Behavioral Quotes

Quotes tagged as "behavioral" Showing 1-20 of 20
B.F. Skinner
“A person who has been punished is not thereby simply less inclined to behave in a given way; at best, he learns how to avoid punishment.”
B.F Skinner, Beyond Freedom and Dignity

“Our subconscious mind stores all our negative beliefs, complexes and behavioral patterns”
Sunday Adelaja

Steven Magee
“The USA utility power generation industry subcontracts out their dangerous jobs so that the bad statisitics will not be associated with them. Smart people avoid working for the subcontractors. I have worked directly for a number of subcontractors and overseen subcontractors and their staff were clearly sick, showing behavioral problems and overworked. In some cases they were blatantly breaking OSHA laws. OSHA covers it all up! Unfortunately, the problems can be traced back to OSHA and their wilful lack of enforcement of the law.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“When I worked in high altitude astronomy, the worst sickness that I experienced was not at the 13,796 feet very high altitude summit of Mauna Kea Observatory (MKO) in Hawaii, it was at Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO) in Arizona at the much lower altitude of 6,875 feet. Due to my very high altitude experiences, I knew that this strange sickness was not primarily caused by altitude sickness and was most likely Sick Building Syndrome (SBS). After reporting various behavioral problems in all of the staff to the management team, my contract was not renewed, I was unable to legally protect the health and safety of the workers that I was responsible for, troubleshooting of this environmental problem stopped and I left in a sickened state for my next position before I could find the root cause.”
Steven Magee

“If a person remains tranquil within a verbal dispute, he or she can easily have the ability to come to a resolution in an argument and avoid physical altercations.”
Saaif Alam

Steven Magee
“Ignore the behavioral problems in the staff or be fired.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“There are no doubts that smart phones cause behavioral issues that may lead to mental health problems later in life.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“As a manager in high altitude astronomy, if you report to the upper management team that their staff appear sick and that they are displaying behavioral problems, it was my experience that they respond by notifying you that your contract will not be renewed and that you will be terminated without notice if anyone complains about you! High altitude astronomy is a very shady industry that only functions by ignoring worker health and safety issues.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I was aware of many workers that were showing behavioral problems during my time in high altitude astronomy.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“As a manager in professional astronomy, I was keeping daily records on the abnormal behavioral problems in the staff. When the senior management team became aware of the records, they instructed me to destroy them.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“My observations of high altitude observatory workers is that they seem to have elevated levels of behavioral problems that eventually progresses into ill health, disease and premature death for some.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“It was with the benefit of hindsight that I realized the extensive behavioral issues that I had been documenting in high altitude workers was a known aspect of the biological toxicity of astronomical observatories.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“After informing the management team at Dartmouth College that I was keeping daily records of the behavioral problems I was observing in all staff that I supervised, they insisted those records be destroyed.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I was shown the door by Dartmouth College after reporting behavioral problems in all workers that I supervised!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Trying to get Dartmouth College to acknowledge the behavioral problems in all staff that I supervised got me a final warning of dismissal, when no previous warnings had been received.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“It is important for managers that are observing behavioral problems in their workers to investigate them, even if the upper management team wants to cover them up.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“When reporting behavioral problems in all staff to the upper management team, expect them to engage in a cover up at your expense.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“What I did not realize when I was reporting worker behavioral problems to the professional astronomy management team was the astronomers probably had comparable health issues.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Behavioral issues are the common sign of low level gas poisoning. The personalities can be euphoric, irritable or depressed.”
Steven Magee, Toxic Altitude

Steven Magee
“I study high altitude effects on humans. Denver International Airport (DIA) is at high altitude and I have personally witnessed behavioral problems in their staff.”
Steven Magee