Aromantic Quotes

Quotes tagged as "aromantic" Showing 1-30 of 60
Alice Oseman
“Give your friendships the magic you would give a romance. Because they're just as important. Actually, for us, they're way more important.”
Alice Oseman, Loveless

Alice Oseman
“You know why people pair up into couples? Because being a human is fucking terrifying. But it's a hell of a lot easier if you're not doing it by yourself.”
Alice Oseman, Loveless

Alice Oseman
“She's happy with who she is. Maybe it's not the heteronormative dream that she grew up wishing for, but... knowing who you are and loving yourself is so much better than that, I think.”
Alice Oseman, Loveless

Rosiee Thor
“Nowhere is it written in stone that you must love in only one way, only one person, only one time. You haven't missed your shot at love, because love isn't just one thing.”
Rosiee Thor, Fire Becomes Her

“People who don't experience love are no less valid. You fear them simply because they are immune to powers that to the common person, are irresistible, and you fear the lack of power you have over them, for if love cannot stop them, what will? You do not hurt them because they are cold hearted and immoral, you hurt them because they have the potential to be and you are afraid of what they could do once they are.”

A.M.  Strickland
“Those who tied love to sex, or even love to romance, didn’t own the emotion itself.”
A.M. Strickland, Beyond the Black Door

“back in my mid-twenties, a friend getting into a relationship could be enough to send me into a spiral of depression and anxiety, simultaneously worried I'd lose the friend and reminded that (as I thought then) I'd be forever alone.”
Eris Young, Ace Voices: What it Means to Be Asexual, Aromantic, Demi or Grey-Ace

“Romance is supposed to be great, and not being able to like anyone isn't normal, because any regular person would definitely-"
"But you feel like you don't get it. Then why should you have to do it? Why would you force yourself to do something that doesn't feel natural?”
Uta Isaki, Is Love the Answer?

Ann Zhao
“Nobody talks about breaking up with your friends. It sucks. Especially when that friend ditches you to be with whoever they think is The One.”
Ann Zhao, Dear Wendy

“Like that club from earlier. Some people appreciate that vibe and some don't. If they force people to join when they don't want to, that's harassment.

It's the same with romance.”
Uta Isaki, Is Love the Answer?

“When it comes to romance, we're told, "You'll know it when you see it" Which is fine, unless, of course, you don't.”
Eris Young, Ace Voices: What it Means to Be Asexual, Aromantic, Demi or Grey-Ace

“For many people, being alone symbolises a failure to live up to the aspirational life that society tells them they should want.”
Eris Young, Ace Voices: What it Means to Be Asexual, Aromantic, Demi or Grey-Ace

Alison Cochrun
“Why have I let the world convince me I’m not enough without romance?”
Alison Cochrun, The Charm Offensive

“I would [tell] her, or them, to be gentle with themselves. There is value in the knowing, when the knowing comes, but value in the learning too. -CD”
Eris Young, Ace Voices: What it Means to Be Asexual, Aromantic, Demi or Grey-Ace

Alice Oseman
“It would be so much easier if I had someone to just tell me what to do and who to be with and how to act and what love actually was”
Alice Oseman, Loveless

Alice Oseman
“Without having even figured out who I was and what I wanted”
Alice Oseman, Loveless

Alice Oseman
“I didn't know how to know”
Alice Oseman, Loveless

Alice Oseman
“Liking girls when you were a girl was hard. But it was beautiful too. so fucking beautiful.”
Alice Oseman, Loveless

Alice Oseman
“being a kid who knew all about sexuality from the internet but couldn't even vaguely work out what I was”
Alice Oseman, Loveless

Alice Oseman
“Why do things have to be so complicated”
Alice Oseman, Loveless

Daphne du Maurier
“Because I wouldn't lie to you,' she said. 'If I ever want anyone, I'll tell you. As it happens, I've never felt like wanting anyone up to date.”
Daphne du Maurier, Julius

Dr. Watson
“I am the trees and the flowers you step on. Iam the earth you walk on, the water you drink, the animals you kill. I am the mountains and the never-ending sea. I am here and everywhere else, now and forever. I am Everything.”
Dr. Watson, When the Spring Comes

Rosiee Thor
“Linden.” Ingrid cut through his words, letting her fingers reach through the bars as far as they would go. “I’ll always want to see you.” She smiled sadly, knowing the words were true but in a different way than they might have been once before. He was not the warmth in her cheeks or the heavy rush in her chest, he was not an embrace to come home to or even a person she really knew, but he was Linden, and she didn’t think there would come a time when she didn’t feel just a little joy to see his face.”
Rosiee Thor, Fire Becomes Her

Rick Riordan
“I don't need another person to heal my heart. I don't need a partner... at least, not until and unless I'm ready on my own terms. I don't need to be forced-shipped with anyone or wear anybody else's label. For the first time in a long time, I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.”
Rick Riordan, The Tyrant’s Tomb

K. Vale Nagle
“Even the Crackling Sea Eyrie's reeve, whose consort and interests were exclusively male, had felt the pressure to father a small flock of children. She understood that pressure. She'd never been attracted to another opinicus - the power dynamic complicated issues further - but she'd found time to lay seven eggs.”
K. Vale Nagle, Eyrie

Alice Oseman
Eu voltei para as palavras até elas parecerem reais na minha cabeça, no mínimo. Talvez elas não fossem reais na cabeça da maioria das pessoas, mas eu poderia fazer com que fossem reais para mim. Eu podia fazer a porra que eu bem entendesse.”
Alice Oseman, Loveless

Alice Oseman
“How come everyone else could function and I couldn't? How could everyone live properly yet I had some sort of error in my programming?”
Alice Oseman, Loveless

Alice Oseman
“I still couldn’t quite imagine a scenario in which I would fall for someone, but I was going to make it happen, and I was going to enjoy it”
Alice Oseman, Loveless

Ann Zhao
“And still, it's hard to find people like me. The asexual community is small enough as it is; there are fewer aromantic people and even fewer people who are both.”
Ann Zhao, Dear Wendy

Ann Zhao
“And that really made me think for the first time about how this could happen with any friend who's not also aroace. Like, my person, my closest confidant, will probably always have someone else - a romantic partner - that they're closer to.”
Ann Zhao, Dear Wendy

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