It follows them home. It follows them everywhere. The phone is always on their minds. Texts are constant, often misinterpreted, hurtful, with no visual cues. They take the place of learning how to have genuine conversations.”
“Every great adventure hunt begins with a single question: Will you rise to the challenge or let the treasure slip through your grasp?
— Victor J., SinghApour: A Thrilling Treasure Adventure for Humanity's Future”
― SINGHAPOUR: A Thrilling Treasure Adventure For Humanity's Future
— Victor J., SinghApour: A Thrilling Treasure Adventure for Humanity's Future”
― SINGHAPOUR: A Thrilling Treasure Adventure For Humanity's Future
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